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Distributed Tracing and Monitoring with OpenTelemetry Simon Zeltser @simon_zeltser

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Software Evolution @simon_zeltser On Prem Cloud Virtual Machines Containers Monolith Microservices Single Language / Stack Polyglot Single Cloud Multiple Cloud Providers / Hybrid Containers Cloud Functions / Serverless

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New architectures => new challenges Debugging Observability Standardizing development practices Deployment / Packaging Configuration Management Secrets management @simon_zeltser

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Who Am I Software Engineer at Cloud Developer Experience - Infrastructure and Operations Tools Over a decade in distributed systems observability @simon_zeltser

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What is Observability? Being able to debug the system and gain insights into the system’s behavior @simon_zeltser

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Observability > Monitoring @simon_zeltser Venn diagram by Cindy Sridharan

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Signals Holistic Approach: - Distributed Tracing - Metrics Collection - Continuous system profiling - Capturing Logs @simon_zeltser

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Ultimate Recipe for reliable cloud service Track System Health Capture traces, metrics and logs, create alerts on data Detect Problems Locality, networking, scheduling, dependencies Fix & Refine Optimize performance and cost of services Observability Lifecycle @simon_zeltser

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Observability in Distributed Systems Hard and Expensive: ● Context propagation between components ● Multiple environments ● External dependencies ● Vendor Lock-in ● Cost @simon_zeltser Architecture from Hipstershop Demo App

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Meet OpenTelemetry! @simon_zeltser OpenTelemetry is integrated set of APIs and libraries to generate, collect and describe telemetry in distributed systems Problems OpenTelemetry solves: - Vendor neutrality for tracing, monitoring and logging APIs - Context propagation

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OpenTelemetry is: ● Single set of APIs for tracing and metrics collection ● Integrations with popular web, RPC and storage frameworks ● Standardized Context Propagation ● Exporters for sending data to backend of choice ● Collector for smart traces & metrics aggregation @simon_zeltser

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Next major version of the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects + =

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Roadmap Announcement: Roadmap:

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Who is behind OpenTelemetry? @simon_zeltser Core Contributors

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Metrics with OpenTelemetry

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Instrumentation with metrics View Measurement Tag Measure Aggregation View Data @simon_zeltser

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Demo Getting Started - Metrics collection with OpenTelemetry Demo coDE: @simon_zeltser

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Tracing with OpenTelemetry Demo coDE: @simon_zeltser

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Tracing with OpenTelemetry - the options Agentless Using Agent Exporter Trace Backend Container/VM Application Agent Trace Backend Container/VM HTTP IN HTTP IN Traces Application Initialize exporter in app code Install the agent alongside the app @simon_zeltser

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Tracing with OpenTelemetry - Terminology @simon_zeltser Trace - a collection of spans Span - a single operation in a trace Sampler - decide whether to export a span Exporter - sending traces to observability systems

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Configure Exporter // Configure exporter to export traces to Zipkin var exporter = new ZipkinTraceExporter( new ZipkinTraceExporterOptions() { Endpoint = new Uri(zipkinUri), ServiceName = "tracing-to-zipkin-service", }, Tracing.ExportComponent); exporter.Start(); @simon_zeltser

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Configure Sampler // 100% sample rate, otherwise, few traces will be sampled. ITraceConfig traceConfig = Tracing.TraceConfig; ITraceParams currentConfig = traceConfig.ActiveTraceParams; var newConfig = currentConfig.ToBuilder() .SetSampler(Samplers.AlwaysSample) .Build(); traceConfig.UpdateActiveTraceParams(newConfig); @simon_zeltser

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Using the Tracer // 3. Tracer is global singleton. // You can register it via dependency injection if it exists // but if not - you can use it as follows: var tracer = Tracing.Tracer; @simon_zeltser

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Create a Span // Create a scoped span - only covers “using” block using (var scope = tracer.SpanBuilder("Main").StartScopedSpan()) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { DoWork(i); } } @simon_zeltser

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Trace Context Propagation Frontend AdService Checkout Payment Service EmailService {context} {context} {context} {context} Common scenarios ● A/B testing TraceId=>{context} Frontend AdService Checkout Payment Email time Trace Span

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Trace Context Propagation in OpenTelemetry W3C Standard for Context Propagation FORMAT: trace-id "-" parent-id "-" trace-flags trace-id = 32HEXDIG ; 16 bytes array identifier. All zeroes forbidden parent-id = 16HEXDIG ; 8 bytes array identifier. All zeroes forbidden trace-flags = 2HEXDIG ; 8 bit flags. Currently only one bit is used (“recorded”) Supported in all OpenCensus client libraries, will be supported in OpenTelemetry @simon_zeltser

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OpenCensus Service WHAT? ● Agent & Collector for metrics and traces WHY? ● Smart Sampling ● Export to one or more monitoring/tracing backends OC Service Repo .NET Core OC Agent Repo OpenCensus Tracing Library OpenCensus Monitoring Library Jaeger Zipkin Stackdriver Prometheus AppInsights OpenCensus Agent OpenCensus Collector OpenCensus Service BE Destinations @simon_zeltser

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Traces & Sampling Problem: Traced apps can generate many traces with many spans ● Higher operational costs ● Noise @simon_zeltser Solution: Smart Sampling ● Head-based (sampled at the beginning of the trace) ● Tail-based (sampled at the end of the trace)

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DEMO Tail-based sampling Demo coDE @simon_zeltser

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Architecture @simon_zeltser Synthetic Load Generator simulates traffic to Hipster Shop Demo App Checkout Synthetic Load Generator OpenCensus Service (Collector) Jaeger 1 Jaeger 2 Cassandra Cassandra Hipster Shop App Browse Jaeger 1 - head based sampling Jaeger 2 - tail based sampling Demo repo

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Integrations OpenCensus and OpenTracing are integrated with a wide variety of frameworks, products and libraries. It provides observability for the following: ● Redis ● Memcached ● Google Cloud ● Dropwizard ● SQL ● Caddy ● Go kit ● GroupCache ● MongoDB @simon_zeltser

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Community OpenTelemetry Website: Specifications: Meetings: @simon_zeltser

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Thank you! @simon_zeltser CONTACT ME: Slides: Sample Code:

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