Slide 41
Slide 41 text
Windows Server containers in GKE
Early Access Preview
Use Google Cloud to containerize and modernize
your Windows server applications.
Ready to use Windows Server images tuned
for containers
Run Linux and Windows container pods side by side
to in GKE
Upgrade legacy Windows server apps, develop
cloud-native microservice architectures, adopt DevOps
Sign up for early
“We used to set up and run Kubernetes based
Windows clusters manually and have now shifted
to using GKE. What used to take us weeks to set
up and configure, now takes a few minutes.
Features like autoscaling, high-availability,
Stackdriver logging and monitoring are already
baked in. Windows in GKE gives us the same
scale, reliability and ease of management that
we have come to expect from running Linux in
Premkumar Masilamani
Cloud Architect, Helix RE