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CRUD! Dear Active Record, It’s Not You, It’s me

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You - Should - Tell Uchitelle

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You - Should - Tell Uchitelle X

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Lead Developer at PhishMe

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* always check where a link is going before clicking on it

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At PhishMe we have A LOT of data

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Active Record is a magical unicorn

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When MySQL crashed or my queries were slow I felt betrayed by Active Record.

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But I knew Active Record and I could work it out So I began studying my queries more closely...

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Learn from my mistakes... And avoid #firstworldproblems

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CREATE create!, new, INSERT

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READ where, find_each, pluck, SELECT

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UPDATE update_attributes, edit, update_all, UPDATE

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DELETE destroy, delete, destroy_all, delete_all, DELETE

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Address Book Example ERD Users first_name string last_name string email string password_digest string ...[etc] Contacts first_name string last_name string birthday date user_id integer ...[etc] Categories name string description string user_id integer Categorizations contact_id integer category_id integer

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Address Book Example User has_many :contacts has_many :categories Contact belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Categorizations belongs_to :contact belongs_to :category

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Address Book Example User has_many :contacts has_many :categories Contact belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Categorizations belongs_to :contact belongs_to :category

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Address Book Example User has_many :contacts has_many :categories Contact belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Categorizations belongs_to :contact belongs_to :category

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Address Book Example User has_many :contacts has_many :categories Contact belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Categorizations belongs_to :contact belongs_to :category

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Address Book Example User has_many :contacts has_many :categories Contact belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category belongs_to :user has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Categorizations belongs_to :contact belongs_to :category

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Let’s create 10,000 records the Active Record way using a CSV CSV.foreach("#{filepath}", headers: true) do |csv| Contact.create!({ first_name: csv[0], last_name: csv[1], birthday: csv[2], ... }) end

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Let’s create 10,000 records the Active Record way using a CSV CSV.foreach("#{filepath}", headers: true) do |csv| Contact.create!({ first_name: csv[0], last_name: csv[1], birthday: csv[2], ... }) end INSERT INTO `contacts` (`first_name`, `last_name`, `birthday`,...) VALUES ('John', 'Smith', '1987-02-01',...);

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MySQL Batch Insert, FTW.

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Don’t be afraid to write raw SQL

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Let’s create the same contacts with MySQL Batch Insert contact_values = [] CSV.foreach("#{filepath}", headers: true) do |csv| contact_values << "('#{csv[0]}','#{csv[1]}','#{csv[2]}'...)" end batch_size = 2000 while !contact_values.empty? contacts_shifted = contact_values.shift(batch_size) contacts_sql = "INSERT INTO contacts(first_name, last_name, birthday,...) VALUES#{contacts_shifted.join(", ")}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(contacts_sql) end

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Let’s create the same contacts with MySQL Batch Insert contact_values = [] CSV.foreach("#{filepath}", headers: true) do |csv| contact_values << "('#{csv[0]}','#{csv[1]}','#{csv[2]}'...)" end batch_size = 2000 while !contact_values.empty? contacts_shifted = contact_values.shift(batch_size) contacts_sql = "INSERT INTO contacts(first_name, last_name, birthday,...) VALUES#{contacts_shifted.join(", ")}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(contacts_sql) end

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Let’s create the same contacts with MySQL Batch Insert contact_values = [] CSV.foreach("#{filepath}", headers: true) do |csv| contact_values << "('#{csv[0]}','#{csv[1]}','#{csv[2]}'...)" end batch_size = 2000 while !contact_values.empty? contacts_shifted = contact_values.shift(batch_size) contacts_sql = "INSERT INTO contacts(first_name, last_name, birthday,...) VALUES#{contacts_shifted.join(", ")}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(contacts_sql) end

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Let’s create the same contacts with MySQL Batch Insert contact_values = [] CSV.foreach("#{filepath}", headers: true) do |csv| contact_values << "('#{csv[0]}','#{csv[1]}','#{csv[2]}'...)" end batch_size = 2000 while !contact_values.empty? contacts_shifted = contact_values.shift(batch_size) contacts_sql = "INSERT INTO contacts(first_name, last_name, birthday,...) VALUES#{contacts_shifted.join(", ")}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(contacts_sql) end

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Let’s create the same contacts with MySQL Batch Insert contact_values = [] CSV.foreach("#{filepath}", headers: true) do |csv| contact_values << "('#{csv[0]}','#{csv[1]}','#{csv[2]}'...)" end batch_size = 2000 while !contact_values.empty? contacts_shifted = contact_values.shift(batch_size) contacts_sql = "INSERT INTO contacts(first_name, last_name, birthday,...) VALUES#{contacts_shifted.join(", ")}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(contacts_sql) end

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Let’s create the same contacts with MySQL Batch Insert contact_values = [] CSV.foreach("#{filepath}", headers: true) do |csv| contact_values << "('#{csv[0]}','#{csv[1]}','#{csv[2]}'...)" end batch_size = 2000 while !contact_values.empty? contacts_shifted = contact_values.shift(batch_size) contacts_sql = "INSERT INTO contacts(first_name, last_name, birthday,...) VALUES#{contacts_shifted.join(", ")}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(contacts_sql) end

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Let’s create the same contacts with MySQL Batch Insert ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(contacts_sql) INSERT INTO contacts(first_name, last_name, birthday,...) VALUES('Lauretta','Senger','1987-02-01',...), ('Jane','Roob','1987-02-01',...), ('Blaze','Lakin','1987-02-01',...), ('Elton','Cormier','1987-02-01',...), ('John','Kohler','1987-02-01',...), ('Clementine','Marvin','1987-02-01',...), ('Ova','Aufderhar','1987-02-01',...) ...

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That’s a huge difference Active Record Benchmark Data: user system total real => 44.740000 1.180000 45.920000 ( 51.095556)

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That’s a huge difference Active Record Benchmark Data: user system total real => 44.740000 1.180000 45.920000 ( 51.095556) MySQL Batch Insert Benchmark Data: user system total real => 2.710000 0.050000 2.760000 ( 3.227031)

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That’s a huge difference Active Record Benchmark Data: user system total real => 44.740000 1.180000 45.920000 ( 51.095556) MySQL Batch Insert Benchmark Data: user system total real => 2.710000 0.050000 2.760000 ( 3.227031)

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Let’s read some data and output the first name of each contact Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”).each do |contact| puts contact.first_name end Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”).find_each do |contact| puts contact.first_name end Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”) .pluck(:first_name).each do |first_name| puts first_name end

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Let’s read some data and output the first name of each contact Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”).each do |contact| puts contact.first_name end SELECT `contacts`.* FROM `contacts` WHERE `contacts`.`user_id` = 1 AND `contacts`.`country` = 'USA' => Lauretta Shana Jason Jermain Blaze Jessy Bradly ...

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Let’s read some data and output the first name of each contact Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”).find_each do |contact| puts contact.first_name end SELECT `contacts`.* FROM `contacts` WHERE `contacts`.`user_id` = 1 AND `contacts`.`country` = 'USA' ORDER BY `contacts`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1000 => Lauretta Shana Jason ... SELECT `contacts`.* FROM `contacts` WHERE `contacts`.`user_id` = 1 AND `contacts`.`country` = 'USA' AND (`contacts`.`id` > 1001) ORDER BY `contacts`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1000 => ...

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Let’s read some data and output the first name of each contact f Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”) .pluck(:first_name).each do |first_name| puts first_name end SELECT `contacts`.`first_name` FROM `contacts` WHERE `contacts`.`user_id` = 1 AND `contacts`.`country` = 'USA' => ["Lauretta", "Shana", "Jason", "Jermain", "Blaze", "Jessy", "Bradly", "Emma", "Cruz", "Elton", "Dashawn", "Rosanna", "Ryan", "Leonel", "Ashly", "Mittie", "Tobin", "Antonio", "Chad", "Lauryn", "Sydnie", "Sebastian", "Johnpaul", "Yasmeen", "Junior", "Monroe", "Avery",...]

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Let’s read some data and output the first name of each contact Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”).each do |contact| puts contact.first_name end Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”).find_each do |contact| puts contact.first_name end Contact.where(user_id: 1, country: “USA”) .pluck(:first_name).each do |first_name| puts first_name end

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Which one was fastest? .each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.950000 0.060000 1.010000 ( 1.050266)

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Which one was fastest? .each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.950000 0.060000 1.010000 ( 1.050266) .find_each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.900000 0.040000 0.940000 ( 0.976979)

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Which one was fastest? .each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.950000 0.060000 1.010000 ( 1.050266) .find_each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.900000 0.040000 0.940000 ( 0.976979) .pluck Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.080000 0.020000 0.100000 ( 0.126814)

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Which one was fastest? .each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.950000 0.060000 1.010000 ( 1.050266) .find_each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.900000 0.040000 0.940000 ( 0.976979) .pluck Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.080000 0.020000 0.100000 ( 0.126814)

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Which one was fastest? .each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.950000 0.060000 1.010000 ( 1.050266) .find_each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.900000 0.040000 0.940000 ( 0.976979) .pluck Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.080000 0.020000 0.100000 ( 0.126814)

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Which one was fastest? .each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.950000 0.060000 1.010000 ( 1.050266) .find_each Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.900000 0.040000 0.940000 ( 0.976979) .pluck Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.080000 0.020000 0.100000 ( 0.126814)

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Statistics for Read 0 3.8 7.5 11.3 15.0 0 10 1000 10000 100000 .each .find_each .pluck

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Utilizing find_by_sql Contact.find_by_sql([ "SELECT first_name FROM contacts WHERE user_id=? AND country=? AND birthday > ?", 1, 'USA','1987-01-01' ]).each do |contact| puts contact.first_name end

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Let’s update the category in each categorization category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first Categorization.all.each do |categorization| categorization.update_attributes( category_id: ) end

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Let’s update the category in each categorization category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first Categorization.all.each do |categorization| categorization.update_attributes( category_id: ) end UPDATE `categorizations` SET `category_id` = 1 WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 1 UPDATE `categorizations` SET `category_id` = 1 WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 2 UPDATE `categorizations` SET `category_id` = 1 WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 3

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Let’s update the category in each categorization category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first Categorization.update_all( category_id: )

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Let’s update the category in each categorization category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first Categorization.update_all( category_id: ) UPDATE `categorizations` SET `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1

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Check out the difference update_attributes Benchmark Data: user system total real => 12.990000 0.870000 13.860000 ( 17.156265)

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Check out the difference update_attributes Benchmark Data: user system total real => 12.990000 0.870000 13.860000 ( 17.156265) update_all Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.042140)

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Check out the difference update_attributes Benchmark Data: user system total real => 12.990000 0.870000 13.860000 ( 17.156265) update_all Benchmark Data: user system total real => 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.042140)

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies Contact has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Categorizations belongs_to :contact belongs_to :category

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f f destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Contact.destroy_all

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Contact.destroy_all SELECT `categorizations`.* FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`contact_id` = 1 DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 1 DELETE FROM `contacts` WHERE `contacts`.`id` = 1

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Contact.delete_all

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Contact.delete_all DELETE FROM `contacts`

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Contact.delete_all Contact.destroy_all

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Contact.delete_all DELETE FROM `contacts` Contact.destroy_all

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations Contact.delete_all Contact.destroy_all DELETE FROM `contacts` WHERE `contacts`.`id` = 1 DELETE FROM `contacts` WHERE `contacts`.`id` = 2 DELETE FROM `contacts` WHERE `contacts`.`id` = 3

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first category.contacts.destroy_all

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first category.contacts.destroy_all

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first category.contacts.destroy_all It looks like you’re trying to delete some records, do you need help with that?

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first category.contacts.destroy_all category.categorizations.destroy_all It looks like you’re trying to delete some records, do you need help with that?

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first category.contacts.destroy_all category.categorizations.destroy_all category.categorizations.delete_all It looks like you’re trying to delete some records, do you need help with that?

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CollectionProxy Object that holds the association category

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CollectionProxy Object that holds the association category Associated object categorizations

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Rails 4.1 and below

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all UPDATE `categorizations` SET `categorizations`.`category_id` = NULL WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 AND `categorizations`.`id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...10000)

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all f f

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 1 DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 2... f f

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies f f Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category.categorizations.delete_all user system total real => 130.080000 0.120000 130.200000 (130.308334)

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category.categorizations.delete_all user system total real => 130.080000 0.120000 130.200000 (130.308334)

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category.categorizations.delete_all user system total real => 130.080000 0.120000 130.200000 (130.308334) DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1

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destroy_all vs. delete_all with has_many dependencies category.categorizations.delete_all user system total real => 130.080000 0.120000 130.200000 (130.308334) DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 AND `categorizations`.`id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46...10000)

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Solutions to this problem category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first Categorization.where( category_id:

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Solutions to this problem category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first Categorization.where( category_id: user system total real => 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.014286)

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Solutions to this problem category = Category.where(name: “Networking”).first Categorization.where( category_id: user system total real => 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.014286) DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1

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Rails 4.2.0+

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I made assumptions about Active Record

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So...why don’t they just fix Active Record?! “They” is tenderlove

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delete_all behavior with has_many dependencies in Rails 4.2+ Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 1 DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 2... f f

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delete_all behavior with has_many dependencies in Rails 4.2+ Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :destroy has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 Thanks to @neerajdotname for this pull request f f

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delete_all behavior with has_many dependencies in Rails 4.2+ Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 AND `categorizations`.`id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,...10000) f f

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delete_all behavior with has_many dependencies in Rails 4.2+ Contact has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 f f

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delete_all behavior with has_many dependencies in Rails 4.2+ f f Contact has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all UPDATE `categorizations` SET `categorizations`.`category_id` = NULL WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 AND `categorizations`.`id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,...10000)

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delete_all behavior with has_many dependencies in Rails 4.2+ f f Contact has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, through: :categorizations Category has_many :categorizations has_many :contacts, through: :categorizations category.categorizations.delete_all UPDATE `categorizations` SET `categorizations`.`category_id` = NULL WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1

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Comparison of delete_all from 4.0 to 4.2 Version SQL Callbacks 4.1 & below no dependency UPDATE `categorizations` SET `categorizations`.`category_id` = NULL WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 AND `categorizations`.`id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5... NO destroy DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`id` = 1 YES delete_all DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 AND `categorizations`.`id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5... NO 4.2+ no dependency UPDATE `categorizations` SET `categorizations`.`category_id` = NULL WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 NO destroy DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 NO delete_all DELETE FROM `categorizations` WHERE `categorizations`.`category_id` = 1 NO

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Active Record source code

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File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.0 - 4.1 def delete_all(dependent = nil) [...] dependent = [...] delete(:all, dependent: dependent).tap do reset loaded! end end

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File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.0 - 4.1 def delete_all(dependent = nil) [...] dependent = [...] delete(:all, dependent: dependent).tap do reset loaded! end end f

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File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.0 - 4.1 def delete(*records) dependent = options[:dependent] if records.first == :all if loaded? || dependent == :destroy delete_or_destroy(load_target, dependent) else delete_records(:all, dependent) end else... end end

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f File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.0 - 4.1 def delete(*records) dependent = options[:dependent] if records.first == :all if loaded? || dependent == :destroy delete_or_destroy(load_target, dependent) else delete_records(:all, dependent) end else... end end

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And then a bunch of PR’s Happened

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File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.0 - 4.1 delete_all delete delete_or_destroy remove_records delete_records etc...

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File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.0 - 4.1 delete_all delete delete_or_destroy remove_records delete_records etc...

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f File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.2+ def delete_all(dependent = nil) [...] dependent = [...] - delete(:all, dependent: dependent).tap do + delete_records(:all, dependent: dependent).tap do reset loaded! end end

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File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.2+ def delete(*records) dependent = options[:dependent] if records.first == :all if loaded? || dependent == :destroy delete_or_destroy(load_target, dependent) else delete_records(:all, dependent) end else... end end - - - - - - - -

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File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/has_many_association.rb # => Rails 4.2+ def delete_or_nullify_all_records(method) count = delete_count(method, self.scope) update_counter(-count) end def delete_records(records, method) if method == :destroy records.each(&:destroy!) update_counter(-records.length) unless ... else scope = self.scope.where(reflection.klass.primary_key ... update_counter(-delete_count(method, scope)) end end

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delete delete_or_destroy remove_records delete_records etc... File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.2+ delete_all delete_or_nullify_all_records etc..

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f File: activerecord/lib/active_record/ associations/collection_association.rb # => Rails 4.2+ def delete_all(dependent = nil) [...] dependent = [...] - delete_records(:all, dependent: dependent).tap do + delete_or_nullify_all_records(dependent).tap do reset loaded! end end

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Active Record is a complex library

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Check out these helpful tools

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Check out these helpful tools ‣ New Relic

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Check out these helpful tools ‣ New Relic ‣ MiniProfiler

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Check out these helpful tools ‣ New Relic ‣ MiniProfiler ‣ Bullet Gem

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In Conclusion

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Active Record is an awesome tool

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Active Record queries have consequences

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We can all be friends with Active Record

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Sometimes it really is a bug

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much thanks so database many Active Record very rubynation such data wow

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Slide 124 text @eileencodes Eileen M. Uchitelle We’re Hiring!