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Abusing Insecure WCF Endpoints

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# whoami • Fabius Watson (@FabiusArtrel) • Security Research Manager @VerSprite • Interested in reverse engineering, vulnerability research, exploit development, and post-exploitation tactics. • Former SOC Analyst • Super 1337 #certified h4x0r OSCP, OSCE, GXPN

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Agenda • High-level overview of WCF architecture • Exploring WCF target enumeration • WCF endpoint analysis workflow • Abuse cases for insecure WCF endpoints • DEMOS! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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Motivation • During an audit of Windows VPN software, VerSprite learned that several VPN solutions included .NET services. • We noticed a trend among these services of dangerous method exposure through insecure WCF endpoints. • Most of these services were started automatically as “LocalSystem”, which is the highest user privilege level available • Therefore, we investigated the possible abuse of insecure WCF endpoints through the use of privileged service methods.

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What is WCF? • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework created by Microsoft for building service-oriented applications. • Previously codenamed “Indigo” (2000 – 2005) • A set of .NET Framework APIs that simplify inter-process communication for developers • Supports TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, named pipes, PNRP, MSMQ, and Custom Protocols • WCF clients connect to WCF services via Endpoints • WCF services perform operations on behalf of WCF clients

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The of WCF

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The ABC of WCF •Address •Binding •Contract

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The ABC of WCF •Address - An endpoint address is a unique URI used to represent the address of a WCF service. • Example: • Scheme: http: • Machine: • Port: 322 • Path: /mathservice.svc/secureEndpoint

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The ABC of WCF •Binding – Endpoint bindings define the accepted transport protocol and encoding scheme, and may be used to configure transport security. • System-provided Bindings: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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The ABC of WCF •Contract – Service and Operation Contracts define the services and methods exposed by an endpoint. • Service Contracts are identifiable by the ServiceContractAttribute attribute, and Operation Contracts by the OperationContractAttribute attribute. Example: [ServiceContractAttribute] public interface IMyContract { [OperationContractAttribute] public void PopulateData(ref CustomDataType data); }

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WCF Target Enumerati n

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Local WCF Target Enumeration ➢ Identifying .NET services that start as “LocalSystem” • The Service Control utility, “Sc.exe”, may be used to query service information and configuration details This may reveal services that start as “LocalSystem”, but there is a better way!

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Local WCF Target Enumeration ➢ Identifying .NET services that start as “LocalSystem” • The WMI command-line (WMIC) utility may be used to query for all running services that start as “LocalSystem” • We may filter out “svchost.exe”, as it is not used by .NET services This approach still fails to confirm that results are .NET assemblies ☹

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Local WCF Target Enumeration ➢ Identifying .NET services that start as “LocalSystem” • The Microsoft Common Object Runtime Execution Engine, “mscoree.dll”, is a key dependency for .NET applications • We can search the string “mscoree.dll” in service binaries using “wmic”, “findstr”, and a FOR loop. This quick and dirty approach is still prone to false positives ☹

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Local WCF Target Enumeration ➢ Identifying .NET services that start as “LocalSystem” • We wrote a Python script uses “pefile” to check the import table of each service binary for “mscoree.dll”. This approach successfully identifies .NET services that start as “LocalSystem”

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Local WCF Target Enumeration ➢ Identifying .NET services that start as “LocalSystem” • The Sysinternals tool “Process Explorer” may be used to visually identify privileged .NET applications. • The “Configure Color” option may be used to identify .NET processes. This is useful for finding potential targets at a glance. • The yellow background indicates that this is a .NET process. • SYSTEM .NET processes are usually Windows services.

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Searching Online for WCF Targets • Search for applications similar to those known to use WCF • Search for “.NET service” or “.NET agent” and analyze results • Search for applications associated with WCF error messages There was no endpoint listening at {0} that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

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Analyzing “VulnWCFService”

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VulnWCFService • VulnWCFService is a very simple WCF service that we wrote to demonstrate the analysis and exploitation of an insecure endpoint. • It’s implementation is modeled after several WCF services that we’ve come across in our research. • master/projects/wcf/VulnWCFService

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.NET Decompilation • We begin by decompiling VulnWCFService with “dnSpy”. • dnSpy is an open-source debugger and .NET assembly editor that leverages the “ILSpy” decompiler engine.

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System.ServiceModel • References refers to the application’s dependencies. • The “System.ServiceModel” reference is required to build WCF applications. ➢ If a .NET service or one of it’s references does not include System.ServiceModel, it does not use WCF.

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VulnWCFService Components • This node refers to the “VulnWCFService” namespace. • This node references an interface named “IVulnService” • This node references a class named “VulnService”. This class implements IVulnService. • This node references a class named “VulnWCFService”. This contains the “Main” method.

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The Service Contract – IVulnService The Service Contract attribute exposes the IVulnService interface as a service contract. The Operation Contract attribute exposes “RunMe” as a contract method.

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Contract Implementation – VulnService • VulnService implements the IVulnService service contract. • The “RunMe” method appends a client-supplied string to a command line argument for “CMD.exe”

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VulnWCFService - Main class The “System.ServiceProcess” namespace is used to implement a Windows service. The service name is defined as “VulnWCFService”. When a Windows service is started, the OnStart method is called.

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VulnWCFService - Main class • baseAddress defines the service’s endpoint address. • Scheme: “net.pipe” • Machine Name: localhost • Port: N/A • Path: “/vulnservice/runme” • A ServiceHost is created using our Contract and Address. • binding is defined as a NetNamedPipeBinding.

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VulnWCFService - Main class • The AddServiceEndpoint method is used to prepare the WCF endpoint for deployment. • The endpoint Address, endpoint Binding, and Service Contract are consumed to deploy the endpoint. • Identify calls to this method when analyzing WCF services!

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Building a WCF Client

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Leveraging Proxy Libraries • WCF clients often reference one or more Proxy Libraries that includes Service Contract definitions and all required types. • It may be possible to reference this shared assembly in order to easily communicate with the associated WCF service. • This may greatly reduce the amount of time required to build a client application!

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ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool • Code for a WCF proxy may be created automatically using the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (Svcutil.exe) • Metadata is consumed to generate code for a WCF proxy. • Services do not publish metadata by default, however “svcutil.exe” may generate metadata from service binaries

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Building “EvilWCFClient” • It remains possible to build a WCF client without a proxy library or metadata. • We may use the information disclosed through static code analysis to communicate to “VulnWCFService”. • Very little C# knowledge is required to develop a simple WCF client. (Thanks Microsoft!)

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“EvilWCFClient” - Requirements • As with WCF services, our client must reference “System.ServiceModel” • If no proxy library is available for us to reference, then we must define our Service Contract within the client code.

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“EvilWCFClient” – WCF Channels • Channels are used to send and receive Message objects through the WCF channel stack, which is like a pipeline for WCF messages. • A Channel Factory is built using the endpoint Address, endpoint Binding, and Service Contract of the target service. • A ServiceChannelProxy is created by calling CreateChannel. This may be used to call the remote operations defined within the service contract.

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“EvilWCFClient” – Abusing “RunMe” • Using our ServiceChannelProxy named “client”, we may call the service’s “RunMe” method. We use this to execute “calc.exe”. • Using Process Explorer, we can see that “calc.exe” is spawned as “NT Authority\SYSTEM”. That’s it! Now lets look at real software

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Real W rld Vulnerabilities

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CVE-2018-10169 (ProtonVPN) • ProtonVPN 1.3.3 for Windows suffers from a SYSTEM privilege escalation vulnerability through the “ProtonVPN Service” service. • This service establishes an NetNamedPipe endpoint that allows clients to connect and call publicly exposed methods. • The Connect method accepts a class instance argument that provides attacker control of the OpenVPN command line. • An attacker can specify a DLL plugin that should run for every new VPN connection attempt. This plugin will execute code in the context of the SYSTEM user. CVSS Score: 9.8

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CVE-2018-10169 – Discovery • ProtonVPN offers a “Free limited” subscription to their VPN service. • After installing ProtonVPN, we were able to identify the service binary using “sc.exe”.

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CVE-2018-10169 - Analysis • We begin our analysis by decompiling the service binary. • The “ServiceProxy” reference is likely to be a proxy library. • The “System.ServiceModel” reference suggests the use of WCF.

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CVE-2018-10169 - Analysis • Using dnSpy’s Analyzer, we can find each use of System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost.AddServiceEndpoint. • The ProtonVPN.Service.ServiceHosts namespace of “ProtonVPNService.exe” uses this method in two classes.

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CVE-2018-10169 - Analysis • VpnConnectionManagerProxyHostFactory.Create() calls AddServiceEndpoint with the following configuration: • Address: net.pipe://localhost/protonvpn-service/ConnectionManager • Binding: NetNamedPipeBinding • Contract: “IVpnConnectionManagerProxy”

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CVE-2018-10169 - Analysis • IVpnConnectionManagerProxy is defined in the ServiceProxy reference. • A DuplexChannel is required, as this Service Contract includes a Callback Contract. • A ServiceConnectionProxy argument is required by the Connect method.

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CVE-2018-10169 - Analysis • The ServerConnectionProxy class is used by ProtonVPN to store VPN server configuration details. • We control the values of the class instance we choose to pass to the service, including the OvpnConfigPath parameter. • OpenVPN’s “plugin” option may be abused to load arbitrary DLLs.

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CVE-2018-10169 - Exploitation • To begin writing our exploit client, we add references to the service’s proxy library.

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CVE-2018-10169 - Exploitation • Next, we create a DuplexChannelFactory using the service’s endpoint Address, endpoint Binding, and Service Contract. • We use a dummy implementation of VpnEventsCallback autogenerated by Visual Studio. • Finally, we call CreateChannel to return a ServiceChannelProxy.

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CVE-2018-10169 - Exploitation • I wrote a DLL payload named “OpenVPN_PoC.dll” that includes code in DLLMain to start a bind shell listener on port 4444. • After adding the “plugin” option to our config file, we set it’s path as the OvpnConfigPath of our ServerConnectionProxy.

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CVE-2018-10169 - Exploitation • Finally, we call method “Connect” using our ServerConnectionProxy to trigger the vulnerability • We use the .NET TcpClient Class to connect to the listener.

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DEMO - CVE-2018-10169 (ProtonVPN)

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Birds of a feather… •CVE-2018-10170 (NordVPN) •CVE-2018-10645 (VyprVPN) •CVE-2018-10381 (TunnelBear) •CVE-2018-10646 (CG6) • CVSS: 9.8 • CVSS: 7.8 • CVSS: 9.8 • CVSS: 7.8

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CVE-2018-13101 (KioskSimple) • KioskSimpleService.exe in RedSwimmer KioskSimple suffers from a privilege escalation vulnerability in the WCF endpoint. • The exposed methods allow read and write access to the Windows registry and control of services. • These methods may be abused to achieve privilege escalation via execution of attacker controlled binaries. CVSS Score: 9.8

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KioskSimple - Analysis • Decompiling the service binary with dnSpy, revealed the code to be obfuscated. • Metadata revealed the hint: “Powered by SmartAssembly"

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KioskSimple - Analysis • Searching for “SmartAssembly deobfuscator” quickly revealed the tool de4dot, which was quick and easy to use.

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KioskSimple - Analysis • Following deobfuscation, we load the “cleaned” binary into dnSpy. • dnSpy’s Analyzer reveals that the AddServiceEndpoint method is used in namespace 0, class 0, method 0 of “KioskSimpleService”.

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KioskSimple - Analysis • Reviewing this call quickly reveals the service’s endpoint Address, endpoint Binding, and Service Contract. • Address: net.pipe://localhost/KioskSimple/PipeRegistry • Binding: NetNamedPipeBinding • Contract: “IRegistryService”

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KioskSimple - Analysis • There are several interesting methods exposed by RegistryService: • ChangeLocalMachingRegistryValue • StartService • StopService • These methods may be abused to elevate privileges on the local machine.

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KioskSimple - Exploitation • Attack Plan: • Populate our target service’s “ImagePath” key with a target application using ChangeLocalMachineRegistryValue • Call StopService to stop our target service if it is already running • Call StartService to start our target service, executing our application as SYSTEM. • Parameters must be TripleDES encrypted and base64 encoded ☹ • Thankfully, the key is hardcoded into the application

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KioskSimple - Exploitation • After referencing KioskSimple’s cryptographic library, we may use the “Encryptor” class to encrypt each of our argument values.

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DEMO - CVE-2018-13101 (KioskSimple)

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WCF RCE 0-day • Using the techniques discussed throughout this presentation, we discovered a WCF RCE 0-day in a popular commercial bandwidth performance and fault management application. • This service exposes an insecure remote endpoint using the NetTcpBinding. • I managed to find this 0-day while preparing for Ekoparty • Follow @VerSprite on twitter for release details

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WCF RCE 0-day - Analysis • One of the service’s many WCF endpoints exposes a method named “InvokeActionMethod”. • One of the Action Methods defined is named… “ExecuteExternalProgram”

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WCF RCE 0-day - Analysis • The service requires password authenticated transport … • However, the password is simply a hash of the username

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WCF RCE 0-day - Exploitation • This vulnerability is essentially a remote variant of the “RunMe” method in “VulnWCFService”. • I decided to exploit this method with a powershell reverse shell.

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DEMO – WCF RCE 0-day

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Mitigations? • Avoid exposing potentially dangerous operations • Securely program any operations exposed • Require proper endpoint authentication • Run as LocalService instead of LocalSystem

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Conclusion • WCF Endpoint Abuse is a very ripe vulnerability class. • It’s easy to analyze; managed code is simple to decompile. • It is easy to exploit; there’s no memory corruption involved. • Hunt for WCF Endpoint Abuse Vulns!

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