when two developers get really
angry at how awful a bunch of
things are, they write code
Slide 9
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Boxen is a
Slide 10
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Boxen is a
standard library
Slide 11
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Boxen is a
philosophy on how your
machine should be
Slide 12
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Boxen tries to make
installing system
configuring your machine,
and generally everything
easier and automated
Slide 13
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why should i use
Slide 14
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shipping day one
Slide 15
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It's my first day at company X.
So excited to work on $THING!
Slide 16
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Ohai new laptop! I'm gonna spend
the next like three days
configuring you in the best way I
can and hopefully I can write some
code soon
Slide 17
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Ohai new laptop! I'm gonna spend
the next like three days
configuring you in the best way I
can and hopefully I can write some
code soon
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1. open boxen-web
2. run the command
3. ship code
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constant updates
Slide 20
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"Only run this once and if anything
breaks just reformat and do it
again from scratch."
Slide 21
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"Only run this once and if anything
breaks just reformat and do it
again from scratch."
Slide 22
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Want to know how GitHub tested
ruby 1.9.3 in development?
Slide 23
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I pushed an update to Boxen.
Slide 24
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And then I sent an email and said
"Hey, this is changing, here's why,
and it'll happen the next time you
run Boxen. That's it. Easy."
Slide 25
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The next time they ran Boxen, it
installed our custom Ruby 1.9.3
build, configured their local
github.com to use it, and
everything from there just worked
Slide 26
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If you make updating hard,
people won't update.
Slide 27
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If people don't update,
you lack consistency between
development and production.
Slide 28
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If you lack consistency in
development and production,
you're going to have a bad time.
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zomg java is hella unsafe in safari
because <%= reason %>
Slide 31
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so let's send an email and maybe
people will read it and maybe they
will disable java in safari and
maybe life will go on
Slide 32
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so let's send an email and maybe
people will read it and maybe they
will disable java in safari and
maybe life will go on
Slide 33
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No content
Slide 34
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Now everyone is secure by default.
Slide 35
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repeatable process
Slide 36
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Huh. $NEWEMPLOYEE, I'm not
sure why $TOOL is acting this way
for you. I think I set it up this way
and I've never seen this before.
Slide 37
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Huh. $NEWEMPLOYEE, I'm not
sure why $TOOLtool is acting this
way for you. I think I set it up this
way and I've never seen this
Slide 38
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manual processes
are error prone
Slide 39
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human beings
are error prone
Slide 40
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are error prone as we make them
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Slide 42
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we open-sourced Boxen on friday
(5 days ago today)
Slide 43
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107 closed pull requests +
17 open pull requests
Slide 44
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198 closed issues +
43 open issues
Slide 45
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the community
is interested in seeing Boxen
Slide 46
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is interested in seeing Boxen
Slide 47
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It's not abandon-ware
Slide 48
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We use the same modules
Slide 49
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is extracted from GitHub's boxen
and kept closely in sync
Slide 50
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Slide 51
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Puppet has this thing called the
Puppet Forge
Slide 52
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It's kinda like rubygems.org
Slide 53
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but imagine now you've got 10
gems trying to be bundler that
ship the `bundle` command all
fighting with one another about
who's the best
Slide 54
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oh and random other libraries
depend on specific
implementations of that bundler-
Slide 55
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oh and random other libraries
depend on specific
implementations of that bundler-
Slide 56
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oh and random other libraries
depend on specific
implementations of that bundler-
Slide 57
Slide 57 text
Boxen shipped with about 90
modules all designed to not get in
the way
Slide 58
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you can roll your own, but we've
already made it easy for you
Slide 59
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p.s. chef has a lot of the same
problems with 3rd party tooling
too. it's not just a puppet thing.
Slide 60
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how does boxen
Slide 61
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Slide 62
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Puppet is a configuration
management tool
Slide 63
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Puppet code says
"I want my system to look like so"
Slide 64
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Running Puppet
makes sure the system looks like so
Slide 65
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Every single time
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puppet codez
Slide 68
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Slide 69
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package { 'git': }
service { 'mysqld': }
user { 'wfarr': }
exec { 'rm -rf /': }
Slide 70
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Slide 71
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cron, exec, file, host, mount,
package, service, ssh_authorized_key,
user, vlan, zfs, and way more
Facter.add("root_encrypted") do
def root_encrypted?
system "/usr/sbin/diskutil",
"> /dev/null 2>&1"
setcode do
root_encrypted? ? 'yes' : 'no'
cloned repo
nginx vhost
ruby version
postgres databases
.env file
Slide 119
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$ cd ~/src/boxen-web
$ script/server
$ open http://boxen-web.dev/
Slide 120
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personal manifests
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I want to install $X but only for me
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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp
class people::wfarr {
include minecraft
Slide 123
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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp
class people::wfarr {
include zsh
Slide 124
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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp
class people::wfarr {
case $::hostname {
'bender': {
include projects::all
'scruffy': {
include projects::octostatus
default: {}
Slide 125
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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp
class people::wfarr {
git::config::global {
'alias.st': value => 'status';
'alias.ci': value => 'commit';
'alias.co': value => 'checkout';
'alias.di': value => 'diff';
'alias.dc': value => 'diff --cached';
'alias.lp': value => 'log -p';
'color.ui': value => 'true';
'user.name': value => 'Will Farrington';
'user.email': value => 'wfarr@github.com';
Slide 126
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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp
class people::wfarr {
boxen::osx_defaults {
'fast key repeat':
ensure => present,
domain => 'NSGlobalDomain',
key => 'KeyRepeat',
value => 0,
user => $::boxen_user;
'stop showing stupid popover':
ensure => present,
domain => 'NSGlobalDomain',
key => 'ApplePressAndHoldEnabled',
value => false,
user => $::boxen_user;
Slide 127
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$ boxen
Error: ZOMG at /opt/boxen/repo/
on node scruffy.gateway.github.lan
Sorry! Creating an issue on github/