The Modern Web
Developer’s Toolkit
Rob Sanchez
Web Developer
TOKY Branding + Design
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The Command-line
• A succinct way of solving complicated (and
often annoying) problems
• If you are into keyboard shortcuts--you
should embrace the CLI
• GUIs can obscure problems and be harder
to debug
Running Grunt
• grunt - run the default task
• grunt concat - run the concat task
• grunt compass:development - run
the compass development sub-task
• grunt watch - run the watch task
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Grunt JSHint
• lint your code (aka check for syntax errors)
• npm install grunt-contrib-
jshint --save-dev
• add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-
contrib-jshint'); to your Gruntfile
Grunt Concat
• combine files into one
• npm install grunt-contrib-
concat --save-dev
• add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-
contrib-concat'); to your Gruntfile