Observing Async Events
public void observer(@ObservesAsync MyEvent payload) {
System.out.println("Yay, I'm called async!");
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How it works
@Observes @ObservesAsync
Sync call Not notified
Not notified Async call
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Asynchronous Events
• Exceptions and Synchronization with
• Active scopes: Request, Application
• Custom scopes depend on the implementation
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Ordered Events
• Add @Priority to event observers
• Aids observer ordering
• Total global order determined when the event is fired
public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
// yay! I'm first
System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Default priority");
public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
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public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
// yay! I'm first
System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Default priority");
public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
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public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
// yay! I'm first
System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Default priority");
public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
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public void earlier(@Observes @Priority(2499) MyEvent event) {
// yay! I'm first
System.out.println("Notified before all other observers");
public void observer(@Observes MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Default priority");
public void later(@Observes @Priority(2501) MyEvent event) {
System.out.println("Notified after all other observers");
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Java SE
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Java SE
• Currently: Implementation-specific in Weld/
• Spec Goal: Bootstrap API
Meta-Data Builder API
• Standardized API
• CDI 1.0+: Very verbose to create
• AnnotatedTypes, Beans, BeanAttributes, InjectionPoints, and
• Builder and Configurator-style
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public class MyExtension {
public void afterBeanDiscovery(
@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery event) {
Add a Bean
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public class MyExtension {
public void afterBeanDiscovery(
@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery event) {
Add a Bean
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public class MyExtension {
public void processAnnotatedType(@Observes
@WithAnnotations(UseCase.class) ProcessAnnotatedType pat) {
.forEach(m -> m.add(CacheableLiteral.INSTANCE));
Add annotation to Methods
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public class MyExtension {
public void processAnnotatedType(@Observes
@WithAnnotations(UseCase.class) ProcessAnnotatedType pat) {
.forEach(m -> m.add(CacheableLiteral.INSTANCE));
Add annotation to Methods
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AOP on produced Bean
• CDI 1.0+: Interceptor applied to producer method
• InterceptionFactory a possible answer
public MyService produceService() {
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AOP on produced Bean
public MyService createTransactional(InterceptionFactory ipf) {
.filterMethods(m -> m.getJavaMember().getName().equals("save"))
.ifPresent(m -> m.add(new AnnotationLiteral() {}));
return ipf.createInterceptedInstance(new MyService());
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AOP on produced Bean
public MyService createTransactional(InterceptionFactory ipf) {
.filterMethods(m -> m.getJavaMember().getName().equals("save"))
.ifPresent(m -> m.add(new AnnotationLiteral() {}));
return ipf.createInterceptedInstance(new MyService());
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Proxy matters
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Proxy injection
private MyService myService;
This is a proxy instance
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Proxy injection
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Proxy injection
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Proxy injection
private ConcurrentHashMap myService;
/** Implementation for put and putIfAbsent */
final V putVal(K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent)
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Normal-scoped beans
• Must be proxyable
• accessible, no-args constructor
• non-final classes
• accessible, non-final instance methods