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How to improve the SEO fitness of your site

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Marieke van de Rakt [email protected] @mariekerakt

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Today’s presentation • What is SEO fitness? • Is my site SEO fit (enough)? • How to improve the SEO fitness of your site ● Staying SEO fit

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What is SEO fitness?

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Why are sites not as SEO fit as they could be?

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Why are sites not as fit as they could be? • Lots and lots of content • Lack of internal linking • Lack of Schema implementation • Poor quality of texts And…. the demands of Google rise...

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Google is amazingly smart in reading texts

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No content

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No content

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Google tries to mimic a human-being

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Google does not understand structure

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No content

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SEO fitness is important because: 1. Sites get bigger and older 2. Google is getting smarter

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Are you SEO fit? Take the quiz! »

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How to quickly improve the SEO fitness of your site Focus on: 1. Schema 2. Internal linking 3. Great content

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1.Improve your schema implementation

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Schema Pieces

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Scattered pieces of Schema

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We connect the puzzle pieces

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We need some input

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No content

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What’s in it for you?

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Knowledge panel

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No content

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No content

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Yoast Structured data blocks FAQ block How-to block

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Structured data blocks

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2. Improve internal linking

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Internal linking

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Which pages are most important?

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No content

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No content

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Contextual linking

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Solve orphaned content

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Use the text link counter!

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3. Improve your content

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Always start with keyword research

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1. Original content 2. Readable content 3. Findable content Quality content should be:

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Original content

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Readable content

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a. Structure of a text

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b. Clear paragraphs

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No content

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c. Short sentences

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Findable content

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No content

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No content

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Optimizing for the search engines should never compromise your readability

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No more exact matching keywords

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Plurals, past tense, synonyms

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How to quickly improve the SEO fitness of your site Focus on: 1. Schema 2. Internal linking 3. Great content

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Staying SEO fit

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Some tips on how to keep up the good work • Craft a to-do list and set goals • Reserve time in your calendar voor SEO • Check out (automation) tools • Develop a routine for recurring tasks (like keyword research) • SEO should be part of your site maintenance

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Site love

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Key takeaways • Demands of SEO Fitness have risen • Get fit by focussing on: schema, internal linking and great content • Develop a routine and make SEO part of your site maintenance;

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Give your site the love it deserves

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No content

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Questions???? [email protected] @mariekerakt