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© Copyright 2017 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Version 1.0 Stéphane MALDINI Simon BASLÉ Project Reactor Now & Tomorrow SpringOne Platform 2017

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Stéphane Maldini Senior Product Manager & Lead Engineer Project Reactor, Pivotal & @smaldini Simon Baslé @simonbasle Staff Software Engineer Project Reactor, Pivotal

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Now 3.0 → 3.1

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Is this a big deal ? Spoiler: yes

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Reactor 3.0 Versioning scheme: ERA.MAJOR.MINOR Production ready, but had to be out before Spring Framework 5 Still room for evolution after plenty of feedback

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Project ____ Downloads : > 300k/month : > 30k unique/month : #7 Java channel

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Project ____ 452 Closed Pull Requests 487 Closed Issues 11 Releases 53 Contributors 4 (+2) Core Committers

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Shoutout to our Contributors

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Why users want Reactor ?

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Why users want Reactor ? Reactive Streams sample extract

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Why users want Reactor ? Flux.range(from, count)

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Do you speak Reactive Streams ?

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Reactor and Reactive Streams

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Publisher & Subscriber

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Publisher void subscribe(Subscriber)

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Subscriber void onNext(T) void onComplete() void onError(Throwable)

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Subscription [Music]

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Subscription void request(long) void cancel()

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Subscriber void onSubscribe(Subscription) void onNext(T) void onComplete() void onError(Throwable)

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This is Flow Control

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Flux 0-N elements “classic” Publisher

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Mono 0-1 elements “specialized” Publisher

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String res; for(int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { res = blockingHttpGet(“/quote/”+i); handleBody(res); } Without --------

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String res; for(int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { res = blockingHttpGet(“/quote/”+i); handleBody(res); } 1000 calls later... Main Thread Without --------

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Flux.range(1, 1000) .flatMap(i -> reactiveHttpCall("/quote/"+i)) .subscribe(this::handleBody); With --------

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Flux.range(1, 1000) .flatMap(i -> reactiveHttpCall("/quote/"+i)) .subscribe(this::handleBody); operator With --------

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Flux.range(1, 1000) .flatMap(i -> reactiveHttpCall("/quote/"+i)) .subscribe(this::handleBody); 1 call later Main Thread With --------

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Flux.range(1, 1000) .flatMap(i -> reactiveHttpCall("/quote/"+i)) .subscribe(this::handleBody); 256 http calls With --------

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Flux.range(1, 1000) .flatMap(i -> reactiveHttpCall("/quote/"+i), 1) .subscribe(this::handleBody); With -------- 1 http call

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Flux.range(1, 1000) .flatMap(i -> reactiveHttpCall("/quote/"+i), 1) .subscribe(this::handleBody); With -------- J-j-jeez Rick, I like this backpressure stuff 1 http call

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At every stage, Flux and Mono are Publisher

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interface SomeReactiveApi { Flux findUsersLike(Publisher usernames) } //... someReactiveApi.findUsersLike(Mono.just(“ricksanchez”)) .subscribe(handleUsers); Everywhere

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interface SomeReactiveApi { Flux findUsersLike(Publisher usernames) } //... someReactiveApi.findUsersLike(Mono.just(“ricksanchez”)) .subscribe(handleUsers); //or someReactiveApi.findUsersLike(someFlux.filter(“sanchez”::endsWith)) .subscribe(handleUsers); Everywhere

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interface SomeReactiveApi { Flux findUsersLike(Publisher usernames) } //... someReactiveApi.findUsersLike(Mono.just(“ricksanchez”)) .subscribe(handleUsers); //or someReactiveApi.findUsersLike(someFlux.filter(“sanchez”::endsWith)) .subscribe(handleUsers); Everywhere Look Morty, the universe wants API consistency !

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Reactor Core 3.1 Hot from the oven

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3.0 → LTS 3.1

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3.1 is a polished programming experience

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Flux Mono Aligning APIs between Flux and Mono

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Flux Mono flatmap then

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Flux Mono flatmap then

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Flux Mono flatmap flatmap

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Practical static extensions Initial N ullability support

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“Reactor has matured, laying out the foundations for frameworks and users to integrate their context into the Core .” Enterprise Ready: Hooks & Customization, Matured API

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Cross-Cutting Concerns

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Scannable Visit the hierarchy of operators Scan at each step for Attributes... … either upstream (parents()) or downstream (actuals())

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Tagging and Naming give a chain of operator a name give a chain of operator attributes

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Tagging and Naming Flux.range(1, 10) .name("myRange") .tag("createdBy", "rick");

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Hooks On last operator instantiation before subscribe On every operator instantiation

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Hooks.onLastOperator( Operators.lift(scannable -> scannable.tags() .anyMatch(t -> t.getT1() .contains("createdBy")), (scannable, subscriber) -> { fooService.registerOwnedFlux(scannable); return subscriber; })); Hooks

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Hooks.onLastOperator( Operators.lift(scannable -> scannable.tags() .anyMatch(t -> t.getT1() .contains("createdBy")), (scannable, subscriber) -> { fooService.registerOwnedFlux(scannable); return subscriber; })); Hooks Once every stream... Only visit streams containing tag... Notify some service with the stream reference and return the operator subscriber

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Possible Application: Metrics E.g. tag a Flux with “METRICS” and a framework could pick that up and add an operator that increments counters/timers...

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Improved Testing Support

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reactor-test StepVerifier to assert expectations on any Publisher TestPublisher to simulate a reactive source PublisherProbe to check which path was used in complex chains

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StepVerifier StepVerifier.withVirtualTime( () -> Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(45)).take(2)) .thenAwait(Duration.ofSeconds(50)) .expectNext(0L) .thenAwait(Duration.ofSeconds(40)) .assertNext(v -> assertThat(v).isGreaterThan(0L)) .expectComplete() .verify();

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TestPublisher TestPublisher.create() .next(1, 2, 3, 4) .complete(); TestPublisher.createNonCompliant(Violation.ALLOW_NULLS) .emit(1, 2, 3, null, 4); next() + complete()

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PublisherProbe probe = PublisherProbe.of(Flux.range(1, 10)); reactiveConditionalPath(Mono.just(1), probe.flux()) .subscribe(); probe.assertWasSubscribed(); PublisherProbe

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The Context

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Immutable Context a = Context.of(“key”, “value”); Context b = a.put(“key”, “value2”); a.get(“key”); // ⇒ “value” b.get(“key”); // ⇒ “value2”

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Propagates during Subscription [a=2,b=2] [a=1,b=2] [] ctx.put(b,2) [a=1] ctx.put(a,1) ) subscribe( Subscriber Subscribe & Context Data ctx.put(a,2)

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See Reference Guide for Snippets like this: String key = "message"; Mono r = Mono.just("Hello") .subscriberContext(ctx -> ctx.put(key,"World")) .flatMap( s -> Mono .subscriberContext() .map(ctx -> s + " " + ctx.getOrDefault(key, "Stranger")) ); StepVerifier.create(r) .expectNext("Hello Stranger") .verifyComplete();

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More about Bismuth Release Executive summary of latest 3.1 additions

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What’s new in The Ecosystem ? In-house or community grown initiatives

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Reactor Netty only turns Netty into a Reactive Streams ready bridge

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Just a few threads for a production-ready volume of connections with various latencies write read select worker worker worker

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Non Blocking TCP, UDP and HTTP Decouples Read and Write Pauses reading on local Backpressure Pauses local producing on Backpressure

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Webflux WebClient Cloud Gateway Boot 2.0 Used and Distributed by Spring

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Vendor warning

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Reactor Netty 0.7 API

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Reactor Netty 0.7 API

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Seriously, it’s 0.7.2. It runs well. But we’re polishing API before 0.8.0.M1 Best to use--------

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Publish & Consume messages from Kafka... … with a backpressure-ready Reactive API Reactor-Kafka

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Reactor-Kafka KafkaSender.create() .send(Flux.range(1, 10) .map(i -> SenderRecord.create(topic, partition, timestamp, i, "msg_" + i,i))) .subscribe();

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Reactor-RabbitMQ Publish & Consume messages from RabbitMQ... … with a backpressure-ready Reactive API

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Reactor-RabbitMQ Flux inboundFlux = ReactorRabbitMq.receiver(receiverOptions) .consumeNoAck("reactive.queue") .subscribe(messageHandler);

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Reactor-Addons Extend Reactor Core API Adapt Reactor to different execution contracts

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Retry Support Factory methods that provide a fluent API to incrementally configure a Function suitable for Flux.retryWhen. (tip: use static import) Retry.allBut(Class...) Retry.any() Retry.anyOf(Class...) Retry.onlyIf(Predicate)

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Retry Support flux.retryWhen(allBut(BusinessException.class) .retryMax(3) .exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofMillis(100), Duration.ofMillis(500)) .timeout(Duration.ofMillis(1500)) .jitter(Jitter.random()) .doOnRetry(this::retryCallback) );

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Math Take a Flux and apply operations to its whole set of elements using MathFlux static methods. Mono sum = Flux.range(1, 10) .as(MathFlux::sumLong);

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Math (with kotlin) Mono sum = Flux.range(1, 10) .sumLong();

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An opinionated abstraction that helps you store and lookup a Mono or a Flux to/from a cache. CacheMono will store the Mono value or completion as a Signal. CacheFlux will collect the elements and terminal event as a List. Both only work with finite sources. Cache Support

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Mono test = CacheMono.lookup(reader(data), "foo") .onCacheMissResume(() -> Mono.just(1L)) .andWriteWith(writer(data)); Reader and writer interfaces to adapt to any type of cache implementation + out-of-the-box variant for Map. Cache Support

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Community Highlights

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Spring Ecosystem #1 user and source of feedback

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Reactive talk with

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reactive-gRPC Integrates reactive programming with grpc-java From --

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Lettuce A Reactor-based reactive driver for Redis

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CloudFoundry Java Client The official Java client for CloudFoundry API

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Reactor Tomorrow Near-and-far Future

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Near-and-far Future Reactor Tomorrow

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Reactor Tomorrow Near-and-far future

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2019 2020 2017 2018 the Road from Here

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2017 First, a patch release

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3.1.3 3.1.0 September October November December 3.1.1 3.1.2

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3.1.3 3.1.0 September October November December 3.1.1 3.1.2 limitRequest, Kotlin extensions...

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3.1.3 3.1.0 September October November December 3.1.1 3.1.2 index, blockOptional...

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3.1.3 3.1.0 September October November December 3.1.1 3.1.2 Mostly bugfixes...

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2018 Themes for

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Continue On Error

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errors are terminal

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continue on (transient) errors?

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Now Flux.range(0, 3) .flatMap(v -> Mono.just(v) .map(i -> 100 / i) .doOnError(...) .onErrorResume( Mono.empty() ) ); processing that can fail your face when you read this code

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Tomorrow Flux.range(0, 3) .map(i -> 100 / i) .errorStrategyContinue() .filter(i -> 100 / i > 4); this is not impacted and can still fail this is protected by this

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Observability & Traceability

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Micrometer “SLF4J for metrics”

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Sleuth & Zipkin Currently focusing on tracing WebFlux and WebClient any guess as to why these are different? flatMap concatMap

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API iteration release : 0.8.x Immutable server and client builders Lifecycle and interceptor API (doOnRequest...) Initial user guide

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API iteration release : 0.8.x HttpClient.prepare() .port(c.address().getPort()) .wiretap() .get() .uri("/test/test.css") .responseContent() .asString() .reduce(String::concat) .subscribe(System.out::println);

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Beyond 0.8 HTTP 2 support Plug-And-Play Metrics Connection Pool improvements Backpressure strategies

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File I/O Addon?

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Java 9 continuously improve support

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Java 9 continuously improve support RSocket

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Exploring RSocket ( Duplex flow-control support Multi-transport and multi-language Decoupled from any serialization Contributors from Facebook

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Beyond and

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Reactor Kore?

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Reactor Console?

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Just Wondering Flux Buffers Lifecycle Hooks ? Persistent Flux ? Coordinated demand ?

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What do you need ?

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The end Thank You!