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Leveraging Gitlab and DDEV Open-source tools to manage 100s of sites

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We are 1xINTERNET International team of 65 employees From all corners of the world: South America, North America, Asia and Europe Over 18 different languages Offices in Frankfurt (Headquarters), Berlin, Reykjavik and Conil de la Frontera Founded in 2013

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João Ventura ● From Faro, Portugal ● Living near Darmstadt, Germany ● Developing with Drupal since 4.7 ● Senior Back-end Developer at 1xINTERNET ● Co-organizer of Drupal Dev Days Lisbon 2018 ● In orga team of Drupal Europe ● Scuba instructor [email protected] @jcnventura

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Devops team (in 2022) ● Stefan Weber 󰎈/󰎧 (🏠: 󰎲) ● João Ventura 󰐨 (🏠: 󰎲) ● Denis Dmitriiev 󰑒 (🏠: 󰑒 -> 󰎲) ● Francisco 'Curro' Sánchez 󰎼 (🏠: 󰎼) Only 3 when this talk was first submitted. ● 1 Drupal 6 multi-site 🙈 ● Several Drupal 7 legacy projects 😎 ● A few Drupal 8 projects waiting to be migrated 💰 ● Multiple Drupal 9 projects 😊

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Objectives ● Keep our developers/project managers happy ○ Hopefully, keep clients happy as well ● Best tools to enable colleagues to focus on productive work ● Leverage project commonality ● DevOps should be invisible

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Why GitLab? Before: ● Code version: Bitbucket ● Issues: Jira ● CI: Jenkins After: ● Self-hosted community edition of GitLab Commits link to issues, which link to MRs. Webhooks allow us to use /spend to trigger time-tracking.

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Onboarding developers ● Local setup ○ Representative environment? ● docker-compose.yml in each project ○ Project switching Long setup times (~1d) Runs on my machine…

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Local development environment tools ● Lando ● DDEV (our choice) ● Docksal ● Launchpad, Lagoon, … If your company uses DDEV, please sponsor:

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DDEV use Project onboarding is fast (1-2 hours) ● git pull ● ddev start ● ddev drush sql-sync @test @self ● drush sfp-en test (custom command) Need to keep everyone at similar tool level.

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Deploying ● Hosting environments we support ○ 1xHosting ○ Acquia ○ Pantheon ○ AWS ○ … ● Drupal ○ 7 ○ 8 ○ 9 ○ … ● Environments ○ Test ○ Stage ○ Production

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Keep it simple

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Example: creating a project $ composer create-project dxp/core-composer-project ddd2022example --remove-vcs --ignore-platform-reqs --repository-url= $ cd ddd2022example $ ddev config --project-name="ddd2022example" --php-version="8.1" --mariadb-version="10.4” $ ddev get drud/ddev-elasticsearch $ mv web/sites/default/settings.local.php.example web/sites/default/settings.local.php $ pushd themes/custom/granite && ./ dev && popd $ drush site-install xi_profile -y --site-name=DDD2022 [email protected]

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Contents of the project skeleton ├ .gitignore <- ignore all files added by composer ├ .gitlab-ci.yml.example <- example of .gitlab-ci file ├── composer.json <- based on drupal/recommended-project ├── drush │ ├── Commands │ │ ├── PolicyCommands.php <- prevents sql-sync to overwrite @live │ │ └── StageFileProxyCommands.php <- drush sfp-en @test │ ├── drush.yml <- sets cache tables to structure-only, etc. │ └── sites │ └── <- example of @live @stage @test ├── phpcs.xml.dist <- PHP code standards ├── <- Instructions on skeleton use └── web └── sites └── default ├── services.yml <- sets cookie_lifetime to 0 because of persistent_login ├── services.yml.example <- example with debug on └── settings.local.php.example <- example of local settings (config_split, env indicator, etc.)

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Example project .gitlab-ci.yml (1xHosting) stages: - install - deploy include: - project: '1xinternet/gitlab-ci-common' file: 'gitlab-ci-d8.yml' composer_install: stage: install script: - composer install deploy_to_live: stage: deploy extends: .drupal8_deploy variables: env: live create_backup: "true" environment: url: only: - main

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Show and tell

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GitLab CI 💖 Composer ● GitLab provides integrated composer packagist ○ { "type": "composer", "url": ""}, ● Automatic creation of packages via CI: script: - version=$([[ -z "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" ]] && echo "branch=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" || echo "tag=$CI_COMMIT_TAG") - 'curl --header "Job-Token: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" --data $version${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/composer' ● Private repos will require read-only token in composer.json

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GitLab + Tugboat = 😍 ● Tugboat is a product by Lullabot that integrates with GitHub, Gitlab or BitBucket ● Base preview for each site using Stage File Proxy module and sanitized daily backup ● Automatic preview for each Merge Request ○ 1x Project Managers: ● Integrated Visual Regression Testing ● Custom Automatic Updates setup ○ drush pm:security ○ composer update ○ drush updb ○ drush cex -y

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Other tools ● Acquia: BLT ● Pantheon: Terminus ● Code Quality: SonarQube ● Monitoring: Zabbix ● Automation: Ansible AWX ● Visualization: Grafana ● SSH key management: Bastillion ● Knowledge management: Drupal 😎

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Thank you To our wonderful sponsors, our awesome community and fantastic volunteers! Platinum sponsors

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Thank you Gold sponsors Silver sponsors

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Questions? João Ventura [email protected] @jcnventura BTW, we’re hiring 😊

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Stay in touch #ddd2022 on Drupal slack @drupaldevdays /drupaldevdays