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Developing Android App for Billions Paresh Mayani @pareshmayani

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AboutMe.apk Paresh Mayani Founder/Organizer, GDG Ahmedabad Technical Lead @ Lets Nurture Application Architect

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Emerging markets will be at the forefront of smartphone growth 80% of smartphone growth till 2019 Source : GSMA Intelligence

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2016 2018 2019 Make your app work well regardless of how people are connected 2017 2020 47% 42% 37% 33% 29% 32% 32% 33% 34% 36% 21% 26% 29% 33% 36% Source : GSMA Intelligence 3G 4G 2G Share of mobile connections worldwide 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1 Billion users will still be on 2G in 2020 1 Billion users will still be on 2G in 2020

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Tailor your app experience to variations in mobile speed and connection quality Source : State of the Internet Report, Q4 2015 (Akamai) 15 UK KOR JPN IND ARG 30 22.5 7.5 Mobile Connectivity 0 AUS CHN IDN ZAF EGY SAU BRA CHL 50% 100% 75% 25% 0% VNM VEN % Above 4Mbps AVG Mbps

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Good news: 4G is getting rolled out in India

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But but it would take some time to reach to rural areas.... Source :

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Help your users manage their data cost 3% AUS UK KOR EGY NGA 6% 4.5% 1.5% Post paid data prices (% of per capita GNI) Post paid data prices (% of per capita GNI) 0% Source : Measuring the Information Society Report 2015 (ITU) 4% 8% 6% 2% 0% HK CHN TH IDN MEX VNM IND BRA NOR HK UK NGA VNM AUS IDN BRA PHL IND EGY MEX KEN

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Active Android Users 1.4 Billion

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Developing for Billions Framework 1.Connectivity 2.Device Capability 3.Data Cost 4.Battery Consumption 5.Content 6.Commerce

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Developing for Billions Framework 1.Connectivity 2.Device Capability 3.Data Cost 4.Battery Consumption 5.Content 6.Commerce

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Prioritize traffic - text first De-duplicate network requests Adjust behavior by connection (For example, Youtube) Effective API Design (Avoid Select * ) Optimize networking

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Load and Display TEXTUAL data first Load Images asynchronously Prioritize Traffic - Text First Note: Following this would help you in making your users busy in app, and meanwhile you load the data

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Effective API Design At that moment when API developer writes “Select * from table” query and returns all the data in response

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Send only required fields and avoid unnecessary details Most of the time enemy is Select * query Can optimize APIs with “Expiry date” or “Last updated” date Effective API Design

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Optimize images Use Vector Images Serve dynamic image sizes No need to different sets of colored images, apply color filters Placeholder or low-resolution thumbnails can improve user experience

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ImageView is 120x120 and image resolution is 1024x768 Purely injustice Image should be downscaled. Use some popular libraries like Glide. They provide caching mechanism, downscaling, thumbnailing, transformations, and what not. Serve dynamic image sizes

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Load only Required size Cache Images Use Image loading libraries like Picasso, Glide, Fresco Serve dynamic image sizes

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Note: Not a performance tip but a good practice in displaying UI Picasso library provides functionality to prioritize the image loading through priority(). priority() takes one of three constants, HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW Load Images Priority wise

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Useful Offline Experience Cache Image loading library

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Because you know Internet sucks :) and Seeing “Loading…” dialog is boring Caching Data

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Make your user’s busy Important: Display whatever data you have, meanwhile fetch required data Caching Data

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Effective cache controls will dramatically reduce server load Cache data as much as possible, why? Less number of web requests => No use of network radio => Improved battery life Important: It will make user busy in reading something while loading new set of data Important: Don’t assume everyone has high speed connection in the world! Caching Data

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Useful Offline Experience Test in airplane mode

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Developing for Billions Framework 1.Connectivity 2.Device Capability 3.Data Cost 4.Battery Consumption 5.Content 6.Commerce

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Screen Sizes Test with emulator configurations Build for small & medium screens Optimize for mdpi & hdpi Test with emulator configurations

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Efficient Memory Usage Adjust footprint by available RAM ActivityManager.isLowRamDevice() ActivityManager.getMemoryClass() Avoid long-running processes

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Memory Usage Android Studio memory monitor 512MB RAM 1GB RAM 12.51MB 36.39MB

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Smart Storage Use Bounded caches Cache in getCacheDir() Allow install to SD card Measure via app settings

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Backwards Compatibility targetSdkVersion 23 minSdkVersion 15 Android Support libraries Google Play services

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1.Connectivity 2.Device Capability 3.Data Cost 4.Battery Consumption 5.Content 6.Commerce Developing for Billions Framework

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Those big and bloated Apks...

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Those big and bloated Apks... Remember everyone doesn’t have super fast network?

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Those big and bloated Apks... Remember everyone doesn’t have super fast network? Then show me ways to Reduce Apk size?

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APK Size Images are biggest offenders Reduce code size, use ProGuard Set following in build.gradle minifyEnabled=true shrinkResources=true Multi-APK as an option

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Inspect Code...

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Inspect Code... Remove unused resources Optimized code Improve performance

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Analyze Apk

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Analyze Apk

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Analyze Apk To avoid 64K referenced method limit issues with your Dex files Diagnose ProGuard configuration issues View merged AndroidManifest.xml file inspect the compiled resources file (resources.arsc) Ensure your APK contains exactly the things you expect

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Developing for Billions Framework 1.Connectivity 2.Device Capability 3.Data Cost 4.Battery Consumption 5.Content 6.Commerce

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Battery Consumption Eliminate unneeded wakeups Batch network requests Use GcmNetworkManager API

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Developing for Billions Framework 1.Connectivity 2.Device Capability 3.Data Cost 4.Battery Consumption 5.Content 6.Commerce

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Fast & Responsive UI Touch feedback everywhere UI always interactive Always target 60 fps Consider launch screens Source :

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Implementing Ripple effect Layout - Set background CardView - Set foreground

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Implementing Ripple effect TextView - selectableItemBackgroundBorderless ImageView - Use selectableItemBackgroundBorderless

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Implementing Ripple effect - Button drawable-v21/ drawable/

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Consider launch screens It’s a user’s first experience of your app Use a placeholder UI Or a branded launch screen

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UI Best Practices Adhere to Material Design Use Design Support library

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Localization Support your user’s locale User appropriate fonts (e.g. Noto)

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Developing for Billions Framework 1.Connectivity 2.Device Capability 3.Data Cost 4.Battery Consumption 5.Content 6.Commerce

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Monetization Advertisement In-App Purchase Subscription Paid App

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Local Price Sub-dollar prices available in over 18 countries Helps offer locally affordable products

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Bonus Tips

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Introduction Screens Don’t assume your app’s all users are literate Guide your users Show Important features of your app

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Prepare Wireframe/Mockups Because App Developers are not magicians...

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Prepare Wireframe/Mockups

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Don’t wait for your Users to submit Crash Reports At that moment when you users are saying app is being crashed

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You would not come to know about crashes being faced by users, until they submit voluntarily Then how to get it automatically? Use tools like Crashlytics, Firebase, Crittercism, ACRA Don’t wait for your Users to submit Crash Reports

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Use Version Control System Have developed scalable app Have proper architecture followed Use patterns => MVP / MVVM Use OkHttp, Retrofit, RxJava, RxAndroid More tips/best practices

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Building for Billions Playbook What’s Next ? Building for Billions Framework

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No Questions!

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Thank you! Paresh Mayani @pareshmayani