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Operate PCIDSS infrastructure using devOps approch

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About Me • Gaëtan Trivino • Arrived from France a year ago • Working at cloud provider • @gaetantri

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Summary • How devOps on PCIDSS infrastructure? – Infra design – SoD • Common operations tasks – Alert is trigger • H2M interaction – Log review • security purposes (Internal / External) • Track humans mistakes • Secure coding using OWASP • Ending • Q&A

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Why devOps ? Origins of our devOps approch • Large scale infrastructure (> 200k VM) • All infrastructures are PCIDSS compliant • PCIDSS process and control so complicated • Human make more mistakes than robots • Scale robot easier to scale humans

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Never trust humans • Robots checks humans action before working • Track unexpected human operations CMDB Infrastructure configuration Robots Human

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SoD DATACENTER Infra Customer Advocates devOps R&D RUN Customer facing => Access: production => no Access: automation No customer facing: => Access: automation => no Access: production

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3AM, AN alert is trigger

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3AM, AN alert is trigger Unify alert broker • alerts code < 300 trigger automated fixes => traceability • Alerts code > 301 trigger human alerting

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3AM, AN alert is trigger ORICO PCI DSS Zone • Connect to VPN • No access to impacted infrastructure

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3AM, AN alert is trigger • Infrastructure details • Last automated operations

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3AM, AN alert is trigger • List of possible actions integrated with infrastructure context • No need to access production environment

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3AM, AN alert is trigger

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3AM, AN alert is trigger

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3AM, AN alert is trigger No access to production Access « on demand » Different access based on different roles • RO • RW • Admin

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3AM, AN alert is trigger Is PCIDSS Yes Send Token No Task scheduled Access delivered

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x1 SBG 3AM, AN alert is trigger #571

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3AM, AN alert is trigger

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3AM, AN alert is trigger

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3AM, AN alert is trigger

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x1 SBG #571 3AM, AN alert is trigger

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3AM, AN alert is trigger • Automated procedure triggered by human • Keep what we did on infrastructure traceability

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3AM, AN alert is trigger

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3AM, AN alert is trigger 2 hours later Access deleted

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x1 SBG 3AM, AN alert is trigger #571

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What’s cool ? • Easy traceability of human and automated actions • Simplify access control • Limit risks of access usurpation • Trigger automated procedures are easier to do Challenges • Code has to be efficient and secure • CI/CD

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What’s risky? • Code has to be efficient and secure • OWASP Top Ten Project 10 scenarios

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8AM Daily log review

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Daily log review

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8AM Daily log review Control Objectives Requirements Build and maintain a secure network 1.Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data 2.Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters Protect cardholder data 3.Protect stored cardholder data 4.Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks Maintain a vulnerability management program 5.Use and regularly update anti-virus software 6.Develop and maintain secure systems and applications Implement strong access control measures 7.Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to-know 8.Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access 9.Restrict physical access to cardholder data Regularly monitor and test networks 10.Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data 11.Regularly test security systems and processes Maintain an information security policy 12.Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel

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Daily log review • Loginsight

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Daily log review /var/log/* ESXi Syslog Switch Syslog Windows Event Log Log Management …

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/var/log/* ESXi Syslog Switch Syslog Windows Event Log Log Management … Daily log review

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/var/log/* ESXi Syslog Switch Syslog Windows Event Log Log Management … Daily log review

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Daily log review • Defined logs patterns • Trigger dashboard/alerting/automated operations on pattern matchs

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Daily log review • Scenario checkVcenterLoginFailed checkVcenterLoginFaile d Restricted Open

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Daily log review • Scenario checkNetworkOperations – Only automation users should manage some network configuration • authentication configuration (prevent unauthorized access) • IP/Vlan configuration (confidentiality) => Track unknown process covered by automation or potential leak of security

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Secure coding using OWASP toolbox

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OWASP • Yearly sensibilisation for all developpers and exercises (CTF) • Unit tests for regex • Sanitize all inputs • … • •

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Ending • Code production became more and more critical with the time • Secure coding • Good CI/CD process => Good releases and reduce regressions • 2 • Make process