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Jonathan Maltz [email protected]/@maltzj A/B Testing From The Ground Up

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Yelp’s Mission Connecting people with great local businesses.

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Hi! I’m Maltz! ● Android at Yelp! ● Now: Building experimentation systems ● Previously: Full-Stack and data stuff at Eat24.

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What Will We Talk About Today?

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A/B Testing

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● What are A/B tests? ● Why run A/B tests? ● What infrastructure is needed to A/B test? ● What can you buy vs. build? ● What are pitfalls to watch out for? Specifically

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But First...

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Why A/B Test?

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Click me! Time Clicks

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Click me! Time Clicks

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We should keep the button Red!

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But wait...

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Click me! Time Clicks

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Click me! Click me! 50% of Users Vs. 50% of Users

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Inform The Hippo!

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Inform The Hippo! (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion)

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Bucketing System Your App Metrics Collection Pipeline (on device) Metrics Service Metrics Service Metrics Service Sends Allocation Information Log on-device events Forward to metrics service

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Bucketing System Your App Metrics Collection Pipeline (on device) Metrics Service Metrics Service Metrics Service Sends Allocation Information Log on-device events Forward to metrics service

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Bucketing System

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At a high level Identifier Bucket Randomization function (probably a hash)

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Green: 50% 0 100 Red: 50% get_bucket(id + salt) % 100 get_bucket(“my_exp163”) % 100 get_bucket(...419) % 100 get_bucket(...802) % 100

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Common Pitfalls Green: 100% 0 1 Green: 80% 0 1 Red: 20% Green: 50% 0 1 Red: 50% 0 1 Red: 100% Time get_bucket(id + salt) get_bucket(“my_exp163”) get_bucket(...419) get_bucket(...802)

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Common Pitfalls cont... Green: 100% 0 1 Time get_bucket(id + salt) get_bucket(...261) get_bucket(...591) get_bucket(...812) Green: 90% 0 1 Yellow: 5% Red: 5% Green: 80% 0 1 Yellow: 10% Red: 10%

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Common Pitfalls cont... Green: 100% 0 1 Time get_bucket(id + salt) get_bucket(...311) get_bucket(...451) get_bucket(...723) Green: 50% 0 1 Red-Buffer (no-op): 20% Red: 5% Green: 50% 0 1 E: 5% Red: 25% Yellow: 25% Yellow-Buffer (no-op): 20% Yellow 5%

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Don’t Forget The Salt!

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Common Pitfalls cont... Status Quo: 50% get_bucket(id) Cohort A: 50% Experiment 1 Status Quo: 50% Cohort A: 50% Experiment 2 Cohort B 50% Status Quo: 50% Experiment 3 Cohort A 50%

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getBucket( id + exp_name)

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How To Implement It?

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Option 1: Config File + Buckets Endpoint

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Option 1: Config File + Buckets Endpoint YAML File Backend Mobile App

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Option 1: Config File + Buckets Endpoint YAML File Backend Mobile App Request Cohorts w/ id

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Option 1: Config File + Buckets Endpoint YAML File Backend Mobile App Request Cohorts w/ id Parse + Retrieve Cohorts

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Pros ● Easy to implement ● Easy to understand Cons ● Cohorts may not load in time ○ Some ways to work around this ● Hard to run experiments at startup (i.e. onboarding) ● Hard to handle complex conditions Option 1: Config File + Cohorts Endpoint

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Option 2: Parameter Experiments

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Option 2: Parameter Experiments Configuration Experimentation System Mobile App

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Option 2: Parameter Experiments Configuration Experimentation System Mobile App Request parameter

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Option 2: Parameter Experiments Configuration Experimentation System Mobile App Request parameter Parse + Retrieve param value

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Pros ● Easy to implement on clients ○ Just one call! ● Handles complex conditions well Cons ● Be mindful of parameter resolution speed ● Many parameters if sent from the server Option 2: Parameter Experiments

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● Defaults ● Override capability ● Whitelisting ○ Employees only Other stuff you’ll want

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Traditional Bucketing ● Optimizely ● MixPanel ● Apptimize Parameter Based ● Firebase Remote Config ● Planout SDKs Options to reuse

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On-Device Logging

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Bucketing System Your App Metrics Collection Pipeline (on device) Metrics Service Metrics Service Metrics Service Sends Allocation Information Log on-device events Forward to metrics service

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Main Principles

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1. Define Domain Events + Delegate Formatting

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EventManager Service 1 Service 5 Service 4 Service 3 Service 2

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EventManager Service 1 Service 5 Service 4 Service 3 Service 2 Common metadata (e.g. timestamps) gets attached here

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EventManager Service 1 Service 5 Service 4 Service 3 Service 2 Event-specific metadata (e.g search term) gets attached here.

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2. Developers Own Analytic Definitions

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Product Manager Engineer Let’s track this as search_bar_text_update

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Product Manager Engineer Okay!

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Product Manager Engineer Let’s track this as search_bar_text_update Okay!

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Product Manager Engineer We need to know when the user updated the search bar text

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Product Manager Engineer We need to know when the user updated the search bar text Search for

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3. Keep Documentation Close To Code

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A possible workflow Machine Readable Documentation (YAML, Jsonschema, etc) Codegen Analytic Definitions (JavaPoet) Add/update docs Your App Publish to an internal Maven repo

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● Segment ● mParticle Options to reuse

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Event Deliverability

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Bucketing System Your App Metrics Collection Pipeline (on device) Metrics Service Metrics Service Metrics Service Sends Allocation Information Log on-device events Forward to metrics service

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Mainly A Problem If You Want Internal Collection

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Mainly A Problem If You Want Internal Collection (You’ll want that eventually though)

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Your Backend

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Your Backend Send (1) and (2)

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Your Backend Successful Response

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Your Backend

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Your Backend

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Your Backend Send (1) and (2)

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Business.view (3) Your Backend Send (1) and (2)

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Business.view (3) Your Backend Successful Response

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Business.view (3) Your Backend

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Business.view (3) Your Backend Send (1) and (2)

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At a High Level Your App Analytics Queue Search.list.view (1) (2) Business.view (3) Your Backend

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It’s All About Tradeoffs

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● How many analytics are you losing? ● How important are the analytics you’re losing? ● What’s the cost of gaining back those analytics? ○ Mostly engineering time/complexity Things to Consider

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● Analytic channels ● Structured flat files ● JobManagers ● SQLite Databases ● Tape Queues Your building blocks

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Example! Event Manager Search.list.view

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Example! Event Manager Write to Queue Search.list.view Tape Queue

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Example! Event Manager Is over flush threshold? Search.list.view Tape Queue

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Example! Event Manager Tape Queue Copy + Clear Contents Search.list.view JobManager

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Example! Event Manager Create Persistent Job with contents Search.list.view Tape Queue JobManager

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● Flush analytics every 30s + 20 analytics ● Always send analytics via JobManager ● Flush analytics when app goes into the background ○ Can be detected easily with architecture components! ● It’s not perfect, but it works well enough What does Yelp do?

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Bucketing System Your App Metrics Collection Pipeline (on device) Metrics Service Metrics Service Metrics Service Sends Allocation Information Log on-device events Forward to metrics service

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Two Main Questions

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1. Does Funnel Conversion Increase?

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What’s a funnel? Home Search Page Order Start Order Complete

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What’s a funnel? Home 100k Users Search Page Order Start Order Complete

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What’s a funnel? Home 100k Users Order Start Order Complete Home 100k Users Home 100k Users Search Page 80k Users (80%)

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What’s a funnel? Home 100k Users Order Complete Home 100k Users Search Page 80k Users (80%) Order Start 10k Users (12.5%)

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What’s a funnel? Home 100k Users Search Page 80k Users (80%) Order Start 10k Users (12.5%) Order Complete 5k Users (50%)

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2. Do Users (click/order/watch) More?

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Lots of options here

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Looking for a decent catch-all?

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Eventually You’ll Need To Join This Data

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Option A: BigQuery Export

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Option A: BigQuery Export Pros ● Comes out of the box with Firebase ● Allows you to join information to get answers Cons ● Can’t be backfilled ● Still limited by firebase ● Probably need to write scripts in order to join your data

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Option B: Internal Metrics

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Option B: Internal Metrics Pros ● Maximum power + flexibility ● Can backfill ● Can execute arbitrary queries with just SQL Cons ● You need to maintain the whole pipeline yourself ● High cost to reach feature parity with 3rd party services

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● A/B testing helps build a data-driven culture, so even if you don’t do it perfectly, you still get many benefits ● Know the basics of statistical experiments before you start A/B testing ● Keep engineers involved in analytic definition + analysis 3 Things to Take Home

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Papers + General Reference on Experiments ● ○ A/B Testing At Scale ● Twitter Unified Logging ● SOLID Analytics With RxJava Tools on Statistics ● A Concise Guide to Statistics ● Causal Inference In Statistics ● Optimizely Sample Size Calculator Resources

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Thanks! ● My email - [email protected] ● My website - ● My twitter - @maltzj

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