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Otavio Santana @otaviojava NoSQL design pitfalls with Java member of KI group

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Otavio Santana @otaviojava Staff Engineer ● Java Champion ● JCP-EC-EG-EGL ● Apache Committer ● Eclipse Committer ● Eclipse Project Leader ● Book and blog writer Speaker

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What it is not!

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● “New research shows 75% of ‘open’ Redis servers infected” ● The Twelve Factor App NoSecurity

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● Schemaless ● Validation No Data integrity

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● Complexity ● Maintain No Responsibility

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● The right questions ● Horizontal vs Vertical ● Write vs Read Scalability??

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● Benchmark ● CAP theorem No-mistake

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● CAP theorem ● Backup No-Trade-off

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● SQL ● NewSQL ● NoSQL No-single-solution

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● Key ● Biggest mistakes ● View Modeling

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No content

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What Apache Cassandra is not

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● Big Data ● Rich Query ● Relational Cassandra

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● Key ○ Partition Key ○ Clustering Key ● Secondary Key ● Allow Filtering Queries

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● List ● Map ● Tuple ● UDT Cassandra Powers

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● Load Balancer ● Consistency Level ALL ● Backup Troy

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Sample @Entity public class Contact { @Id private String name; @Column private LocalDate birthday; @Column private Map details; } ● Map ● UDT

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Sample @Entity class Car { @Id private String plate; @Column private String city; @Column private String color; @UDT("owner") @Column private Owner owner; } ● UDT

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Sample @Entity public class Recipe { @Id private String name; @Column private String city; @Column @UDT("ingredient") private Set ingredients; } ● Set ● UDT

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● Transaction ● ACID What MongoDB is not

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“In a relational database, we usually model the schema at the very beginning of the project. Why is this so bad? Because the beginning of the project is exactly the moment that we know least about it” Oren Eini - Modeling in a Non Relational World

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● Coherence ● Independence ● Isolation DDD - Elemar Jr

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● Self Sufficient ● Business Coherence

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● Exist ● It does not need anyone Independence La liberté guidant le people (1830)

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● Cannot impact another entity Isolation

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● Entity ● Aggregate ● Value Object Sample @Entity public class Order { @Id private ObjectId id; @Column private LocalDateTime orderedAt; @Column private List items; @Column private Address shipTo; }

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● Containers ● Mutable ● Kubernetes ● Services Cloud

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● Bean Validation ● ORM ● Reactive programming ● Impedance Java Frameworks

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© xgeeks | 02/12/2020 33 Demo Time

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xgeeks is changing the game in making things happen – giving on-demand capacity and bringing expertise filling skill gaps

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What makes us strong We are bringing passion and eXpertise into the team. High Coding standards Reliable and proven processes and quality testing Continuous Innovation Senior/Junior split 1:2 enables room for innovation Integration in KI group Strong backing and steady exchange with experts Flexible work style Individual and flexible, fully acustomed to our clients

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Thank you Otávio Santana Staff Engineer, Xgeeks Join us!! @xgeeksio