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Spotlight on CoreOS [email protected]

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The Datacenter as a Computer - Focus on applications - Design for HW failure - No maintenance windows - Commodity hardware - Warehouse scale computer

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CoreOS - Micro Gentoo/Chrome (Kernel + Docker/LXC/nspawn/etc) - No package manager, just run in containers - Intended for HA clusters - Updates are applied automagically - SystemD (incl. managing containers)

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Etcd - Distributed key-value store - RESTful (HTTP + JSON) - Service discovery via announcements - Similar to Consul or Zookeeper

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Fleet - Cluster-level service management - Manage etcd and systemd as a single init sys - Schedule a specific number of containers, reschedule units on failure, placement rules

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Demos! - 3 node cluster with vagrant - Demo (online markdown editor) vagrant ssh core-01 fleetctl machine-list fleetctl list-units fleetctl submit dillinger.service fleetctl start dillinger.service fleetctl journal -follow dillinger.service and-docker-using-vagrant/