Slide 51
Slide 51 text
* Sets the superclass of a given class.
* @param cls The class whose superclass you want to set.
* @param newSuper The new superclass for cls.
* @return The old superclass for cls.
* @warning You should not use this function.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nonnull
class_setSuperclass(Class _Nonnull cls, Class _Nonnull newSuper)
__OSX_DEPRECATED(10.5, 10.5, "not recommended")
__IOS_DEPRECATED(2.0, 2.0, "not recommended")
__TVOS_DEPRECATED(9.0, 9.0, "not recommended")
__WATCHOS_DEPRECATED(1.0, 1.0, "not recommended")
__BRIDGEOS_DEPRECATED(2.0, 2.0, "not recommended");
Peter Steinberger — @steipete —