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Recap: The Release Team Shadow Program - Mentoring for the Future Yang Li (@idealhack) #k8sjp 2019/12/03

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Who am I ? ● @idealhack on K8s slack, Twitter, and GitHub ● Work with Kubernetes since 2017 ● Contribute to K8s at my spare time since 2018 ● Spend most of my time in SIG Contributor Experience, Release, and Testing ● CNCF “Chop Wood Carry Water” award 2019 winner ● Been to 5 KubeCons and 4 K8s Contributor Summits, mostly for community and hallway tracks

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Wait, there’re more talks about community!

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More talks about community at this KubeCon ● Kubernetes Contributor Summit on Day 0 (upstream training by Shu, Kenichi, & Akihito) ● SIG Release Deep Dive by Stephen Augustus & Hannes Hörl ● Kubernetes Release Engineering by Tim Pepper & Stephen Augustus ● My Experience Leading a Kubernetes Release Team by Claire Laurence ● SIG Contributor Experience Intro and Deep Dive ● A Week in the Life of the Kubernetes Community by Dawn Foster & Jorge Castro ● More talks in the Maintainer and Community track ● Reflections by Kelsey Hightower (my favorite one at this KubeCon)

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How did I get started and what I have done?

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My journey in the Kubernetes community ● SIG Release ○ Branch Manager Shadow on the release team of 1.12, 1.13, and 1.15 ○ Branch Manager Lead on the release team of 1.16 ○ Patch Release Team member ● SIG Contributor Experience ○ on the staff team of Contributor Summit China and North America, 2018 and 2019 ○ started APAC Coordinator team to help contributors from APAC regions ● SIG Testing ○ user and contributor of Prow (Kubernetes based CI/CD system)

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Takeaways ● Shadow program is for both mentees and mentors ● Use this method at your community or organization ● Connect your contribution with your day job and passion

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Thank you! @idealhack (feel free to ask me anything!)