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Building Overlay SDKs “The two-minute integra1on challenge”

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A DIY survey tool

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8k Android & iOS apps 230m mobile devices An SDK that overlays over everything runs on more than

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Simple as A B C ● IntegraBon in 2 minutes

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•  What is the purpose of this SDK? •  Who is it for? •  What tools/procedures are currently being used? •  How easy will it be to adopt and scale? •  How will you expose/distribute it? •  What are the plaBorm’s limitaDons? IniBal consideraBons when designing an SDK

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An SDK to overlay quesBonnaires over any app •  Show overlay as full screen •  Usage as a black box for developers •  1 line of code •  Should work on Android 10 and above

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An overlay is a view that is placed over other views. Such views can be created on Android in several different ways and for several different purposes, i.e.: •  FloaDng buNons/menus •  Onboarding tutorials •  AdverDsing •  Augmented Reality •  Fancy animaDons •  Other Overlays on Android

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#1 Overlay through WindowManager Overlays on Android

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A system service responsible for organizing the screen WindowManager

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•  WindowToken is a special type of Binder object. •  Used on Android extensively for security reasons. •  A Window Token uniquely idenDfies a window, and is used by WindowManager to decide whether or not a window is allowed to be placed at a requested posiDon. Two types of WindowTokens: •  AppWindowToken •  WindowToken WindowTokens

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There are 3 main classes of windows: •  ApplicaBon windows - are normal top level windows •  Sub-windows - are windows that are associated with another top-level window •  System windows - are special types of windows for use by the system for specific purposes Windows

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Windows > adb shell dumpsys window windows > adb shell dumpsys window tokens

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Adding an overlay view with WindowManager WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); params.width = WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; params.height = WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; params.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION; params.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE; params.format = PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT; params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER | Gravity.START; windowManager.addView(overlayView, params);

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Adding an overlay view with WindowManager

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Adding an overlay view with WindowManager

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#2 Overlay through PhoneWindow Overlays on Android

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An implementaDon of Window’s abstract class When an acDvity starts, AcDvityManager along with WindowManager request the creaDon of a PhoneWindow. PhoneWindow is responsible for holding the acDvity’s view hierarchy. Phone Window

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PhoneWindow has two important members: •  DecorView mDecor – which is the top-level view of the window, containing the window decor (like the acDvity's window background) •  ViewGroup mContentParent – which is the view in which the window contents are placed (for example the user's view layout) and is either the DecorView itself, or a child of DecorView where the contents go DecorView is an inner class of PhoneWindow: private final class DecorView extends FrameLayout implements RootViewSurfaceTaker { ... } Phone Window

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Nexus 4 – Android 4.3 AcBvity’s view hierarchy prior seOng content view

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Nexus 5 – Android 5.1 AcBvity’s view hierarchy prior seOng content view

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There are 3 opDons on how to setContentView: 1.  setContentView (View view) - Set the acDvity content to an explicit view. 2.  setContentView (int layoutResID) - Set the acDvity content from a layout resource. 3.  setContentView (View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) - Set the acDvity content to an explicit view with specified layout params. SeOng acBvity's content view @Override public void setContentView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) { if (mContentParent == null) { installDecor(); } else { mContentParent.removeAllViews(); } mContentParent.addView(view, params); final Callback cb = getCallback(); if (cb != null && !isDestroyed()) { cb.onContentChanged(); } }

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Nexus 5 – Android 5.1 AcBvity’s view hierarchy aXer seOng content view

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setContentView Vs addContentView addContentView main difference with setContentView is that it does not remove any previously added views to mContentParent Adding another content view to the AcBvity addContentView(overlayView, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); @Override public void addContentView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) { if (mContentParent == null) { installDecor(); } mContentParent.addView(view, params); final Callback cb = getCallback(); if (cb != null && !isDestroyed()) { cb.onContentChanged(); } } ((ViewGroup) overlayView.getParent()).removeView(overlayView); removing is easy

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Nexus 5 – Android 5.1 AcBvity’s view hierarchy aXer adding another content view

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#3 Overlay with a new DecorView child Overlays on Android

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•  FrameLayout - is designed to hold a stack of child views with the most recent placed on top. •  RelaBveLayout - can be used to posiDon child views either relaDve to each other, or to the screen boundaries. Overlay using a FrameLayout or RelaBveLayout

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bringChildToFront(..) Changing z-order in a RelaBveLayout

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Overlay with a new DecorView child – prior to re-arrangement Nexus 5 – Android 5.1

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1.  Check if OverlayView already exists in view hierarchy. 2.  Remove OverlayView (if found) and restore to AcDvity's iniDal view hierarchy. 3.  Get reference to the child of DecorView which holds the AcDvity’s view hierarchy. 4.  Create parent RelaDveLayout. 5.  Remove child of DecorView's which holds the AcDvity’s view hierarchy from parent. 6.  Add the original DecorView child view to our parent RelaDveLayout. 7.  Add our parent RelaDveLayout to DecorView as a new child. 8.  Add our OverlayView to parent RelaDveLayout. Overlay with a new DecorView child – re-arrangement flow

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Overlay with a new DecorView child – post re-arrangement Nexus 5 – Android 5.1

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Choosing the right format Library project JAR apklib AAR

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public staDc void init(AcDvity act, String apiKey, PosiDon p, int indPadding) ; public staDc void init(AcDvity act, String apiKey, PosiDon p, int indPadding, boolean devMode); public staDc void init(AcDvity act, String apiKey, PosiDon p, int indPadding, ViewGroup userLayout) ; public staDc void init( AcDvity act, String apiKey, PosiDon p, int indPadding, PollfishSurveyReceivedListener pollfishSurveyReceivedListener, PollfishSurveyNotAvailableListener pollfishSurveyNotAvailableListener, PollfishSurveyCompletedListener pollfishSurveyCompletedListener, PollfishOpenedListener pollfishOpenedListener, PollfishClosedListener pollfishClosedListener, PollfishUserNotEligibleListener pollfishUserNotEligibleListener) ; … public staDc void customInit (AcDvity act, String apiKey, PosiDon p, int indPadding) ; public staDc void customInit(AcDvity act, String apiKey, PosiDon p, int indPadding, boolean devMode) ; public staDc void customInit (AcDvity act, String apiKey, PosiDon p, int indPadding, ViewGroup userLayout) ; public staDc void customInit ( AcDvity act, String apiKey, PosiDon p, int indPadding, PollfishSurveyReceivedListener pollfishSurveyReceivedListener, PollfishSurveyNotAvailableListener pollfishSurveyNotAvailableListener, PollfishSurveyCompletedListener pollfishSurveyCompletedListener, PollfishOpenedListener pollfishOpenedListener, PollfishClosedListener pollfishClosedListener, PollfishUserNotEligibleListener pollfishUserNotEligibleListener) ; … Expose an interface for your library Think twice - choose the right design paAern!

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ParamsBuilder paramsBuilder = new ParamsBuilder("YOUR_API_KEY") .indicatorPadding(50) .indicatorPosiDon(PosiDon.BOTTOM_RIGHT) .customMode(true) .pollfishSurveyCompletedListener(new PollfishSurveyCompletedListener() { @Override public void onPollfishSurveyCompleted(boolean playfulSurvey, int surveyPrice) { Log.d(TAG, "onPollfishSurveyCompleted"); } }) .build(); PollFish.initWith(this, paramsBuilder); Expose an interface for your library Easy to use, clean and extensible

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In meta data of AndroidManifest.xml Provision and authenBcate - API key PollFish.initWith(.this, new ParamsBuilder("YOUR_API_KEY") .build()); or during iniDalizaDon

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Give developers a way to test the behavior of your library transparently or give them back the power Developer Vs Release Mode boolean isDebuggable = (0 != (acDvity.getApplicaDonInfo().flags & ApplicaDonInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE)); ParamsBuilder paramsBuilder = new ParamsBuilder("YOUR_API_KEY") .releaseMode(true) .build(); PollFish.initWith(this, paramsBuilder);

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Throw an excepDon if needed/expected, fail fast Handle failure – Inform Inform developer – save the support team! Never fail in release mode if(paramsBuilder==null) { throw new IllegalArgumentExcepDon("ParamsBuilder should never be null"); } Log.w(TAG, "You re using Pollfish SDK for Google Play in developer mode"); log info to the developer

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Request minimum permissions Check if a permission is granted during runDme Deal silently with permissions PackageManager pm = ctx.getPackageManager(); if ((pm.checkPermission(permission.BLUETOOTH, ctx.getPackageName()) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) && ((pm.checkPermission(permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN, ctx.getPackageName()) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED))) { //Do some beacon staff }

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protected boolean supportsBLE(Context ctx){ PackageManager pm = ctx.getPackageManager(); String feature_ble=PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH_LE; return pm.hasSystemFeature(feature_ble); } Detect and use features under the hood

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BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter=null; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) { BluetoothManager bluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) acDvity.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); mBluetoothAdapter = bluetoothManager.getAdapter(); } else { mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); } Keep backwards compaBbility – be agnosBc check Android version

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Classpath DetecDon Keep backwards compaBbility – be agnosBc try { Class.forName("" ); } catch( ClassNotFoundExcepDon e ) { //this class isn't there! } Thrown when the VM no1ces that a program tries to reference, * on a class or object, a method that does not exist. try{ setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null); }catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { //this method isn't there! }

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You can allow AcDvity to implement listeners of SDK events Provide listeners/noBficaBons for SDK events ParamsBuilder paramsBuilder = new ParamsBuilder("YOUR_API_KEY"] .pollfishSurveyCompletedListener(new PollfishSurveyCompletedListener() { @Override public void onPollfishSurveyCompleted(boolean playfulSurvey, int surveyPrice) { Log.d(TAG, "onPollfishSurveyCompleted"); } }) .build(); public class MainAcDvity extends AppCompatAcDvity implements PollfishSurveyCompletedListener{…} if(acDvity instanceof PollfishSurveyCompletedListener){…} or allow developer to pass relevant listeners during iniDalizaDon and then internally check

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ApplicaDon.AcDvityLifecycleCallbacks acDvityCallbackWrapper = new ApplicaDon.AcDvityLifecycleCallbacks() { public void onAcDvityCreated(AcDvity acDvity, Bundle bundle) { } public void onAcDvityStarted(AcDvity acDvity) { } public void onAcDvityResumed(AcDvity acDvity){ } public void onAcDvityPaused(AcDvity acDvity) { } public void onAcDvityStopped(AcDvity acDvity) { } public void onAcDvitySaveInstanceState(AcDvity acDvity, Bundle bundle) { } public void onAcDvityDestroyed(AcDvity acDvity) { } }; applicaDon.registerAcDvityLifecycleCallbacks(acDvityCallbackWrapper ); Listen/register to AcBvity lifecycle events if needed

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@Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { … If (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { if (pollfishViewStatus == PollfishViewStatus.PANEL_OPEN) { hidePanel(); return true; } } …. return false; } Capture and consume key events if needed

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•  Handle offline •  Set threads priority •  Batch network requests, minimize impact •  Cache files •  Handle orientaDons •  Check keyboard and window flags •  Avoid memory leaks Design for every case

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Make it testable/mockable •  Avoid staDc methods •  Avoid final classes Obfuscate and opBmize •  Keep public API Release •  Distribute to public repos Make it testable, obfuscate, release

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•  An SDK easy to integrate – easy to use •  Javadocs and documentaDon •  Sample projects •  Demo apps Deliverables

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Burn in support hell!

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Thank you [email protected] @vourkosa