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Perspectives from a Solutions Engineer Nelson Osacky

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Toro y Moi - Freelance

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Perspectives from a Solutions Engineer •Why is productivity important? •What does Nelson do as a Solutions Engineer? •How can I make my build faster? •What is coming up in Gradle?

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Me • Previously Android Engineer • Large projects • SoundCloud • Square • Small startups • Solutions Engineer at Gradle

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Me • Gradle Plugin Maintainer • Fladle - Easily Scale Instrumentation Tests on Firebase • Delect - Replace Dagger with Dagger Reflect • Gradle Doctor - Actionable Insights for your build

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Solutions Engineer

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Gradle Build Tool Gradle Enterprise

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Android Gradle Plugin Android Studio

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Kotlin Intellij

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Why is productivity important?

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Android Development Feature Development Tech Debt (There are other things too)

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Tech Debt Refactoring Build Speed

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Build Speed is Tech Debt And it always pays off

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs = 42 hours lost / day

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs = 42 hours lost / day not including lost focus

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Fast Builds Matter

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs = 42 hours lost / day hire 5 new people without paying them! no recruiting

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Build Speed is Tech Debt And it always pays off And is easy to justify working on it

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Solutions Engineer

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Solutions Engineer What do I do?

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Work with trial prospects

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Help customers get the most out of Gradle Enterprise

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Help Gradle address customers needs

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I see a lot of builds from 10 person teams to 1000+ Android, Gradle and Maven

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Optimize and understand builds Reduce failures Preach Developer Productivity Help customers maximize trials

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Help prioritize issues with Gradle Build tools and Gradle Enterprise Present business cases for purchasing Gradle Enterprise

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Meet with Google and Jetbrains to help prioritize issues impacting customers

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Fix issues in open source plugin affecting customers

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Solutions Team at Gradle • Gary Hale • Daz Deboer • Etienne Studer • Nelson Osacky (me)

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Solutions Team at Gradle Supported by Operations and Build Tool teams help me sound like I know what I'm talking about

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Gradle Enterprise Trials

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Work with a champion

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Meet once a week

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Experiments Examine build scans Help with other Gradle questions

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What do I see?

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Understanding of Gradle can vary wildly

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Optimization level of build can vary wildly

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Always room for improvements! but watch out for diminishing returns

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How can I go faster?

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Depends on your build

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Build Lifecycle •Initialization •Configuration •Execution

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Build Lifecycle Initialization Sets up the environment for the build and determines which projects will take part in it.

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Build Lifecycle Configuration All build scripts of all projects are executed. Constructs and configures the task graph.

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Build Lifecycle Execution Runs the tasks graph in order.

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Where to start?

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Check for Red Flags

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What is a red flag?

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If nothing changes, no tasks should execute.

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./gradlew assembleDebug ./gradlew assembleDebug BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 2s 58 actionable tasks: 58 up-to-date

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./gradlew assembleDebug ./gradlew assembleDebug BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 5s 359 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 356 from cache

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Check for Red Flags Regularly

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BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 5s 359 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 356 up-to-date Publishing build scan... Build Analyzer results available

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BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 5s 359 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 356 up-to-date Publishing build scan... Build Analyzer results available Gradle Build Scans Android Studio Build Analyzer

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Android Studio Build Analyzer

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Run a build scan ./gradlew assembleDebug --scan

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9 tasks ran Bugsnag

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Enable parallel, enable caching, enable daemon

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16627 tasks is a red flag

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Use Task Configuration Avoidance

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Configuration time should be roughly 5s per 100 projects

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Just released

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File system watching https:///

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Slide 70 text Easiest build speed improvement!

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Faster input snapshotting

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Jetifier performance improvements Released in AGP 4.1.0

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Jetifier - please kill it

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Stuck on the Jetifier?

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plugins { id "com.github.plnice.canidropjetifier" version "0.5" } Can I drop Jetifier? ./gradlew -Pandroid.enableJetifier=false canIDropJetifier

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Jetify At Home ./jetifier-standalone -i -o

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Jetify At Home Upload to nexus

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Update Dependencies

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Update All The Things ⬢ Gradle 6.7 ⬢ Android Gradle Plugin 4.1.1 ⬢ Gradle Enterprise Plugin 3.5 ⬢ Kotlin 1.4.10 ⬢ Third party plugins ⬢ Third party libraries Stable File Watching Caching Improvements Task Configuration Avoidance Compressed scan upload Incremental Annotation Processors Fixes for caching bugs

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Update All The Things plugins { id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.33.0" } ./gradlew dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release

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Let's talk caching

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Local Cache and Remote Cache

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Scaling Android Builds in Pandemic Times Inaki Villar 3:00pm PST - Nov 17th

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If a task has been run before, no need to re-run

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Compilation, generation, packaging, tests

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Fix cache misses

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Gradle Enterprise

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Public Gradle Enterprise instances • • • •

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Task Input Comparison • • cacheability=cacheable&expanded=WyJsbTVwNjU1bWFqbGx5LWNsYXNzcGF0aCIsIjdlN mtzNWVidnRoeTYtY2xhc3NwYXRoIiwidDd4dDZjZ3d2d3ZqcS0kMSJd

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Failure Analysis •

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Flaky Test Analysis • search.relativeStartTime=P7D&search.timeZoneId=Europe/ Zurich& eTest&tests.sortField=FAILED&tests.test=up-to- date%20assemble%20with%20local%20build%20cache%20enabled%20(parallel%20false) &tests.unstableOnly=true

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Upcoming performance enhancements

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Configuration Cache

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Kotlin 1.4.20 AGP 4.2.0 Full configuration caching support

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Bugfixes to incremental Kotlin Compiler

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Performance improvements when restoring from cache for incremental compile

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Gradle 6.8 Improvements

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Faster kts build script compilation

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Compile avoidance for kts build script compilation

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Configuration cache for included builds

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Future improvements in AGP and Gradle

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Unbounded thread executor used for transformations

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Android Studio Sync improvements in 4.2.0

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Empty Source Directory Cache misses

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Empty Source Directory Cache miss

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Empty Source Directory Cache misses Gary Hale

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Ease of Use

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Idiomatic Gradle

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Upcoming usability improvements

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Idiomatic Gradle Jendrik Johannes https:///

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Idiomatic Gradle ./gradlew my-awesome-library:compileTestJava ./gradlew mAL:cT Kebab case https:///

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Idiomatic Gradle allProjects { repositories { mavenCentral() } } Central Repository Declaration https:///

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Idiomatic Gradle dependencyResolutionManagement { components { withModule('', GuavaRule) } } Central Component Metadata Rules https:///

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Idiomatic Gradle ./gradlew :my-other-project:sub:foo Executing Tasks From Included Builds https:///

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More Resources

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Gradle Training

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Gradle Community Slack

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Benchmarking Builds with the Gradle Profiler Tony Robalik profiler-oa8

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Understanding, Profiling, and Optimizing Gradle in Android Builds Nate Ebel android-builds/

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Improving Android Build Performance Devoxx Belgium 2018 Cédric Champeau

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Build Bigger, Better: Gradle for Large Projects Google I/O 2019 Aurimas Liutikas and Xavier Ducrohet

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Beyond Modularization - Scaling Android Builds Nelson Osacky your-android-build-with-gradle

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The Secrets of the Build Scan Plugin and the Internals of Gradle Virtual Android Makers Paris 2020 Me

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Measuring remote build cache performance

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Scaling Android Builds in Pandemic Times Inaki Villar 3:00pm PST - Nov 17th

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Android Builds At Scale Zac Sweers, Chiu-Ki Chan, Israel Ferrero Camacho, John Rodriguez, Ivan Gavrilogic 1:10pm PST - Nov 17th

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Thank you! Gradle Enterprise Trial Gradle Solutions is hiring