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More With Less with android bootstrap building Saturday, April 20, 13

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@donnfelker Saturday, April 20, 13

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Saturday, April 20, 13

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Building More With Less Saturday, April 20, 13

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agenda open source libraries examples bootstrap Saturday, April 20, 13

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Saturday, April 20, 13

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Pay with Square GitHub Saturday, April 20, 13

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tons of integration work tons of open source Saturday, April 20, 13

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open source dagger action bar sherlock otto http-request gson view pager indicator robotium maven android maven plugin fragments Saturday, April 20, 13

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a fast dependency injector for Android and Java Saturday, April 20, 13

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Why is it so fast? - Compile Time Validation - Compile Time Code Generation Saturday, April 20, 13

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public class UserActivity extends BootstrapActivity { @Inject protected AvatarLoader avatarLoader; protected User user; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.user_view); if(getIntent() != null && getIntent().getExtras() != null) { user = (User) getIntent().getExtras().getSerializable(USER); } getSupportActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(true); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); avatarLoader.bind(avatar, user); name.setText(String.format("%s %s", user.getFirstName(), user.getLastName())); } } Saturday, April 20, 13

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User Interface Service Layer Persistence Layer what if I a particular dependency down here that depends on context? service layer: persistence layer: Saturday, April 20, 13

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public class UserRepository { @Inject PublicKeyProvider publicKeyProvider; public void saveProfile(UserProfile profile) { // user publicKey to do some encryption // Now, save the encrypted profile to db/api/etc } } Saturday, April 20, 13

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public class UserRepository { @Inject PublicKeyProvider publicKeyProvider; @Inject AuthService authService; public void saveProfile(UserProfile profile) { // Get auth token from auth service then save // user publicKey to do some encryption // Now, save the encrypted profile to api } } Saturday, April 20, 13

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must extend wait .. no .. no need to extend anything! WOO WOO! Saturday, April 20, 13

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action bar sherlock action bar support for pre 3.x Saturday, April 20, 13

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Pay with Square GitHub Saturday, April 20, 13

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usage getSupportActionBar() native calls supports theming must use Sherlock themes as parent Saturday, April 20, 13

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must extend SherlockActivity SherlockListActivity SherlockFragmentActivity SherlockListFragmentActivity ... Saturday, April 20, 13

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Otto An enhanced Guava-based event bus with emphasis on Android support. Saturday, April 20, 13

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Publish an event AnswerAvailableEvent(42)); @Subscribe public void answerAvailable(AnswerAvailableEvent event) { // TODO: React to the event somehow! } Subscribing to the event Saturday, April 20, 13

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Use Cases Activity / Fragment Communication Service / Fragment / Activity Communication Basic Message Passing between objects in scope Saturday, April 20, 13

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Publish an event FROM A FRAGMENT AnswerAvailableEvent(42)); @Subscribe public void answerAvailable(AnswerAvailableEvent event) { // TODO: React to the event somehow! } Subscribing to the event FROM A ACTIVITY Saturday, April 20, 13

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usage include library via lib or maven // Register in onResume() bus.register(this); // Unregister in onPause() bus.unregister(this); // in onPause @Provides; @Subscribe Saturday, April 20, 13

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http-request A simple convenience library for using a HttpURLConnection to make requests and access the response. Saturday, April 20, 13

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Saturday, April 20, 13

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gson a library for working with json Saturday, April 20, 13

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class  BagOfPrimitives  {    private  int  value1  =  1;    private  String  value2  =  "abc";    private  transient  int  value3  =  3;    BagOfPrimitives()  {        //  no-­‐args  constructor    } } BagOfPrimitives  obj  =  new  BagOfPrimitives(); Gson  gson  =  new  Gson(); String  json  =  gson.toJson(obj);   a pojo serialization BagOfPrimitives  obj2  =  gson.fromJson(json,  BagOfPrimitives.class); deserialization Saturday, April 20, 13

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woohoo! no more manual json parsing Saturday, April 20, 13

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view pager indicator Saturday, April 20, 13

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android-maven-plugin an easy to use maven plugin for android Saturday, April 20, 13

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       4.0.0        android-­‐bootstrap        apk        Android  Bootstrap  app­‐bootstrap                        1.0                      android-­‐bootstrap-­‐parent                                4.1.0                                                                      android                        provided                        ${android.version}                                                                      gson                        2.1                                                        com.github.rtyley                        roboguice-­‐sherlock                        1.4                          ...   Saturday, April 20, 13

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build process easier to manage Saturday, April 20, 13

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resources google group ch14 of sonatype book (sample next) Saturday, April 20, 13

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Saturday, April 20, 13

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fragments android support library Saturday, April 20, 13

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download from android sdk Saturday, April 20, 13

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“its like selenium, but for android” Saturday, April 20, 13

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public class EditorTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 { private Solo solo; public EditorTest() { super("com.test.editor", EditorActivity.class); } public void setUp() throws Exception { solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity()); } public void testPreferenceIsSaved() throws Exception { solo.sendKey(Solo.MENU); solo.clickOnText("More"); solo.clickOnText("Preferences"); solo.clickOnText("Edit File Extensions"); Assert.assertTrue(solo.searchText("rtf")); solo.clickOnText("txt"); solo.clearEditText(2); solo.enterText(2, "robotium"); solo.clickOnButton("Save"); solo.goBack(); solo.clickOnText("Edit File Extensions"); Assert.assertTrue(solo.searchText("application/robotium")); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { solo.finishOpenedActivities(); } } Saturday, April 20, 13

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Saturday, April 20, 13

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influences are from github and GitHub Saturday, April 20, 13

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Slide 57 text includes dagger otto action bar sherlock http-request gson view pager indicator robotium maven android maven plugin fragments api consumption image downloading image caching cache mechanism pojo support and more... ahhhhhh yeah Saturday, April 20, 13

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uses template for your next project use as a reference a how to tutorial project MVP bootstrap Saturday, April 20, 13

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q & a Saturday, April 20, 13

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Thank You. questions? tweet @donnfelker Saturday, April 20, 13