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AuthN & AuthZ with distributed systems By Thanh Nguyen

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What authentication & authorization

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Why do you need authenticate and authorize ? - About user: - Protect your data (sensitive data) with user identity (authentication) - Ensure that your business operate in security way - About system: - Data don’t affect each other between tenants in application - Each user type have behaviours differently perspective roles - Interact service-to-service, user-to-service in security way ...

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Available solution - Self-built as a service or apart of software - Pros: full control - Cons: waste time - Using 3rd party such as Facebook, google+, … - Pros: quickly development - Cons: dependent to external organization - Buy enterprise solution: cisco, ibm, oracle, ... - Pros: full support, utility - Cons: high cost - Self-host open source based authorization server: keycloak, ory/hydra, … - Pros: can customize - Cons: have complexity to develop and operate

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Technical requirements - Single sign on (SSO) such as google, gitlab, sentry, … - Basic authentication - Authorize webs, apps

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Appropriate solution - Keycloak as IAM services - Keycloak support for integrate for kong api gateway, app, ... - Keycloak support for Single Sign-On with google for gitlab, sentry, mastermost, …

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Multi-factor authentication

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Centrally user management

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Single Sign-On

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Use case: Keycloak + kong api gateway

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Demo - Demo authN with Single Sign-On - Sequence diagram - Login gitlab with basic authentication (username / password) - Login gitlab with 3rd party (google) - Demo authZ - Sequence diagram - Designing roles - Assign user to role - Call api with postman

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Demo authN with SSO

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Login gitlab

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Redirect to keycloak login

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Authenticate with username / password

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Return dashboard of kong user

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Authenticate with google

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Demo authZ

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Designing roles for demo project in keycloak

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Assign user1 to admin role in keycloak

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Assign user2 to user role in keycloak

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Get access token of admin role

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Call api with admin role access token

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Get access token of user role

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Call api with user role access token

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Bonus: OAuth 2.0 pattern - Authorization code grant flow - Implicit grant flow - Resource owner password credentials grant flow - Client credentials grant flow

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Authorization code grant

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Implicit grant flow

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Resource owner password credentials grant flow

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Client credentials grant flow

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