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whoami ● Brazilian, living in Amsterdam since 2012 ● PHP developer, eventually sysadmin ● Author of Vagrant Cookbook on LeanPub

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What to expect from this talk ● Introduction to Vagrant – Terminology, basic usage ● Provisioning – Choosing a Provisioner – Practical Example with Ansible ● ProTips ● Useful Resources

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“It works on my machine” - every developer, ever

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1.1 Why Vagrant ● Reproducible and portable development environment ● Enables easier code collaboration ● Backend env tests / benchmark ● Automation Tools learning and testing

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1.2 What you need (basic) ● Vagrant [1.4.x] ● VirtualBox [4.3.x]

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1.3 Terminology ● Boxes ● Host and Guest ● Provider ● Provisioner ● Synced Folder ● Vagrantfile

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1.4 Getting Started Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "precise64" config.vm.box_url = "" config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo hello, this is a simple Shell Provisioner!" end

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2.1 Shell x Automation Tools ● Automation Tools have powerful built-in features – Clear language – Idempotent State – Templating – Modularization

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2.2 Automation Tools PUPPET CHEF ANSIBLE Syntax Custom based on Ruby Ruby YAML Terminology Manifests / Modules Recipes / CookBooks Playbooks / Roles Exec. Order Not sequential Sequential Sequential Documentation Confusing Chaotic Excellent Popularity 1st 2nd 3rd Extra Requirements - - ansible Overall Learning Curve Moderate High Low

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Pratical Example Nginx + PHP5: Ansible

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Vagrantfile config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible| ansible.playbook = "playbook.yml" end

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Playbook --- - hosts: all sudo: true tasks: - name: Update apt apt: update_cache=yes - name: Install Nginx apt: pkg=nginx state=latest - name: Install PHP5-fpm apt: pkg=php5-fpm state=latest

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3.1 Installing Packages ● Package managers are usually outdated – Make SURE you run apt-get update first

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3.2 Debugging ● Unknown Vagrant error – Use VirtualBox / Vmware GUI ● Unknown Provisioner error – Increase provisioner verbosity ● Not working as expected – Login, fix, automate

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Vagrant Cookbook Special discount coupon for DevFest Women:

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Comparing Provisioners ● Sandbox-PHP – Ansible, Puppet and Chef provisionings –

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