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Manage microservices like a Chef

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Mathieu Acthernoene @zoontek

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Microservices are awesome ✨

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Microservices are awesome ✨ Each service is an app implementing its own business logic service database SaaS 1 SaaS 2

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Microservices are awesome ✨ Separated by concern, easier to understand what's going on auth email sms …

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Microservices are awesome ✨ They can evolve apart, deploy at different frequencies service 1 service 2 service 3 service 4 service 1 service 4 service 4

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Microservices are awesome ✨ If one breaks, you don't have to reboot everything service 1 service 3 service 4

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Microservices are awesome ✨ Scales according to the service needs, not globally CPU intensive service RAM intensive service GPU intensive service

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Microservices are awesome ✨ Each service team is free to use the right tools service using couchDB service using JavaScript service using Golang

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Just as you think you're making microservices

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You might just not

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You are not building microservices when… #

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You are not building microservices when… # Changes needs to be synced service 1 service 1 change service 2

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Deploys needs to be synced You are not building microservices when… # service 1 service 1 deploy service 2

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The same developers work across a large number of them service 1 Kévin Sylvie Amine You are not building microservices when… # service 2 Kévin Luc Clarisse service 3 Kévin Zhang Nicolas

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They share a datastore You are not building microservices when… # service 1 database service 2

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They share a lot of the same code / models You are not building microservices when… # service 1 type User {} service 2 type User {} service 3 type User {}

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You just created a distributed monolith crypto REST logging REST email REST sms REST storage REST billing REST

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Managing microservices is like managing a restaurant

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waiter REST sous-chef REST pastry chef REST wine waiter REST washer REST chef REST

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How does a restaurant manage services?

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The “simple” gateway solution crypto REST logging REST email REST sms REST storage REST billing REST gateway REST

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One interlocutor passing messages to the right services

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The REST / JSON gateway issues ⚠ If a first API is RESTful, the twelfth iteration is RESTish service API v1 ✨ service API v3 … service API v9 …

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Latency caused by serialization / deserialization service 1 service 2 API gateway decode JSON understand message create message encode JSON The REST / JSON gateway issues ⚠

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You embed your model schemas in every messages { "login": "octocat", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", … The REST / JSON gateway issues ⚠

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As a service owner, you have to wait for a complete implementation of another one to start using it service 1 is finished & deployed the API gateway implements service 1 service 2 starts implementing its usage of service 1 The REST / JSON gateway issues ⚠

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As JSON types are basic (JavaScript interop…), a documentation is mandatory The REST / JSON gateway issues ⚠

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How does a restaurant manage communication?

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People working in the kitchen don't necessarily have the same mother tongue

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They don't force their coworkers to use their language

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Protobuf ↔

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Protobuf ↔ Created by, and for Google in 2001

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A binary format for typed exchanges Protobuf ↔

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Protobuf ↔ Generate clients for C++, Java, Python, Go, Ruby, C#, JS, ObjC, PHP, Dart…

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Offers backward compatibility for free Protobuf ↔

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Offers a JSON mapping Protobuf ↔

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Tooling and linters are available Protobuf ↔

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Allows RPC methods definition Protobuf ↔

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How to write a .proto file

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syntax = "proto3";

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package storage;

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import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto";

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option java_package = "";

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message Bucket { enum Attributes { LAZY = 0; DELUXE = 1; } string id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; repeated Attributes attributes = 3; int32 old_field = 4 [deprecated=true]; }

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service Storage { rpc ListBuckets(ListBucketsRequest) returns (stream Bucket) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/buckets" }; } rpc GetBucket(GetBucketRequest) returns (Bucket) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/buckets/{id}" }; } } message ListBucketsRequest { string user_id = 1; } message GetBucketRequest { string id = 1; }

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syntax = "proto3"; package storage; option java_package = ""; service Storage { rpc ListBuckets(ListBucketsRequest) returns (stream Bucket) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/buckets" }; } rpc GetBucket(GetBucketRequest) returns (Bucket) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/buckets/{id}" }; } } message Bucket { enum Attributes { LAZY = 0; DELUXE = 1; } string id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; repeated Attributes attributes = 3; int32 old_field = 4 [deprecated=true]; } message ListBucketsRequest { string user_id = 1; } message GetBucketRequest { string id = 1; }

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I get Protobuf, but what is gRPC ? HTTP/2 clients for Protobuf messages transport

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Unaries, uni- and bi-directional streams I get Protobuf, but what is gRPC ?

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Blocking & Non-Blocking messages I get Protobuf, but what is gRPC ?

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Authentification (per call, and TLS for trusted services) I get Protobuf, but what is gRPC ?

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Cancellation and timeout handling I get Protobuf, but what is gRPC ?

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Smart retries with backoff I get Protobuf, but what is gRPC ?

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Error handling with standardized status codes I get Protobuf, but what is gRPC ?

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Lameducking for graceful shutdowns I get Protobuf, but what is gRPC ?

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A huge ecosystem

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A huge ecosystem Used by Google, Lyft, Uber, Square, Netflix, CoreOS, Docker, Cockroachdb, Cisco, Juniper Networks…

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A huge ecosystem Supported by nginx, kubernetes, envoy, etcd, istio…

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A huge ecosystem A lot of middlewares available

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A huge ecosystem A HTTP+JSON interface available

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A new service is created protos monorepo crypto gRPC logging gRPC email gRPC sms gRPC storage gRPC billing gRPC service discovery ML gRPC

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And for the front-end?

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How does a restaurant expose services to a client?

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A request example (

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dashboard CLI API gateway mobile app GraphQL adapter protos monorepo crypto gRPC gRPC logging gRPC email gRPC sms gRPC storage gRPC billing gRPC service discovery gRPC REST

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Keep in mind that there's no silver bullet

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This technologies allow you to create a factory of products / services

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Thank you! Questions?