Decentralizing the Web
with JavaScript
! "
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Nacho Anaya
• JavaScript Engineer @BloqInc
• Ambassador @Auth0
• Organizer @Vuenos_Aires
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Boring Part
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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! "
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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! ↔ # ↔
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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') // d2d4e9ddd66e9ce4ee288aea24a345de
') // 23622db6154ea91d793647c9bd990824
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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const genesisBlock = hash(null, data, metaData)
const currentBlock = hash(genesisBlock, data, metaData)
/* ... */
const newBlock = hash(prevBlock, data, metaData)
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Smart Contracts
“A set of promises, specified in digital form,
including protocols within which the parties
perform on these promises…” !" Nick Szabo
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Smart Contracts
“A piece of code that runs in the blockchain!!"”
!# Everyone else
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Uses Cases
Assets Exchange - Chain Control - Data Ownership
- Trust funds - Network Democracy
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Life Cycle
Deploy Interact
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Keys & Address
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Confirmation New Block
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Cool Projects
Aragon - IPFS - Cryptokities - Golem - GitCoin -
Decentraland - Open Bazaar - Bank Fish
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Why DApps?
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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"People want to have a web
they can trust. People
want apps that help them
do what they want without
spying on them." !" Tim
Bernes Lee
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Web 3.0
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Funny Part
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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• geth
• parity
• ganache-cli
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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• Main
• Test (Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby)
• Private
• Local
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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$ npm i -g ganache-cli
$ ganache-cli # starts a local node with HTTP provider
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract HelloCoin {
mapping (address => uint) public balance;
function mint (address receiver, uint amount) public returns(uint) {
balance[receiver] += amount;
return balance[receiver];
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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$ npm i -g truffle
$ truffle init # inits a new truffle project
$ truffle compile # compile contracts and generate ABI
$ truffle test # run test cases
$ truffle migrate # deploy/migrate contracts to the blockchain
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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import Web3, { providers } from 'web3'
const provider = new providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545')
const web3 = new Web3(provider)
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Truffle Contracts
import { providers } from 'web3'
import contract from 'truffle-contract'
import abi from './Contratc.json'
const provider = new providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545')
const MyContract = contract(abi)
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Take Away
Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89
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Decentralizing the Web with JavaScript - @ianaya89