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Let's talk about Fakes Let's talk about all the good things And the bad things that may be

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Making Faces • Face Synthesis
 from nothing to face • Facial Attributes 
 modify age, gender, add glasses change hairstyle or color • Face Swap
 use the body and background of target, face of source • Facial Expression Transfer
 transfer only the expression or modify expression to match an impersonator or an audio track (reenactment)

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Face Synthesis

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Facial Attributes

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Face Off (1997)

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Nicolas Cage Everywhere

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Reenactment Cafe 80s, Hill Valley, USA, (October 21, 2015)

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Jordan Peele (2018)

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Face2Face (2016)

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RGB-D tracking

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FaceSwapGAN (2018)

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FaceShifter (Dec 2019)

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How to Spot a Fake

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uneven skin tone artifacts in hair says strange things warped edges How to Spot a Fake obstruction glitches

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That was a real photo.

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uneven skin tone artifacts in hair says strange things warped edges How to Spot a Fake obstruction glitches

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Why this is important

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We are hardwired to react to faces.

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Especially to moving faces. 
 Even more so, emotional.

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We have a tendency to fall for and spread shocking images.

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We react to images that speak to our tribal instincts or align with our political world view

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No matter how we try, how many tools we create to detect fakes, we WILL BE AFFECTED...

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...the question is: HOW?

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