Slide 22
Slide 22 text
private val `withdraw examples` =
(10_000, false, 1200, 1199.99, Right(8800.01)),
(0, true, 500, 50d, Right(-50)),
(1, false, 1200, 1199.99, Left("Insufficient balance to withdraw")),
(0, false, 500, 50d, Left("Insufficient balance to withdraw")),
(10_000, true, 1200, 1200.0001, Left("Amount exceeding your limit of")),
(0, false, 500, 500d, Left("Amount exceeding your limit of"))
Bank withdrawal – how we would test it in real life ?
Use ParameterizedTests -> TableDrivenPropertyChecks
Describe test cases
Check implementation based on them
We can use Properties to help us identify edge cases
and add new examples in our table
A better approach for this kind of use cases :
• Example-based with Table to allow easy addition of new tests cases
• Use PBT as a cases finders
• Use PBT to check idem potence
"withdraw" should "pass examples" in {
forAll(`withdraw examples`) {
) =>
val command = toWithdraw(withdrawAmount)
val debitedAccount =
Account(balance, isOverdraftAuthorized, maxWithdrawal),
expectedResult match {
case Left(expectedErrorMessage) =>
debitedAccount.left.value should startWith(expectedErrorMessage)
case Right(expectedBalance) =>
debitedAccount.value.balance should be(expectedBalance)
debitedAccount.value.withdraws should contain(command)
debitedAccount.value.withdraws should have length 1
scala C# java