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The Modern Web Developer’s Toolkit Rob Sanchez Web Developer TOKY Branding + Design

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The Command-line • A succinct way of solving complicated (and often annoying) problems • If you are into keyboard shortcuts--you should embrace the CLI • GUIs can obscure problems and be harder to debug

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Key Advantages • Automation • Portability • Standardization • Efficiency

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Automation • Reduce repetitive tasks • Make fewer omissions • Spend more time coding/designing

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Portability • Multi-environment server-side configuration • Set up a local development environment as quickly as possible • Dependency management

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Standardization • Working in teams • Flow from one project to the next • Reduce the pain of turnover • Keep a boilerplate repo

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Efficiency • Reduce time getting reoriented • Reduce time starting up a project

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Skipping to the end git clone [email protected]/rsanchez/foo cd foo bundle install npm install grunt watch

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Package/Dependency Management • bundler/gems, npm, composer, bower • Gemfile, package.json, composer.json, etc. • config ALL the things!!!

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Homebrew • • Package management for Mac • brew install

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.profile • Located in your home directory, eg. /Users/ yourname/ • shell script that gets executed every time you open a terminal • $PATH

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Installing Node.js and NPM • brew install node • add node path to your .profile • export PATH="$PATH:/usr/ local/share/npm/bin"

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Installing Ruby & bundler • brew install ruby (or don’t) • gem install bundler (might need sudo) •export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ ruby/bin:$PATH"

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Reducing asset size and # of HTTP requests • minification • concatenation • image optimization

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Starting a new project • bundle init - (generate a Gemfile) • npm init - (generate a package.json file) • compass init - (generate a config.rb file)

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SASS • Ruby-based CSS preprocessor • add gem 'sass' to your Gemfile • bundle install

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SASS Concatenation

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SASS Mixins @mixin opacity($opacity) { -webkit-opacity: $opacity; -moz-opacity: $opacity; opacity: $opacity; }

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SASS Variables $red: #990000; p { color: $red; }

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SASS Nesting nav { width: 100%; ul { list-style: none; li { display: inline-block; } } }

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Compass • SASS extension • CSS3, typography, image mgmt. • add gem 'compass' to your Gemfile

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Compass Inline Images .header { background-image: inline-image("texture.jpg"); background-repeat: repeat; }

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Compass Image Dimensions .block { background: url(../images/block-bg.png); width: image-width("block-bg.png"); height: image-height("block-bg.png"); }

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Compass CSS3 Vendor Prefixing .callout { @include transition(all 0.3s linear); @include opacity(0.8); &:hover { @include opacity(1); } }

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Compass Sprites @import "icon/*.png"; @include all-icon-sprites; ul { li { @include icon-sprite("arrow"); } }

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Compass rgbapng plugin • add gem 'rgbapng' to your Gemfile • add require 'rgbapng' to your config.rb

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Compass rgbapng plugin .sidebar { @include rgba-background-inline(rgba(#555, 0.7)); }

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Compass on the command-line • compass init - create a config.rb file • compass compile - compile to CSS • compass watch - watch for file changes & compile

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Grunt • task runner / build tool • concat/minify JS • optimize images • run sass/compass • watch for file changes + livereload

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Installing Grunt • npm install -g grunt-cli (install globally) • npm install grunt --save-dev (install locally, add to package.json)

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ concat: { all: { src: [ '_src/js/plugins/*.js', '_src/js/modules/*.js', '_src/js/templates/*.js', '_src/js/site.js' ], dest: 'assets/js/site.js' } },

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Gruntfile.js uglify: { all: { src: 'assets/js/site.js', dest: 'assets/js/site.js' } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'concat', 'uglify']); };

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Running Grunt • grunt - run the default task • grunt concat - run the concat task • grunt compass:development - run the compass development sub-task • grunt watch - run the watch task

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Grunt JSHint • lint your code (aka check for syntax errors) • npm install grunt-contrib- jshint --save-dev • add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt- contrib-jshint'); to your Gruntfile

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Grunt JSHint grunt.initConfig({ jshint: { all: [ 'Gruntfile.js', '_src/js/modules/*.js', '_src/js/templates/*.js', '_src/js/site.js' ] } });

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Grunt Concat • combine files into one • npm install grunt-contrib- concat --save-dev • add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt- contrib-concat'); to your Gruntfile

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Grunt Concat grunt.initConfig({ concat: { all: { src: [ '_src/js/plugins/*.js', '_src/js/modules/*.js', '_src/js/site.js' ], dest: 'assets/js/site.js' } } });

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Grunt Uglify • compress/minify your JS • npm install grunt-contrib- uglify --save-dev • add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt- contrib-uglify'); to your Gruntfile

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Grunt Uglify grunt.initConfig({ uglify: { all: { src: 'assets/js/site.js', dest: 'assets/js/site.js' } } });

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Grunt Imagemin • optimize your raster graphics • npm install grunt-contrib- imagemin --save-dev • add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt- contrib-imagemin'); to your Gruntfile

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grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { all: { options: { optimizationLevel: 4 }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'assets/images/', src: ['*.png', '*.jpg', '*.jpeg'], dest: 'assets/images/' }] } } });

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Grunt Compass • compile your SASS/Compass with grunt • npm install grunt-contrib- compass --save-dev • add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt- contrib-compass'); to your Gruntfile

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grunt.initConfig({ compass: { options: { require: ['rgbapng'], httpPath: '/', cssDir: 'assets/css', sassDir: '_src/sass', imagesDir: 'assets/images', javascriptsDir: '_src/js', outputStyle: 'compressed', noLineComments: true } } });

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Grunt Watch • knowledgebase/articles/86242 • watch for file changes + livereload • npm install grunt-contrib- watch --save-dev • add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt- contrib-watch'); to your Gruntfile

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grunt.initConfig({ watch: { options: { livereload: true }, compass: { files: [ '_src/sass/**/*.{sass,scss}', '_src/sprites/**/*.png'], tasks: ['compass'] }, js: { files: ['_src/js/**/*.js'], tasks: ['jshint', 'concat'] },

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html: { files: ['*.php', '*.html'] }, imagemin: { files: [ 'images/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}' ], tasks: ['imagemin'] } } });

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Other Grunt plugins • grunt-grunticon • grunt-webfont • grunt-imagemagick • grunt-svgmin • grunt-contrib-qunit, grunt-contrib-nodeunit

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Thank you! • @_rsan • • [email protected]