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2 When Architecture Meets Data Self-Aware Systems for an Imperfect World  Defining Architecture  Architecture Today  Where Architecture is Going  Self-Adaptive Systems  Examples  Implications For Us All QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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3 3 To begin: what is “architecture”? Many uses of the term “architecture” For our purposes: Software Architecture is the set of software related elements that comprise a software-intensive system, their relationships, and the set of design decisions that allow the system to meet its system quality requirements (“non-functionals”) Software architecture tends to be the decisions that are difficult to change once implemented [Fowler] QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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4 4 Architecture Today Software architecture today can be characterised as: • Static yet Ephemeral • Set in stone, difficult to discern in the running system • Depends on “Up-Front” Platform Design • The least agile part is the runtime platform design • Difficult to change • Architectural change is a manual, time-consuming affair QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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5 5 Architecture – Static yet Ephemeral QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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6 6 Architecture – Big Platform Up Front QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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7 7 Architecture – Difficult to Change QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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8 8 Where Architecture is Going Where do current trends point for architecture? QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Data Driven Dynamic

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9 9 Learning from Infrastructure Infrastructure is undergoing a revolution • Static, device centric, manual change, request based … to dynamic, virtualised, automated, policy based • Enabled by the “API for Infrastructure” – “SDx” QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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10 10 Democratisation of Data Data and analytics are also undergoing major change • Centralised very expensive warehouses … to scalable open source and SaaS analysis platforms • Platform and algorithms becoming accessible commodities • Allow predictive analytics on large data sets QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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11 11 Analytics Providing System Insight Analytics possibilities • Descriptive – what has happened so far? • Predictive – what is likely in the future? • Prescriptive – how do we optimise in response? Example using Predictive Analytics • Transaction profiling of system activity metrics • Machine learning to “teach” the system what peaks in activity look like • Resulting model predicting future activity peaks QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. https://azure.

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12 12 Analytics Providing System Insight QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. 0 50 100 150 200 Batch Time Batch Time 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Memory Memory 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Volume ? ? ?

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13 13 Impact on Software Architecture? What could the effect be on software architecture? • SDx gives measurement and control of platform • Analytics provides insight into system operation • SDx + Analytics == dynamic platform • Where does this leave the software architecture? • The weak link? QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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14 14 Impact on Our Systems • SDx + Analytics == dynamic platform • Software architecture is still static – left behind? QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Dynamic Infrastructure Platform Analytics Based Controller Observations Changes

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15 15 • What if we had an API for our architecture? • Needs first class architecture in the code • SDI + Analytics + SDA == dynamic system Architecture API Control The Missing API - Architecture QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Platform API Analytics Based Controller Control Dynamic Infrastructure Platform Measurements

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16 Not a new idea 1999 – IEEE Intelligent Systems Article • An Architecture Based Approach to Self-Adaptive Systems • Oreizy, Gorlick, Taylor, Heimbigner, Johnson, Medvidovic, Quilici, Rosenblum and Wolf 2009 – QoSA Conference theme • Architectures for Self-Adaptive Software Systems Research still going on today • Recent survey paper “A survey on engineering approaches for self-adaptive systems” by Krupitzer, Roth, VanSyckel, Schiele, and Becker Self-Adaptive Systems QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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17 17 Self-Adaptive Systems QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Conditional Statements Online Algorithms Generic & Parameterised Algorithms Algorithm Selection Evolutionary Algorithms & ML

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18 18 Self-Adaptive Systems QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Evolution Maintain Integrity Make changes; collect observations Adaptation Evaluate Operation Plan Change Apply Change Model (Adapted from Oreizy 99) System

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19 19 What problems might this solve? We could have systems that … • Auto-scale reactively • Add capacity when load increases (we have this today) • Intelligently auto-scale predictively • Adjust capacity for predicted peaks and troughs • Change their functional behaviour • Predictively replace processing components to meet predicted requirements QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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20 20 Performance Analytics Risk Estimator An Example QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Transaction Processor Request Handler Demand Message Bus Risk Calculator Risk Dashboard Predictive Controller Risk Estimator Risk Calculator

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21 21 An API for Architecture Controlling our architecture would involve: • Knowing the current structure (a model) • Adding & removing elements and connectors • Being able to “rewire” elements & connectors • Patterns for allowable transformations • Structural constraints to reject invalid structures • Policy based constraints for unacceptable systems • API implemented by the platform (PaaS) Programming language extension or an external language? • In the codebase & “compiled” • Maybe related to existing “ADLs”? QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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22 22 An API for Architecture Our example using an imaginary API QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. arch = Platform.getArchitecture("MyArch") riskCalc = arch.getElement("RiskCalculator") msgBus = calc.getConnector("inboundMsg") dashBrd = calc.getConnector("dashboard") riskEst = arch.getElement("RiskEstimator") riskEst.setConnector("dashboard", dashBrd) riskEst.setConnector("inboundMsg", msgBus) riskCalc.setConnector("dashboard", null) riskCalc.setConnector("inboundMsg", null) riskCalc.deactivate() riskEst.activate() arch.commitChanges()

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23 23 Implications What does this mean for research and practice? • More cross disciplinary research than is normal • Data, machine learning, adaptive systems, middleware, … • More industry and academic cooperation • Industry has the systems, academia the models • Crossing roles including architecture, infrastructure & testing • First class runtime software architecture • You need a model of the architecture to change it • That model should be in the implementation • No (general) runtime architecture models in use today • The challenge Software Architecture research needs? QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION.

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24 24 Our Future Systems Architectures QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Handler Processor Calculator Store SDx Infrastructure System Analytics Architecture API Self-Adaptive Systems Dynamic Data-Driven Systems

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25 Thank you QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Eoin Woods Endava +44 207 367 1000 en_ewoods