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In Rust We Trust Alex Burkhart - @saterus

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Rust = [Haskell, C++, Python].max()

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"The goal is to design and implement a safe, concurrent, practical, static systems language." — Rust Project FAQ

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Gradually Replace C++

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"Rust keeps the C abstract machine model but innovates on the language interface." — Raphael Poss, Rust for Functional Programmers

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No Runtime

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No Garbage Collector

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Zero Cost Abstractions

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Better Programmer Interface

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Immutability by Default fn main() { let x = 0; x = 1; // => error: // re-assignment of immutable variable `x` let mut y = -10; y = 20; // => ok! }

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Type Inference fn double(n: u32) -> u32 { n * n } fn main() { let x = 500; let y = double(250); let z = x + y; }

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Enums enum Coffee { Hot(u8), // temp F Iced(bool), // still has ice Instant, } fn main() { let first_cup: Coffee = Coffee::Iced(true); let second_cup: Coffee = Coffee::Hot(212); println!("Drink {:?} then {:?}.", first_cup, second_cup); }

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Destructuring fn drinkable(cup: Coffee) -> bool { match cup { Coffee::Hot(120...150) => true, Coffee::Iced(x) => x, _ => false, } }

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Traits impl Eq for String { /* details omitted */ } impl Hash for String { /* details omitted */ } impl MyHashMap where K: Eq + Hash { // details omitted } fn main() { let map: MyHashMap = MyHashMap::new(); // compiles! } // note: not quite the std lib implementations...

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Iterators & Closures fn main() { let squares = (0..10).map(|n| n * n); for i in squares { println!("{:?}", i); } }

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Hygenic Macros fn main() { let v1 = vec![1,2,3]; // vec![] expands into: let mut v2 = Vec::with_capacity(3); v2.push(1); v2.push(2); v2.push(3); }

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Testing /// double will do the obvious. ex: /// ``` /// assert_eq!(double(2), 4); /// ``` fn double(n: u32) -> u32 { n * 2 } #[test] fn double_zero_is_zero() { assert_eq!(0, double(0)); }

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Module System // in project_a/src/traffic/ mod traffic { pub enum Color { Red, Yellow, Green }; } // in project_b/src/ extern crate project_a; use traffic::Color; fn main() { let stoplight = Color::Red; println!("Imported a {:?} stoplight!", stoplight); }

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Package Management

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Remarkable Error Messages fn main() { let coffee = Box::new(Coffee::Hot(85)); let dupped = coffee.clone(); } :18:25: 18:32 error: type `Box` does not implement any method in scope named `clone` :18 let dupped = coffee.clone(); ^~~~~~~ :18:25: 18:32 help: methods from traits can only be called if the trait is implemented and in scope; the following trait defines a method `clone`, perhaps you need to implement it: :18:25: 18:32 help: candidate #1: `core::clone::Clone`

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Wonderful Community

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What is in Rust?

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What is Not in Rust?

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No Null

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No Implicit Type Conversion

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No Exceptions

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No Inheritance

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No Function Overloading

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No Laziness

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No Higher Kinded Types

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No Strict Purity

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No Garbage Collector

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No Manual Memory Management

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Manual Memory Management • Pointer Arithmetic • Null Pointers • Double Frees • Never Frees • Dangling Pointers

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Unsafety = Memory Unsafety • Accessing Uninitialized Data • Writing Invalid Data • Breaking Aliasing Rules • Data Races • Calling Foreign Functions

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Human Still Required • Rc Cycles -> Leaks • Deadlocks • I/O • Int Overflow

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Memory Management Stategies

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Manual Memory Management

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Garbage Collection

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Automatic Reference Counting

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Ownership Rules Summary 1. Single Owner 2. Mutability Requires Exclusivity 3. Sharing Requires Immutability

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Single Responsible Owner fn main() { // allocate some memory let stoplight = Color::Red; // access value of stoplight println!("the value of stoplight: {:?}", stoplight); // owner `stoplight` falls out of scope // owner drops its property }

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Ownership is a Tree fn main() { let mut drink_caddie = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..4 { drink_caddie.push(Coffee::Hot(212)); } println!("all the coffee: {:?}", drink_caddie); // owner `coffee` falls out of scope // owner drops its property // drop the Vec --> drop each Coffee --> drop the u8 }

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Mutability fn main() { let mut coffee = Box::new(Coffee::Hot(85)); *coffee = Coffee::Hot(212); println!("the value of coffee: {:?}", coffee); }

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Ownership Transfer fn main() { let coffee_shop = Box::new(Coffee::Hot(85)); let customer = coffee_shop; println!("the value of customer: {:?}", customer); println!("the value of coffee_shop: {:?}", coffee_shop); // => error! use of moved value `coffee_shop`! }

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Borrowing fn main() { let showing = BluRay::Disc; let friend_a = &showing; let friend_b = &showing; println!("hooray! everyone can share! {:?}", showing); println!("hooray! everyone can share! {:?}", friend_a); println!("hooray! everyone can share! {:?}", friend_b); }

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Aliasing & Mutability: Pick One fn reheat(cup: &mut Coffee) { /* snip */ } fn main() { let mut coffee = Box::new(Coffee::Hot(85)); reheat(&mut coffee); println!("coffee temp: {:?}", coffee); // => coffee temp: Hot(180) }

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Safe Abstractions • Vec • LinkedList • Rc • Arc

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Concurrency Building Blocks

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Data Race 1. 2+ threads accessing the same data 2. at least 1 is unsynchronized 3. at least 1 is writing

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Shared Nothing fn main() { let (tx, rx) = channel(); for task_num in 0..8 { let tx = tx.clone(); Thread::spawn(move || { let msg = format!("Task {:?} done!", task_num); tx.send(msg).unwrap(); }).detach(); } for data in rx.iter() { println!("{:?}", data); } }

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Shared Immutable Memory fn main() { let (tx, rx) = channel(); let huge_struct = HugeStruct::new(); let arc = Arc::new(huge_struct); for task_num in 0..8 { let tx = tx.clone(); let arc = arc.clone(); Thread::spawn(move || { let msg = format!("Task {:?}: Accessed {:?}", task_num, arc.huge_name); tx.send(msg).unwrap(); }).detach(); } for data in rx.iter() { println!("{:?}", data); // 10x => Task N: Accessed I'M HUGE } }

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Mutation with Synchronization fn main() { let (tx, rx) = channel(); let huge_struct = HugeStruct::new(); let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(huge_struct)); for task_num in 0..8 { let tx = tx.clone(); let arc = arc.clone(); Thread::spawn(move || { let mut guard = arc.lock().unwrap(); guard.access_count += 1; let msg = format!("Task {:?}: Accessed Count {:?}", task_num, guard.access_count); tx.send(msg).unwrap(); // drop the arc -> drop the guard -> unlock the mutex }).detach(); } for data in rx.iter() { println!("{:?}", data); // 10x => Task N: Accessed Count: M } }

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When to Use Rust?

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CPU Bound

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I/O Bound

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Low Latency

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Memory Constrained

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Requires Portability

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High Security

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High Reliability

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Great Software

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Big News: 1.0

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Rust 1.0

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Rust at LambdaConf An Introduction to Rust: Or, "Who Got Types in My Systems Programming!" Jared Roesch 11am-1pm Sunday

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Columbus Rust Society @columbusrust

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Mutually Human

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Thanks! Alex Burkhart @saterus