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Ok Google, Make an Android Things Product Rebecca Franks Android Engineering Lead at DVT Google Developer Expert Android @riggaroo

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Android Things

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Android Things is an extension of the Android platform for IoT and embedded devices.

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Interactive Ads Vending Machines Point of Sale Stock Control Retail Cameras Gateways Access Control Smart Meters Business Asset Tracking Fleet Management Driver Assist Predictive Service Logistics Security Systems Smart Doorbells Routers Energy Monitors Home Android Things is ideal for powerful, intelligent devices that need to be secure.

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Similarities Any other Android library... Android SDK Play Services Firebase Android Studio Cloud Platform

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Differences No Play Store Deploy OTAs Subset of APIs Custom Hardware Single Purpose Device

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Applications Launcher Phone Messaging Contacts Calendar Browser Settings Application Framework Activity Manager Window Manager Power Manager Resource Manager XMPP Service Content Providers Wallpapers System UI Package Manager Telephony Manager Location Manager Connectivity Manager View System Runtime Permissions Soft Keyboards Notifications Libraries Surface Manager Media Framework Chromium SSL HAL Audio Manager SQLite Open GL libc Core Libraries Android Runtime (ART) Android Runtime Linux Kernel Display Driver Camera Driver Bluetooth Driver Binder (IPC) Driver USB Driver Audio Driver WiFi Driver Power Management

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Applications Launcher Phone Messaging Contacts Calendar Browser Settings Application Framework Activity Manager Window Manager Power Manager Resource Manager XMPP Service Content Providers Wallpapers System UI Package Manager Telephony Manager Location Manager Connectivity Manager View System Runtime Permissions Soft Keyboards Notifications Libraries Surface Manager Media Framework Chromium SSL HAL Audio Manager SQLite Open GL libc Core Libraries Android Runtime (ART) Android Runtime Linux Kernel Display Driver Camera Driver Bluetooth Driver Binder (IPC) Driver USB Driver Audio Driver WiFi Driver Power Management

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Applications Launcher Phone Messaging Contacts Calendar Browser Settings Application Framework Activity Manager Window Manager Power Manager Resource Manager XMPP Service Wallpapers System UI Package Manager Telephony Manager Location Manager Connectivity Manager View System Soft Keyboards Notifications Libraries Surface Manager Media Framework Chromium SSL HAL Audio Manager SQLite Open GL libc Core Libraries Android Runtime (ART) Android Runtime Linux Kernel Display Driver Camera Driver Bluetooth Driver Binder (IPC) Driver USB Driver Audio Driver WiFi Driver Power Management Things Support Library Peripheral I/O Device Management User Drivers Connectivity

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SoM Architecture Google Managed BSP

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Distribution with Android Things Android Framework Hardware Libraries Linux Kernel Managed by Google Apps User Drivers Managed by Developers

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Android Things Console ● Manage your Android Things IoT Product ● Download and install the latest Android Things system image ● Build factory images that contain OEM applications along with the system image ● Push over-the-air (OTA) updates

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Automatic Security Updates Signed Images Verified Boot A/B Rollback Protection

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Developing for Android Things

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Developer Kits NXP I.MX7D Raspberry Pi 3

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Hardware Integration Peripheral Driver Library - Github + many more... Button GPS PWM Servo RGB LED Strip Temperature Sensor Capacitive Touch Buttons Peripheral I/O - Low Level Access GPIO PWM I2C SPI UART I2S

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Build a Motion Sensing Camera

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Motion Sensing Camera

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Pico i.MX7 Pinout * there was a change in pin naming in DP6

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//Automatically added in app level build.gradle compileOnly ''

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//Automatically added in AndroidManifest.xml

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//Automatically added in AndroidManifest.xml

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Working with a Motion Sensor

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GPIO - General Purpose Input / Output - Programmable way to read true / false values (1 or 0) (push button, PIR Sensor) - Write true/false values (LED) - Configurable

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PIR Sensor

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Motion Sensor Control

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//Accessing Sensor Data private val motionSensorGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio(motionSensorPin) fun start() { motionSensorGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) motionSensorGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) motionSensorGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) motionSensorGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { motionListener.onMotionDetected() } else { motionListener.onMotionStopped() } return true } }) }

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//Accessing Sensor Data private val motionSensorGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio(motionSensorPin) fun start() { motionSensorGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) motionSensorGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) motionSensorGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) motionSensorGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { motionListener.onMotionDetected() } else { motionListener.onMotionStopped() } return true } }) }

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//Accessing Sensor Data private val motionSensorGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio(motionSensorPin) fun start() { motionSensorGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) motionSensorGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) motionSensorGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) motionSensorGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { motionListener.onMotionDetected() } else { motionListener.onMotionStopped() } return true } }) }

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LED Control

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val peripheralManagerService = PeripheralManagerService() ledGpio = peripheralManagerService.openGpio(LED_GPIO_PIN) ledGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_OUT_INITIALLY_LOW) ledGpio.value = true ledGpio.close()

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val peripheralManagerService = PeripheralManagerService() ledGpio = peripheralManagerService.openGpio(LED_GPIO_PIN) ledGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_OUT_INITIALLY_LOW) ledGpio.value = true ledGpio.close()

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val peripheralManagerService = PeripheralManagerService() ledGpio = peripheralManagerService.openGpio(LED_GPIO_PIN) ledGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_OUT_INITIALLY_LOW) ledGpio.value = true ledGpio.close()

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Google Assistant Integration

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Actions on Google Conversational Actions - Two way dialog - Your action manages the conversation “Ok Google, Talk to Spelling Master” Direct Actions - Google handles the entire user interaction - You only handle the fufilment “Ok Google, Turn off the Motion Sensing Alarm”

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Smart Home Apps rely on Home Graph Living Room Kitchen Bedroom Office

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How do you create a Smart Home App?

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1. Setup OAuth 2.0 Server for account linking ...or fake it for testing :)

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2. Create actions on Google project

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3. Create an action package, declaring support for Smart Home intents.

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{ "actions": [{ "name": "actions.devices", "deviceControl": { }, "fulfillment": { "conversationName": "automation" } }], "conversations": { "automation" : { "name": "automation", "url": "" } } }

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4. Provide fulfillment of Smart Home intents. (Cloud function)

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Smart Home - Setup + SYNC

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Smart Home - EXECUTE Command

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Smart Home - QUERY Command

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5. Test and submit your app for approval.

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Google Assistant Example Hackster Project:

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Edison Candle Dave Smith @devunwired

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BrailleBox Joe Birch @hitherejoe

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AI Candy Dispenser Alvaro Viebrantz @alvaroviebrantz

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Wildlife Detector Paul Trebilcox-Ruiz @PaulTR88

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Automatic and Secure The Power of Android Managed by Google Summary: Why Android Things?

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More info: docs codelab

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Workshop Android Things- Building a Motion Sensing Camera - Tomorrow! 13:00

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Thank you! Rebecca Franks Android Engineering Lead at DVT @riggaroo