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Punctuated Equilibrium Theory SLIDES

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Charles Lindblom (1959) “The Science of Muddling Through”

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human cognition is imperfect limited information capacity

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Incrementalism Policy makers build on past policy decisions in small incremental steps

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Agency budget $ $$$ Time Lots of incremental change Some dramatic changes

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POLICY CHANGES no change big changes big changes Lots of instances of small, or no, change Few instances of moderate change Some dramatic changes

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Punctuated equilibrium Long periods of little or no change marked by isolated episodes of dramatic change

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human cognition is imperfect limited information capacity

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group decision making is limited institutional friction

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Congress Bureaucracy Interest group IRON TRIANGLES

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Congress Bureaucracy Interest group low regulation & special favors congressional support via lobby

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NEGATIVE FEEDBACK Closed subsystems/iron triangles Limited individual & institutional attention Accepted policy images

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Framing How policy problems are defined and the associated images, symbols, and concepts

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IMMIGRATION Future citizens seeking for a better life Taking jobs and government resources POVERTY People that have been harmed by unfair system Lazy people preferring to live off of aid ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS Necessary to mitigate the harms of progress Threats to economic and human wellbeing

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NEGATIVE FEEDBACK Closed subsystems/iron triangles Limited individual & institutional attention Accepted policy images POSITIVE FEEDBACK Attractive alternative image Attention from multiple venues Mobilization of “outsiders” PUNCTUATION

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How do policy subsystem characteristics help to explain a lack of policy change, incremental changes, or major policy changes? How do problem frames and issue attention help to explain a lack of policy change, incremental changes, or major policy changes? How do different types of policies compare in their distribution of policy changes (e.g. incremental and major) and how are the differences explained by attention, problem frames, and subsystem dynamics?

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