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Event-driven orchestration with Eventarc and Workflows Mete Atamel Developer Advocate at Google @meteatamel

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Event-driven orchestration Orchestrated services communicating via events Orchestrated Services Message Broker Orchestrated Services Orchestrated Services

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Google Cloud GA Your own apps GA Cloud Run GA Cloud Functions Preview Workflows Preview Targets Sources Cloud Run for Anthos on GKE Preview Eventarc Triggers to filter events CloudEvents format

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New message in a Pub/Sub topic → Cloud Run gcloud eventarc triggers create trigger-pubsub \ --destination-run-service=$SERVICE_NAME \ --destination-run-region=$REGION \ --event-filters="" --transport-topic=projects/$PROJECT_ID/topics/$TOPIC_ID Pub/Sub Trigger

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New Compute Engine VM creation → Cloud Run gcloud eventarc triggers create trigger-auditlog \ --destination-run-service=$SERVICE_NAME \ --destination-run-region=$REGION --event-filters="" \ --event-filters="" \ --event-filters="methodName=beta.compute.instances.insert" \ --service-account=$ Audit Log Trigger

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Create a trigger for new object creation in Cloud Storage → Cloud Run gcloud eventarc triggers create trigger-gcs \ --destination-run-service=$SERVICE_NAME \ --destination-run-region=$REGION --event-filters="" \ --event-filters="bucket=$BUCKET_NAME" \ --service-account=$ Cloud Storage Trigger

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Serverless Compute External API’s Google API’s etc... Workflows - orchestrate & integrate SaaS API’s Private API’s Other Clouds Workflows

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- processPayment: call: args: url: body: input: ${paymentDetails} result: processResult - shipItems: call: args: url: https://.../ body: input: ${processResult.body} result: shipResult - notifyUser: call: ... Payment Processor Cloud Run Authorize & charge CC Notifier Cloud Run Notify user Shipper Cloud Functions Prepare & ship items YAML or JSON syntax

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Deploy, execute, manage workflows # Deploy a workflow gcloud workflows deploy my-workflow --source=workflow.yaml # Execute a workflow gcloud workflows execute my-workflow # See the result gcloud workflows executions describe --workflow my-workflow

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Image processing pipeline v1 - Eventarc (AuditLog-Cloud Storage) + Cloud Run End Users Images Input Cloud Storage Images Output Cloud Storage Filter Cloud Run Resizer Cloud Run Labeler Cloud Run Watermarker Cloud Run File uploaded Cloud Pub/Sub File resized Cloud Pub/Sub AuditLog Trigger Eventarc Pub/Sub Trigger Eventarc Pub/Sub Trigger Eventarc

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Image processing pipeline v2 - Eventarc (Cloud Storage) + Cloud Run +Workflows End Users Images Input Cloud Storage Images Output Cloud Storage Filter Cloud Run Cloud Storage Trigger Eventarc Image Processing Workflows Watermarker Cloud Functions Resizer Cloud Functions Labeler Cloud Functions

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Image processing pipeline v3 - Eventarc (Cloud Storage) + Workflows End Users Images Input Cloud Storage Images Output Cloud Storage Cloud Storage Trigger Eventarc Image Processing Workflows Watermarker Cloud Functions Resizer Cloud Functions Labeler Cloud Functions Filter Cloud Functions

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@meteatamel Thank you!