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Face Recognition on mobile applications Deep Learning & Augmented Reality

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Integration inside a Mobile App

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Tell Me Why Diving Deeper Performances Privacy

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Machine Learning Machine Learning on Mobile

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Machine Learning Machine Learning on Mobile

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Machine Learning Machine Learning on Mobile

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2 Main Solutions 2 Main Solutions

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Google: TensorFlow 2 Main Solutions

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Apple: Vision & Core ML 2 Main Solutions

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Deep Learning for Face Recognition

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Two Components

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Machine Learning

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Vision ▼ Face and face landmark detection ▼ Text detection ▼ Barcode recognition ▼ Feature tracking ▼ Custom Core ML models

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Face Rectangle Request let imageRequestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer, orientation: .right, options: [:]) let request = VNDetectFaceRectanglesRequest() try imageRequestHandler.perform([request]) guard let results = request.results as? [VNFaceObservation] else { return } for result in results { result.confidence // 0...1 result.landmarks // Face Landmarks result.boundingBox // Rectangle Around the Face }

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Machine Learning

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Apple: Core ML Diving Deeper

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Core ML: Execution on CPU or GPU? Diving Deeper ▼ CPU or GPU chosen according to the device ▼ CPU execution runs on top of Accelerate framework

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Core ML: Execution on GPU or GPU? Diving Deeper ▼ GPU or GPU chosen according to the device ▼ CPU execution runs on top of Accelerate framework ▽ Abstraction for leveraging the vector-processing capabilities of the CPU

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Core ML: Execution on GPU or GPU? Diving Deeper ▼ GPU or GPU chosen according to the device ▼ CPU execution runs on top of Accelerate framework ▽ Abstraction for leveraging the vector-processing capabilities of the CPU ▼ iOS chooses for You /!\

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Apple: Core ML Diving Deeper

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Apple: Core ML Diving Deeper

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Apple: Core ML Diving Deeper

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Diving Deeper Main Hurdles ▼ Conversion ▼ Performances ▼ Model Size

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Apple: Core ML Diving Deeper

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Core ML Tools Diving Deeper ▼ Convert ▼ Predict (Test)

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Core ML Tools Diving Deeper from inception_resnet_v1 import * model = InceptionResNetV1(weights_path='facenet_keras_weights.h5') coreml_model = coremltools.converters.keras.convert( model, input_names="image", image_input_names="image", output_names="output" )'facenet_keras_weights_coreml.mlmodel')

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Diving Deeper Easier Said Than Done ▼ Input Normalization ▼ Custom Layers

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Custom Layers // ... def scaling(x, scale): return x * scale // ...

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Core ML Tools: Input Normalization and Conversion Diving Deeper from inception_resnet_v1 import * model = InceptionResNetV1(weights_path='facenet_keras_weights.h5') coreml_model = coremltools.converters.keras.convert( model, input_names="image", image_input_names="image", output_names="output", add_custom_layers=True, image_scale=2/255.0, red_bias=-1, green_bias=-1, blue_bias=-1, custom_conversion_functions={ "Lambda": convert_lambda } )'facenet_keras_weights_coreml.mlmodel')

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Core ML+ Xcode Diving Deeper

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Core ML in Swift Diving Deeper let model = try VNCoreMLModel(for: facenet_keras_weights_coreml().model) let coreMLRequest = VNCoreMLRequest(model: model) // Options coreMLRequest.imageCropAndScaleOption = .scaleFit // ...

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Diving Deeper Easier Said Than Done ▼ Input Normalization ▼ Custom Layers ▼ Input Normalization ▼ Custom Layers ▽ Performance

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Custom Layers // ... def scaling(x, scale): return x * scale // ...

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Custom Layers: No Optimization @objc(scaling) class Scaling: NSObject, MLCustomLayer { // ... func evaluate(inputs: [MLMultiArray], outputs: [MLMultiArray]) throws { for i in 0..

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Custom Layers: No Optimization

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Custom Layers: Using Accelerate.framework @objc(scaling) class Scaling: NSObject, MLCustomLayer { // ... func evaluate(inputs: [MLMultiArray], outputs: [MLMultiArray]) throws { var scale = Float(self.scale) for i in 0..(OpaquePointer(input.dataPointer)) let outputPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer(OpaquePointer(output.dataPointer)) vDSP_vsmul(inputPointer, 1, &scale, outputPointer, 1, vDSP_Length(count)) } } }

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Custom Layers: Using Accelerate.framework

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Custom Layers: Using Metal Shader (GPU) #include using namespace metal; kernel void scaling( texture2d_array inTexture [[texture(0)]], texture2d_array outTexture [[texture(1)]], constant float& scale [[buffer(0)]], ushort3 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]]) { if (gid.x >= outTexture.get_width() || gid.y >= outTexture.get_height()) { return; } const float4 x = float4(, gid.z)); const float4 y = x * scale; outTexture.write(half4(y), gid.xy, gid.z); }

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Custom Layers: Using Metal Shader (GPU) @objc(scaling) class Scaling: NSObject, MLCustomLayer { if let encoder = commandBuffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder() { for i in 0...size, index: 0) encoder.dispatch(pipeline: scalingPipeline, texture: inputs[i]) encoder.endEncoding() } } }

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Custom Layers: Using Metal Shader (GPU)

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Two Components

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Augmented Reality

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Augmented Reality

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Augmented Reality

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Augmented Reality = +

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Augmented Reality Vision Framework

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Augmented Reality

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Adding 3D Objects: What’s a Node? SCNNode()

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Adding 3D Objects func paintFaceGeometry(at rect: CGRect, personIdentifier: String) { let targetRect = rect.transformed(to: arSceneView.frame.size) let targetRectCenter = CGPoint(x: targetRect.midX, y: targetRect.midY) guard let point = findAverageHitTest(for: targetRectCenter) else { return }

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Adding 3D Objects func paintFaceGeometry(at rect: CGRect, personIdentifier: String) { let targetRect = rect.transformed(to: arSceneView.frame.size) let targetRectCenter = CGPoint(x: targetRect.midX, y: targetRect.midY) guard let point = findAverageHitTest(for: targetRectCenter) else { return } let pointerNode = SCNNode.createPointerNode(text: personIdentifier) pointerNode.position = point

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Adding 3D Objects func paintFaceGeometry(at rect: CGRect, personIdentifier: String) { let targetRect = rect.transformed(to: arSceneView.frame.size) let targetRectCenter = CGPoint(x: targetRect.midX, y: targetRect.midY) guard let point = findAverageHitTest(for: targetRectCenter) else { return } let pointerNode = SCNNode.createPointerNode(text: personIdentifier) pointerNode.position = point let constraint = SCNBillboardConstraint() baseNode.constraints = [constraint] arSceneView.scene.rootNode.addChildNode(pointerNode) }

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What’s Next

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Summing Up What’s Next ▼ Optimizing Model Size ▽ Quantization ▼ Better Performances ▼ Core ML 2 (Beta) ▼ Create ML 2.0

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Summing Up

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Summing Up Recap ▼ What is DL ▼ How to use DL for Face Recognition ▼ How to import a face recognition model inside a mobile app ▼ How to make use of a ML model to create an AR experience on a modern phone

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References References ▼ ▼ REF