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AGENDA What are performance issues? What is causing performance issues? How to diagnose performance issues?

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What are performance issues?

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What are performance issues? They are an experience of the user

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What is this experience? The application is slow

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What is this experience? The application is unresponsive

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What is this experience? The application crashes

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What is causing these issues? The UI runs in a single proces

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What is causing these issues? JavaScript runs in a single proces

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Anything not related to application execution will pause that execution

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Garbage collection and HTML rendering will pause that execution

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Garbage collection and HTML rendering will cause performance issues

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How does garbage collection cause performance issues?

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Garbage collection is slow

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Garbage collection can take up milliseconds

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Garbage collection executes when the memory pool is exhausted

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Bad memory management causes the pool to exhaust more easily and frequently

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Avoid bad memory management, by knowing the basics

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Memory can be considered as a graph

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No content

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A node corresponds to an object or primitive

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A node is located at a distance of the root

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If all but a few objects of the same type are at the same distance, it could indicate a leak

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Nodes have a retaining path

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A node can be garbage collected if it is not reachable from the root

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Nodes have a retaining size

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Nodes have a retaining size

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Nodes have a retaining size

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A small object could retain a very large object

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A small object could have a large retained size

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Closures are a perfect example to demonstrate this

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var a = function(){ var largeString = new Array(10000).join(“x”); var smallString = “x”; return function(){ return smallString; } } The large string will be retained in memory because it is part of the outer lexical scope of the returned function

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How does HTML rendering cause performance issues?

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Rendering HTML blocks JavaScript execution

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Rendering HTML is done per frames

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The longer it takes to render a frame, the longer JavaScript execution will be blocked

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DOM interactions increase the time needed to construct the frame

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Typically, a frame renders each 16ms (~60FPS)

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If it takes longer to construct, the frame will be dropped

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Dropping frames causes jank

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Diagnosing Performance issues

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How can we diagnose performance issues with the Chrome DevTools?

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The Chrome DevTools offer different performance reporting tools

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The Chrome DevTools offer timelines

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A timeline can be used to record memory usage, #DOM nodes and #event listeners over time

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Use timeline recordings to locate leaking patterns

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The Chrome DevTools offer snapshots

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Switch between views

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Difference between yellow and red nodes?

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The object at a yellow node has a reference in JavaScript

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The object at a red node is detached, but referenced by a yellow node

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The object at a red node is detached, but retained by a yellow node

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Snapshots provide more detail about memory distribution

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Use snapshots to locate retention

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We used to profile with the 3-snapshot technique

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3-Snapshot Recipe 1. Start from a steady state 2. Take a snapshot 3. Perform action suspected of leaking 4. Take a snapshot 5. Repeat step 3 6. Take a snapshot

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We expect memory allocated between the second and first snapshot to have been garbage collected

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The Chrome DevTools offer the object allocation tracker

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The object allocation tracker combines a timeline with snapshots

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The object allocation tracker combines the best of both worlds

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Thanks to the object allocation tracker we no longer have to perform the 3-snapshot technique manually

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The Chrome DevTools offer allocation stack traces will V

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