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Android Complexity Márton Braun zsmb13

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No content

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Existing product Improve and polish New project Plan and estimate

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UX Accessibility (a11y)

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UX Accessibility (a11y)

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UX Internationalization (i18n) Start of week Date formats String resources Right to left

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UX Internationalization (i18n) %d song found. %d songs found.

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UX Internationalization (i18n) %d song found. %d songs found.

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UX Internationalization (i18n)

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UX Animation

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UX Animation

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UX Animation

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UX Animation

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UX Animation

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UX Dark theme

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UX Dark theme

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Platform Restoration Configuration changes Process death Orientation Dark mode Language Font size

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Platform Screens

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Platform Screens

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Platform Screens

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Platform Screen settings

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Platform Screen settings

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Platform Screen settings

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Platform App shortcuts

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Platform Notifications

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Platform Notifications

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Platform Notifications

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Platform Non-phones

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Platform Non-phones

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Platform Inputs

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QA Static analysis

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QA Unit tests

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QA UI tests @Test fun greeterSaysHello() { onView(withId("Steve")) onView(withId( onView(withText("Hello Steve!")).check(matches(isDisplayed())) }

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QA Performance profiling

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QA APK size

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Tooling Version control

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Tooling CI/CD

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Tooling Crash reporting

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Tooling Analytics

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Tooling Alternative stores Amazon Appstore Galaxy Store Huawei AppGallery

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Existing product Improve and polish New project Plan and estimate

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You don’t have to know everything

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Android Complexity Márton Braun zsmb13