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Supercharge your app Supercharge your app with Firebase and Stream with Firebase and Stream

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Peter Friese Peter Friese Stefan Blos Stefan Blos Developer Advocate, Firebase Developer Advocate, Firebase Developer Advocate, Stream Developer Advocate, Stream @pete rf riese @pete rf riese @stefanjblos @stefanjblos

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Side business / Moonlighting

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Side business / Moonlighting

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Tech Stack Authentication Client

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New Features

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Challenge Basically, I’m very smol

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Updated tech stack Authentication Client Chat Backend ? Chat UI +

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Updated tech stack Authentication Client Chat Backend Stream Stream UI +

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UI Components 􀟜 Stream Overview Infrastructure Authentication 􀎥 • UIKit • Swi ft UI • JWT • BYOS* * Bring Your Own Server • Managed service

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Updated tech stack Authentication Client Chat Backend A miracle happens here ? Stream Stream UI +

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Updated tech stack Authentication Client vapor-swift-stream-server/ ? Custom Backend Vapor Chat Backend Stream Stream UI +

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Updated tech stack Authentication Client ? Chat Backend Stream Stream UI +

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Updated tech stack Authentication Client Cloud Functions Stream UI + Chat Backend Stream

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No content

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Serverless JavaScript / TypeScript Automatic scaling Run in trusted environment

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But… Basically, I’m very smol

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Updated tech stack Authentication Client Cloud Functions Extensions Chat Backend Stream Stream UI +

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No content

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Pre-built packages of functionality One-click install to Firebase project Con fi gurable

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Live Demo - Chat

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Live Demo - Chat Install Firebase Extension Implement token exchange Connect the UI

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Install Firebase Extension Implement token exchange Connect the UI 􀆅 Live Demo - Chat

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Install Firebase Extension Implement token exchange Connect the UI 􀆅 􀆅 Live Demo - Chat

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Install Firebase Extension Implement token exchange Connect the UI 􀆅 􀆅 􀆅 Live Demo - Chat

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New Features

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Live Demo - Email

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Live Demo - Email Install Firebase Extension Trigger sending email (via Firestore) Add UI to send the email

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Live Demo - Email Install Firebase Extension Trigger sending email (via Firestore) Add UI to send the email 􀆅

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Live Demo - Email Install Firebase Extension Trigger sending email (via Firestore) Add UI to send the email 􀆅 􀆅

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Live Demo - Email Install Firebase Extension Trigger sending email (via Firestore) Add UI to send the email 􀆅 􀆅 􀆅

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New Features

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One more thing… One more thing…

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No content

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Building an Extension Install Firebase tools (CLI) Write Cloud Functions (triggers) Package Extension

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name: auth-chat version: 0.2.0 specVersion: v1beta displayName: Authenticate with Stream Chat description: Synchronizes Firebase Authentication users with Stream, and creates and revoke Stream Chat authentication tokens. license: Apache-2.0 author: authorName: Stream url: https: / / sourceUrl: https: // main/auth-chat billingRequired: true params: - param: LOCATION label: Cloud Functions location description: >- Where do you want to deploy the functions created for this extension? type: select extension.yaml

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import * as admin from "firebase-admin"; import * as functions from "firebase-functions"; import { StreamChat } from "stream-chat"; admin.initializeApp(); const serverClient = StreamChat.getInstance( process.env.STREAM_API_KEY!, process.env.STREAM_API_SECRET!, ); // When a user is created in Firebase an associated Stream account is also created. export const createStreamUser = functions.auth.user().onCreate(async (user) => { functions.logger.log("Firebase user created", user); / / Create user using the serverClient. const response = await serverClient.upsertUser({ id: user.uid, name: user.displayName, email:, image: user.photoURL, }); index.ts

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import * as functions from "firebase-functions"; import { StreamChat } from "stream-chat"; admin.initializeApp(); const serverClient = StreamChat.getInstance( process.env.STREAM_API_KEY!, process.env.STREAM_API_SECRET!, ); // When a user is created in Firebase an associated Stream account is also created. export const createStreamUser = functions.auth.user().onCreate(async (user) => { functions.logger.log("Firebase user created", user); / / Create user using the serverClient. const response = await serverClient.upsertUser({ id: user.uid, name: user.displayName, email:, image: user.photoURL, }); functions.logger.log("Stream user created", response); return response; }); index.ts

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Wrapping up

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New Features

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Tech Stack - Before Authentication Client

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Firebase Backend Cloud Storage Cloud Firestore Authentication Client Extensions Chat Backend Stream Stream UI + Tech Stack - A ft er

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Thanks Thanks @pete rf riese @pete rf riese @stefanjblos @stefanjblos Thanks