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UX, UI, CX, SD, PD: Does it matter? Donna Spencer, Lead consultant

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…Social identity theory

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Ingroups and outgroups The need to belong to a group is strong and develops early Groups mark identity with language, speech and dress Outgroups are more generic; ingroups are more diverse The outgroup has nothing to contribute

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Ingroups and outgroups We feel like a minority group Groups under status pressure reinforce their boundaries And look for ways to increase status

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Usability Information architecture Customer experience Graphic design UI design Voice UI design Marketing User experience Service design Design strategy Interaction design

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…Category theory

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Aristotelian philosophy says • Categories exist in the world • There are right and wrong ways to categorise • Categories can be defined

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Modern category theory says • Categories are embodied • Our experiences make them, and our experiences are real, so our experienced categories are real

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Think about who you are communicating with

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UX, UI, CX, SD, PD: Does it matter? When talking amongst ourselves: Yep When talking to others: Nope