Choosing between
React Native &
Kansas City Developer Conference 2019
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● What are these frameworks (and
why should you care)?
● Background on each one
● How are they similar?
● What criteria do we care about
● Strengths & weaknesses of React
● Strengths & weaknesses of Flutter
● The developer experience
● The languages: Dart & TypeScript
● The ecosystem (tooling &
● When you get past Hello World
● Building production software
● Some final advice
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I'm Simon
I like building engaging user interfaces.
I work at Google doing frontend infra.
I was previously at Facebook doing web UI.
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This is a talk about two modern, powerful frameworks for
building mobile applications with relative ease.
It's about the dev ex, the tooling, the ecosystem, the
learning curve, the good parts and the ugly parts.
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These two are the hottest (possibly over-hyped)
open-source frameworks on the mobile development
scene right now.
Side note...
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You, the Audience
Let's assume you’re a software developer and you want to
build an app from the ground up targeting Android and
also iOS.
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Why use a framework at all?
● You want to build and ship quality UI across multiple
● You want to get to market quickly with rapid iteration.
● You like tooling that makes your job easier, gives you
quick feedback and helps you make fewer mistakes.
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The Frameworks
Made by Google. Open sourced in 2017.
Made by Facebook. Open sourced in 2015.
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Some opinion ahead
We’re going to get into some “A is better than B at X” stuff
So it’s worth mentioning that I really like both of these
frameworks and I’ve made it a priority to be as fair as I can.
...but there will be some unpopular opinion ahead.
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Individual claims with a grain of salt
This stuff moves fast. So beware of misleading metrics
(remember the Angular vs React performance debate?)
What today is a serious shortcoming today in framework X,
could change next week. ...because the each core team is
rapidly learning from and incorporating great features
from other frameworks.
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The year is 2015...
Write once run everywhere
More like “learn once, write everywhere”
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Had the goal of bringing the best parts of React to mobile.
● a declarative approach to UI
● one-way data flow
● rapid development with short iteration cycles
● composition and separation of concerns
React Native
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Despite some rough patches along the way (omg
navigation), and with a lot of help from the open-source
community, it has effectively delivered on its original
React Native
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And a large ecosystem has formed around React Native.
You have lots of different choices when building with RN:
design patterns, navigation libraries, state management,
even the language you write with.
React Native
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React Native at its core imposes very little opinion on
And this might be considered one of its weaknesses.
React Native
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In this talk I’ll focus on a subset of this ecosystem:
TypeScript - a strongly typed variant of JS
Expo - All the stuff that should be in RN core but isn’t.
React Navigation - Pretty much the de facto navigation
library these days.
React Hooks - The modern way to handle side effects
and encapsulate view logic in reusable chunks.
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A Dart project codenamed Sky is teased,
claiming 120fps on Android.
The year is 2015...
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It actually showed up two years later, in 2017, under the
name Flutter and boasted first-class support for iOS too.
It was evidently worth the wait, because it was met with a
huge amount of excitement and fan fare.
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The original design goals of Flutter:
Rapid development across Android and iOS
Top-notch performance with GPU-accelerated
Stateful hot reloading
Robust set of widgets and world-class tooling
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Interestingly, Flutter chose Dart as its programming
language, which was a relatively obscure language at the
time, but fairly well-liked within Google.
It had once-upon-a-time been viewed as a JS
replacement, and the team had optimized it accordingly.
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Even though Flutter is younger than RN, it was able to
avoid a lot of RN's early mistakes, came out the gate
strong, matured quickly.
Second Mover Advantage
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So what do they both have
in common?
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Open Source
Cross Platform
Declarative approach to UI
Component based architecture
Strong performance characteristics
compared to their predecessors
Rapid development & hot reload
Backed by large tech co's, invested
in their success who use in their own
Backed by even larger open-source
communities which helps drive each
framework’s momentum.
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The bar is already high for modern mobile applications.
Users expect fast startup times, smooth transitions,
optimistic updates, rich gesture support and low latency
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Modern frameworks raise the bar for developer
experience also.
The dev tooling we have at our disposal is better than ever
React Native and Flutter are perfect examples of this.
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No longer do developers
expect multi-minute
compilation times between
pressing save and seeing
the changes.
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So let's dig in to how they're
different from each other.
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What’s provided out of the box
Learning curve / ease of getting
Underlying programming language
Type Safety
Layout Engine
Relative complexity for building
non-trivial apps
Popularity Ecosystem (tooling and
I want to look at the following criteria
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We'll touch on performance, but this is not a deep dive
into that subject, and here's why...
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Diving into Flutter is a truly fantastic
Let's start with
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● Flutter gives you a LOT out of the box.
● Two comprehensive widget libraries.
● Theming is deeply integrated and well thought out
● Navigation is well documented and easy to use.
● Frankly Flutter kicks RN's ass on this and it shows.
Out of box experience
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● Editor support is top notch.
● Dart is an easy language to pick up and I found I can
learn most of what I need from the API surface by
Cmd+clicking through the source code.
● The Flutter source code is incredibly well documented
and easy to understand.
Authoring Experience
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Stateful hot reload is out of this world.
It's way better than you think it's going to be,
you have to experience it to understand.
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Rendering Engine
Flutter has a really innovative and high-performance GPU
accelerated rendering engine.
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And it bears repeating...
The widgets, theming, navigation, page scaffolding and
the standard library are incredibly comprehensive.
(remember the first time you tried to format a date in JS?
Or replaceAll on a string?)
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OMG, Dart!
Classes inside of classes inside of classes. Oh, the
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You didn't think you could just
write "padding: 20" right?
No, you have to instantiate a
Padding class and an EdgeInsets
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You didn't think you could just
write "borderRadius: 4" right?
No, you have to instantiate a
BoxDecoration class and a
BorderRadius and a
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Want to put a border on an
element, sure, use a
But a border on a text input, that
will need an InputDecoration and
an OutlineInputBorder.
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If you come from Java, Dart’s syntax is fine. It's a little less
verbose than Java and has some niceties like named args.
But if you come from Kotlin or Swift, then
you're likely to find Dart borderline terrible.
Coming from TypeScript, it seems a bit brittle and tedious,
but you do get used to it.
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But at least Dart has a safe, sound type system, right?
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Just be prepared. As a beginner, you will forget to initialize
some variable and you will see some null pointer
Among other exceptions.
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Moving on..
The Layout System
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The Layout system is verbose and leads to a lot
of nesting.
Each layer of nesting adds a particular property
to it's child, such as padding, alignment or fit.
But, you get used to this.
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Actually, an interesting side effect of the "styling by
nesting" is that you can't easily separate structure from
style. They are intrinsically coupled.
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Overall, you get used to this all pretty quickly and you
learn to work with the tools you have.
Ultimately it's a small price to pay for an otherwise
fantastic framework.
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React Native let's you move fast,
building high quality UI with strong
influence from web.
Let's move on to
React Native
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● All the things you already love from React web (hooks
for the win!)
● Flex Layout is clean, terse and follows a set of rules
you can learn in an afternoon.
● TypeScript is an incredibly ergonomic language with
great type inference and a good safety net.
React Native
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Expo is phenomenal.
It's hard to convey just how much this impacts developer
experience, from running on real devices to sending a link
for your colleague to preview the app, online playground,
OTA updates, the list goes on.
RN + Expo
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● Expo supports Web as a first class citizen.
● Provides build tools in the cloud.
● Simplified deployments
● Optimizes assets
● .. and all the extra components (such as icon) that RN
should provide but doesn't
RN + Expo
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We could do a whole talk on Expo, but let's move on to
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Compared with Dart, we get:
● Explicit null safety
● Union types and incredible type inference.
● Strongly typed data objects
● Strongly typed Tuples
● Destructuring
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Language preference is hugely biased by the previous
languages you've been exposed to.
And if you came from a more powerful language with
variants, probably TS would feel limiting.
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React Native Rendering Engine
Uses the built-in platform-provided components.
iOS and Android each have a set of similar but different
view components.
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React Native, so many great
features, BUT...
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OMG, the out of box experience!
React Native, out of the box, provides next to nothing..
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No navigation.
No theming.
No component library.
Not even icons.
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There is literally no way to tell React Native
"Please use this font family for all the text in my app"
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You end up going to the community for every little piece,
and let's be honest, npm is a hot mess.
Everyone ends up with their own cocktail of UI
components, navigation, state management.
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Hopefully they all work well together.
And hopefully the library author keeps maintaining it.
And hopefully the next version of the lib doesn't break
backwards compatibility.
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But even then, everyone's project has a slightly different
mix of these packages, and no two React Native projects
are alike.
This is the fragmentation problem.
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Upgrading used to be a disaster (unless you're using
Animation and Gestures took 3 generations to get it right.
The community finally nailed that.
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Besides, that, React Native has a few quirky behaviors
around Keyboard handling and some platform
inconsistencies (try to figure out Alert.alert(), seriously)
But overall, it's a small price to pay for an otherwise
incredible developer experience.
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Yesterday, we did a workshop
building an app in React Native
and Expo.
Let's move on to
Real Examples
So for fun, I built the same app in Flutter.
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You can demo the React Native version
on Expo:
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Both are open source on Github.
Special thanks to Vincent Wendy for the app design:
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Bonus: web version using Expo Web
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So which one should you choose
for your next project?
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This heavily depends on what criteria matter to you.
Is strong web support a priority?
Are you confident making various tech decisions for things
like UI libraries and theming?
Is your team already proficient in TS/React?
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Things we didn't touch on:
● Integrating into existing apps/codebases
● How easy/hard it is to find a job in the area
● Availability of talent for hire
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Do you need a system that's
complete out of the box.
Is top-notch editor tooling a priority
Are you comfortable learning a
Java-like language and getting
some performance along with that
This heavily depends on what criteria matter to you.
Is strong web support a priority?
Are you confident making various
tech decisions for things like UI
libraries and theming?
Is your team already proficient in
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A note on developer community and learning ecosystem.
Both of these frameworks have a fantastic community
behind them, great documentation, guides, blog posts and
plenty of open source packages.
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You will actually enjoy building
apps with either of these.
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Thank you.
Please go out and try these frameworks, you will learn a
Find me on the Twitters @sstur_