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Evaluation of ranking model Petrie Wong

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Who am I - Machine Learning Engineer for Search and GenAI at LegalOn Technologies - Our product: Help users review their contract and identify potential risks - My job: Help our users retrieve contracts or articles - Build better ranking models for legal documents

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Process of building ranking model - Ideas (read papers) - Build a PoC model - Benchmark x 100 - On a set of static datasets - Offline evaluation x 5 - Summit queries on production dataset - Ask domain experts which model is better (baseline model or new model) - Implementation - Online evaluation - A/B testing - Multi-arm bandit, or - Reinforcement learning - …

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Cost of evaluation - Benchmark - CICD or MLOps - Few minutes to 1 hour - Offline evaluation - Web interface or Spreadsheet - Few hours to days (even a week) - Online evaluation - A/B testing - Two weeks to a month - Multi-arm bandit, or - Few weeks for exploration - Reinforcement learning - Few weeks for warming up

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Cost of evaluation - Benchmark - CICD or MLOps - Few minutes to 1 hour - Offline evaluation - Web interface or Spreadsheet - Few hours to days (even a week) - Online evaluation - A/B testing - Two weeks to a month - Multi-arm bandit, or - Few weeks for exploration - Reinforcement learning - Few weeks for warming up

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Offline evaluation - For n queries - Top k results of model A - Top k results of model B - Your colleague: - Score of model A: 5 - Score of model B: 10 - Aggregate and calculate the win rate - Model A: 50% - Tie: 10% - Model B: 40% - Model B is the new model - Go back and change the parameters

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Ask your colleague work harder!

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import openai

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No content

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LLM evaluation - Top k results of model A - Top k results of model B - LLM: - Score of model A: 5 - Score of model B: 10 - Calculate the win rate - Next step: - Integrate it into your MLOps - Repeat the evaluation 100 time with different hyper-parameters

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Pay the bill

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