Slide 8
Slide 8 text
According to your strategic planning and goal
setting, you selected a type of infographic to make.
Align your content with the purpose and
overall layout of the infographic.
If you’re creating a statistical infographic, it’s
essential to outline the data and content in their
proper order and sections. Let’s look a bit deeper.
2. Plan and Create the Content
Ustrategies to make the message easy to grasp with
the least words possible. Use the KISS method and
“Keep It Simple, Stupid!”
Create an outline that matches
the infographic style.
Try to keep the word and character count even; that
way, you won't end up with a huge text box next to a
tiny one, throwing the infographic design off balance.
Create clusters from the main outline.
A spreadsheet with data is a clear indicator that you could
turn that into some type of chart. But what about
percentages, comparisons, and statistical snippets? Those
can all be visual.
Take note of where you can
add data visualizations.