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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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2 Taaliyo ka samman...HN. Team Tushar Choudhari Ramya Kappagantu Rohit Daftari Sohail Pathan Shantanu Vishwanadha Anmoldeep Singh Harshita Bambure Vedant Khairnar Pushkar Kukde Raghav Agrawal Jasmine Jadwani Astha Patel Ankur Gawande Saniya Imroze Shreya Santoshwar Saish Adlak Vanshika Trivedi

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning PareshMayani.apk - Delivered 100+ talks - Organised and attended 150+ events - 11+ years industry experience - People, Process, Projects, Delivery > Practice Head at Simform - Community Organiser @ GDG Ahmedabad since 2012 - DevRel Enthusiast

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6 Slides ● Slides with GIFs ● Speakerdeck (Download PDF)

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7 Wow someone is going to make us Ninja Developer

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8 Let’s go and attend to become a Ninja Developer

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9 There is no Shortcut!

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10 Thank you all for joining my session

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Thanks I have your attention

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12 You mean Ninja?

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13 Nope I mean Ninja Developers

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hacknagpur. Ordinary Developers Vs Ninja Developers

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Ordinary Developers - Learn - Code - Eat - Sleep

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Ninja Developers - Learn - Code - Network - Share - Communicate - Analysis - Eat - Relax

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Read Medium Articles - Startup grind - FreeCodeCamp - Mindorks - Hackernoon - DailyJS - Google Developers Experts

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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Watch Online Videos And Courses - Udacity - Udemy - Google Developers - LearnWebCode - Programming with Mosh - MTechViral - Smartherd

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Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Qwiklabs - Quests leaders Hacktober Fest - Learning (Course) + Goodies

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Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Qwiklabs - Quests leaders Hacktober Fest - Learning (Course) + Goodies

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Join any 1 online course

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Attend Events - GDG Nagpur - Facebook Dev Circle - Kotlin User Group Nagpur - Women Techmakers Nagpur - Startup Saturday - HeadStart Nagpur - Nagpur Startups - Developer Student Clubs Find more on Meetup

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Questions: 1. Why do you attend events? 2. How to get most out of events? ?

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Join at least 1 meetup group/community

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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Extra Tips - Be in a group of passionate People - Take part in online forums - Github organisation (Open source)

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Attention! You can not and Need not to learn everything coming out in the market

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Make a plan for learning You can not and Need not to learn everything coming out in the market - Prepare a list of all topics/things that you want to learn - May be a list of things that you are lagging behind in your domain - Decide the priority of each topics and reset the order - Select top 3 - Make a plan for Learning 1st - Continue until you are done with all 3 things

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Have a Pet project - Develop something you are passionate about - To solve problems

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Have a Pet project - Develop something you are passionate about - To solve problems - Can’t try out all the things in client projects

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hacknagpur. Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Have a Pet project - Develop something you are passionate about - To solve problems - Can’t try out all the things in client projects - Side Income

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hacknagpur. Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Open Source Contribution - Find open source projects or repository GDG[X] 1. Hoverboard 2. Aura 3. Chakram

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hacknagpur. Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Open Source Contribution - Find open source projects or repository - Make your own repo

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Open Source Contribution - Find open source projects or repository - Make your own repo - Discuss and learn - Help you in building your profile - Career opportunity

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Open Source Contribution Career Opportunity

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Pair Programming

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Peer to peer Code Review

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: - Start following Git flow model - Get your PRs reviewed

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Attend Events Take part in forums - Meet new people - Learn from experts - Discuss with people - Know what they are developing

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Take a snapshot of your screen and let the world know you are attending this event Don’t forget to tag people and use #HackNagpur Let’s do networking. How?

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Deliver Talks - Gets you to connect with community members and experts - Teach is to learn twice

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hacknagpur. “Teach is to learn twice”

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Write blogs/articles - How to start with blogging???? Somewhere you will have to start, right? - Write in parts - Get it reviewed Benefits: - Online friends/followers - Build your own profile - Communication skills improved

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Write a blog on your #HackNagpur experience

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Deliver Talks - Submit CFPs - Lightning talks - Show and Tell - Full length talks - Session in company

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Deliver Talks - Submit CFPs Objection 1: No one wants to listen me

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Deliver Talks - Submit CFPs Objection 1: No one wants to listen me Objection 2: I don’t know NOTHING

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Deliver Talks - Submit CFPs Objection 1: No one wants to listen me Objection 2: I don’t know NOTHING Objection 3: Rejection, keep submitting!

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No content

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Communicate very well - Should be able to communicate well, be it clients or team

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Communicate very well - Should be able to communicate well, be it clients or team - Share daily status update

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Daily Status Update Today’s status update: Today’s update: - Worked on X thing - IN PROGRESS - Worked on Y thing - COMPLETED. Hosted on server Plan for tomorrow: - Work on Z thing Blockers/Queries if any - Not any at this moment

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Communicate very well - Should be able to communicate well, be it clients or team - Share daily status update - Share proper commitments

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Communicate very well - Should be able to communicate well, be it clients or team - Share daily status update - Share proper commitments - Share concerns at right time

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Communicate very well - Should be able to communicate well, be it clients or team - Share daily status update - Share proper commitments - Share concerns at right time - English Communication Skills

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65 The clients…. Deal with them nicely!

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Requirement Analysis - Understand project requirement thoroughly before you jump on the development part

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Requirement Analysis - Understand project requirement thoroughly before you jump on the development part

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Extra point: - Control your emotions when there is a change in requirement

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hacknagpur. “Change is the only Constant” “Boss (Client) is always right”

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Requirement Analysis - Understand project requirement thoroughly before you jump on the development part - Corner cases and User scenarios

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Requirement Analysis - Understand project requirement thoroughly before you jump on the development part - Corner cases and User scenarios - Request for the documentation (SRS, User stories)

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Analysis skill - Ask the right questions - Make no assumptions - Realise what you don’t know

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Eat & Relax

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Eat & Relax - Take enough rest - Maintain schedule - Go for walk - Give time for yourself CLEAR OUT CACHE

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Concluding... - Learn and add at least 1 new skill per year in your resume - Attend at least 1 new course in a quarter - Follow Goal based learning - Keep learning, keep sharing - Meet new people and learn from them - Follow experts over your favorite media - Sharpen your analysis skill - Stay passionate! Save yourself from Back pain

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hacknagpur. Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Remember! You can not and Need not to learn everything coming out in the market. Make a plan and do Goals based learning!

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hacknagpur. Hiring Ninja Developers Simform Solutions [email protected]

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79 Slides ● Slides with GIFs ● Speakerdeck (Download PDF)

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hacknagpur. No Q&A

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धन्यवाद hacknagpur. Paresh Mayani Practice Head, Simform Solutions Community Organiser, GDG Ahmedabad @pareshmayani