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Digital Signage TV Powered by Weepee Managed Cloud Media Platform Tuesday 22 January 13

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Product description Integration Pricing Next steps Tuesday 22 January 13

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Product description ‣ Digital signage ‣ Digital signage TV ‣ Channels ‣ Value added services (product extension) Tuesday 22 January 13

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Internet Digital Signage Destination File transfer Digital Signage Workstation Digital Signage Distribution Digital Signage Destination Digital Signage TV Tuesday 22 January 13

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Staff restaurant Retail shops Interior shops Some Examples Tuesday 22 January 13

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Historic sites Science sites Some Examples Tuesday 22 January 13

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Internet Digital Signage Destination File transfer Digital Signage Workstation Digital Signage Distribution Digital Signage Destination Digital Signage TV Digital Signage Streaming Tuesday 22 January 13

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Staff restaurant Office Interior shop Historic site Science site Corporate TV channel Business channel Bloomberg, Kanaal Z,... Cooking channels 24Kitchen,... History channel Science channel Some Examples Tuesday 22 January 13

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Channels ‣ Tailored to client needs ‣ Main categories: ‣ Music ‣ Business ‣ General interest (science, history,...) ‣ Cooking ‣ Children Tuesday 22 January 13

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‣ Hosting ‣ Internet connection & security (VLS, firewall, ...) ‣ Take-away app (public/visitors can download app) ‣ Convert to premium ‣ Client information, marketing, ... ‣ VoIP integration (help desk/call center) Value Added Services Tuesday 22 January 13

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Product description Integration Pricing Next steps Tuesday 22 January 13

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Integration ‣ WeePee DSP (Digital Signage Player) integration ‣ Default HTML5 ‣ Integration Services for each type of product / OS ‣ API integration to ‣ Announce new players / locations / devices ‣ Allocate channels to players / locations / devices Tuesday 22 January 13

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Product description Integration Pricing Next steps Tuesday 22 January 13

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Pricing ‣ Tailor made offer for each type of integration ‣ End client needs to pay collecting societies (eg SABAM) ‣ Channel and volume dependent pricing ‣ Standard priced channels for 50 locations: indicative cost of 15 Euro / location / month Tuesday 22 January 13

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Product description Integration Pricing Next steps Tuesday 22 January 13

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Next steps ‣ Complete DSI checklist ‣ Volume forecast per category ‣ Selection of value added services ‣ Technical integration checklist ‣ Support for 1st commercial offer / pilot customer Tuesday 22 January 13

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Slide 17 text [email protected] +32 59 360 360 Tuesday 22 January 13