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Pete Hodgson OSCON Aus1n 2017 FEATURE TOGGLES a journey into

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@ph1 #oscon Let me
 tell you
 a story

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@ph1 #oscon Boy, that merge conflict we ran into sure was painful “

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@ph1 #oscon master ! Sam's feature branch Jesse’s feature branch merge bomb based on:

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@ph1 #oscon avoiding the
 merge bombs

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@ph1 #oscon Product Details Buy Related Products

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@ph1 #oscon function relatedProducts(product){ // current implementation lives here }

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@ph1 #oscon function old_relatedProducts(product){ // current implementation lives here } function new_relatedProducts(product){ // TODO: write a better // related products algorithm }

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@ph1 #oscon function relatedProducts(product){ var useNewAlgorithm = false; if( useNewAlgorithm ){ return new_relatedProducts(product); }else{ return old_relatedProducts(product); } } function old_relatedProducts(product){ // current implementation lives here } function new_relatedProducts(product){ // TODO: write a better // related products algorithm }

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@ph1 #oscon exis1ng implementa1on client

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@ph1 #oscon exis1ng implementa1on new implementa1on client

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@ph1 #oscon exis1ng implementa1on client half-finished new implementa1on

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@ph1 #oscon exis1ng implementa1on client half-finished new implementa1on

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@ph1 #oscon exis1ng implementa1on client half-finished new implementa1on

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@ph1 #oscon exis1ng implementa1on client half-finished new implementa1on

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@ph1 #oscon function relatedProducts(product){ var useNewAlgorithm = false; if( useNewAlgorithm ){ return new_relatedProducts(product); }else{ return old_relatedProducts(product); } } function old_relatedProducts(product){ // current implementation lives here } function new_relatedProducts(product){ // TODO: write a better // related products algorithm }

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@ph1 #oscon function relatedProducts(product){ var useNewAlgorithm = false; if( useNewAlgorithm ){ return new_relatedProducts(product); }else{ return old_relatedProducts(product); } } function old_relatedProducts(product){ // current implementation lives here } function new_relatedProducts(product){ // TODO: write a better // related products algorithm } true;

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@ph1 #oscon let’s get dynamic

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@ph1 #oscon function relatedProducts(product){ var useNewAlgorithm = false; if( useNewAlgorithm ){ return new_relatedProducts(product); }else{ return old_relatedProducts(product); } }

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@ph1 #oscon function relatedProducts(product){ if( featureEnabled(“use-new-related-products-algo”) ){ return new_relatedProducts(product); }else{ return old_relatedProducts(product); } }

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@ph1 #oscon exis1ng implementa1on new implementa1on client

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@ph1 #oscon exis1ng implementa1on new implementa1on client

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@ph1 #oscon FEATURE TOGGLES a journey into

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@ph1 #oscon decoupling deployment from release

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@ph1 #oscon it starts with
 merge conflicts

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@ph1 #oscon back to
 the story...

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@ph1 #oscon Canary
 Releases A/B Tests Kill Switches Beta Testers Premium

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@ph1 #oscon 1me out!

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@ph1 #oscon you keep using that word…

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@ph1 #oscon choosing code paths at runLme

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@ph1 #oscon client

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@ph1 #oscon client

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@ph1 #oscon treat different toggles differently

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@ph1 #oscon Ops Toggles Permission Toggles Release Toggles Experiment Toggles

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@ph1 #oscon longevity release toggles
 are around for days permissions toggles
 are around for years

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@ph1 #oscon dynamism release toggles
 vary per deployment experiment toggles
 vary per request

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@ph1 #oscon ownership release toggles ops toggles permission toggles experiment toggles owned by devs owned by ops owned by product

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@ph1 #oscon toggle longevity

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@ph1 #oscon function relatedProducts(product){ if( featureEnabled(“use-new-related-products-algo”) ){ return new_relatedProducts(product); }else{ return old_relatedProducts(product); } }

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@ph1 #oscon if( featureEnabled(“use-new-related-products-algo”) ){ // do X }else{ // do Y } if( featureEnabled(“use-new-related-products-algo”) ){ // do X }else{ // do Y } if( featureEnabled(“use-new-related-products-algo”) ){ // do X }else{ // do Y } if( featureEnabled(“use-new-related-products-algo”) ){ // do X }else{ // do Y }

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@ph1 #oscon toggle dynamism

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@ph1 #oscon Product Details Buy Related Products

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@ph1 #oscon Product Details BUY!

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@ph1 #oscon function renderProductDetailsPage(){ if( featureEnabled(“show-related-products”) ){ renderProductDetailsSection({renderBuyButton:true}); renderRelatedProductSection(); }else{ renderProductDetailsSection({renderBuyButton:false}); renderReallyBigBuyButton(); } }

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@ph1 #oscon function renderProductDetailsPage(){ if( featureEnabled(“show-related-products”) ){ renderProductDetailsSection({renderBuyButton:true}); renderRelatedProductSection(); }else{ renderProductDetailsSection({renderBuyButton:false}); renderReallyBigBuyButton(); } } function renderProductDetailsPage(){ if( featureEnabled(“show-related-products”,request) ){ renderProductDetailsSection({renderBuyButton:true}); renderRelatedProductSection(); }else{ renderProductDetailsSection({renderBuyButton:false}); renderReallyBigBuyButton(); } }

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@ph1 #oscon toggle configuraLon sta1c dynamic

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@ph1 #oscon toggle configuraLon Hard-coded
 in source config baked
 into deployment parameterized
 config config in
 the app DB distributed config
 (e.g. Consul, ZooKeeper) sta1c dynamic

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@ph1 #oscon ? sta1c dynamic

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@ph1 #oscon make toggle
 configuraLon observable

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@ph1 #oscon allow overriding configuraLon for tesLng

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@ph1 #oscon advice from the trenches

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@ph1 #oscon toggles aren’t free

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@ph1 #oscon tesLng toggled code
 isn’t easy

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@ph1 #oscon toggles help you 
 go faster

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FEATURE TOGGLES your journey into @ph1 #oscon

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@ph1 #oscon @ph1 thanks!