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Demystifying React for Symfony developers Titouan GALOPIN

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2 Titouan Galopin Product Manager SymfonyInsight

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Agenda 1. What’s React? 2. Components 3. Symfony integration with Webpack Encore 3

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4 1. What’s React?

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5 How should we structure Javascript applications?

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6 AngularJS Vue Backbone.js Dart Ember.js Dojo Meteor ...

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7 There is a consensus here: MVC, or MVVM, or MVW, ...

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8 Models

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9 { firstName: 'Titouan', lastName: 'Galopin', email: '[email protected]' }

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10 Models = Observable objects

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11 Bidirectional data-binding An change in the model updates the view An change in the view updates the model

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12 Two data sources Model View

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13 This encourages mutations

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14 { firstName: 'Tito', lastName: 'Galopin', email: '[email protected]' } Model { firstName: 'Titouan''Tito', lastName: 'Galopin', email: '[email protected]' } View { firstName: 'Tito' } Mutation

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15 But mutations are complex

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16 Complex to apply Complex to reproduce Complex to debug

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17 What if we could do better?

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18 The simplest way to build views is to avoid mutations altogether

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19 React does not use mutations at all

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20 Instead, it has a single data source

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21 Model View Observable model Two-way data flow

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22 Model Observable model Two-way data flow View React One-way data flow Model Dispatcher View

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View 23 Model Observable model Two-way data flow View React One-way data flow Model Dispatcher View

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24 Model Observable model Two-way data flow View React One-way data flow Model Dispatcher View

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25 But isn’t that super slow? What about user inputs?

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26 We want the benefits to blow the view away and re-render it ... … while dealing properly with every edge cases

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27 That’s React

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28 React is a Javascript library for building User Interfaces

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29 React is declarative render(data: array) => view: string

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30 React re-renders all your view when data changes

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31 2. Components

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32 React’s main concept is Components

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33 A component = A description of a part of your UI that depends on your current model

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34 It’s more than a template though

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35 Store Dispatcher View Each component has its own model and behavior This is component

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36 The aim? Abstract away the implementation details of parts of the UI

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39 Property

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40 But how does it work?

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41 A component = A state + A way to display that state

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42 Store (Model) Dispatcher View React handles the Dispatcher and the Store You only implement the view and define the structure of the Store

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43 The state is a single Javascript object

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44 The view is described by a single render() function

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45 Store (state) Initial state

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46 render Store (state) View (components) Initial state

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48 class Autocomplete extends Component { constructor() { this.state = { results: [] }; } }

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49 class Autocomplete extends Component { // ... render() { return (
    { { return (
  • {}
  • ); })}
); } }

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50 class Autocomplete extends Component { // ... render() { return (
    { { return (
  • {}
  • ); })}
); } } Use of the state

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51 class Autocomplete extends Component { // ... render() { return (
    { { return (
  • {}
  • ); })}
); } } Use of the state To use a property: this.props.source

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State = Local data that will change over time Props = Non-local data, read-only for the component 52

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If either the state or the properties change, the component will be re-rendered 53

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54 class Autocomplete extends Component { // ... render() { return (
    { { return (
  • {}
  • ); })}
); } }

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55 class Autocomplete extends Component { // ... render() { return (
    { { return (
  • {}
  • ); })}
); } } What’s that?!

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56 JSX is a formatting language used by React to express a representation of views

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57 It is compiled to Javascript
  • becomes{ className: 'hello'})
  • Slide 58

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    58 class Autocomplete extends Component { // ... render() { return (
      { { return (
    • {}
    • ); })}
    ); } } Not real HTML tags but components

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    59 render() returns a tree of components

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    60 You usually create your own tree of components RegistrationForm CityAutocompleteInput PhoneNumberInput HTMLTextInput HTMLTelInput

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    61 Now, how to update the view?

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    62 Instead of updates (mutations) React uses reconciliation

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    63 setState()

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    64 React compares the view representations and apply the changes to the DOM

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    Tree of components before change Tree of components after change setState

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    66 Tree of components before change Tree of components after change setState render render View before View after

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    67 Tree of components before change Tree of components after change setState render render View before View after React compares both and apply only needed changes to the DOM

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    68 class Autocomplete extends Component { // ... handleChange(event) { api.fetchResults( => { this.setState({ results: results }) }); } // ... render() { return (
    // ...
    ); } }

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    69 setState() merges the current state and the given data ...

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    70 … then calls recursively render() on the component and all its children

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    71 render Store (state) View (components) Initial state

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    72 Dispatcher (React) setState render Store (state) View (components) Initial state

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    73 Dispatcher (React) setState render Handled by React Store (state) View (components) Initial state

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    74 Now you know React!

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    75 3. Symfony integration with Webpack Encore

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    76 Webpack is a build tool It lets you manipulate your Javascript and CSS before using it in production (JSX, minification, …)

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    77 Webpack Encore wraps Webpack around a nice API to improve its Developer Experience

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    78 Webpack Encore is awesome to compile React apps to normal Javascript

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    79 composer req --dev webpack yarn install

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    80 yarn add @babel/preset-react react react-dom prop-types

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    81 // webpack.config.js const Encore = require( '@symfony/webpack-encore' ); Encore // ... .enableReactPreset(); module.exports = Encore.getWebpackConfig();

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    82 Once Webpack Encore is ready, you can use it in Twig to load React

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    83 // index.html.twig ...
    … // Output proper tags {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}

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    84 // app.js import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import {App} from './App.js'; ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('portfolio') );

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    85 // app.js import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import {App} from './App.js'; ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('portfolio') ); Tree of components

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    86 And that’s all! You can now use React into Symfony

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    87 Conclusion

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    Thanks! 88 For any question: ▪ @titouangalopin on Twitter ▪ titouan.galopin