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MY GOOD FRIEND RUST Matthias Endler trivago

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How to write the word Mississippi?

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Mississippi Sebastian is stupid. How to write the word Mississippi?

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Oh please tell me more about Matthias Endler! } Düsseldorf, Germany } Backend Engineer at } Website performance } Hot Chocolate @matthiasendler mre

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Programming is easy! People pay me for that!? What’s a void pointer? Ooooh… What if programming was no fun? There is no god. Code is beautiful. Here’s a lollipop. Meh… I know nothing about programming. That’s okay. What I learned from other languages BASIC PHP C Java C++ Python Ruby Scala Haskell Go

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Logo by johndory from Funded by Mozilla First version: 2010 Version 1.0: May 2015 Current stable version: 1.20 High-level on bare metal Rust

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Web Low-level Functional

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 Python Ruby C C++ Clojure Haskell

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C C++ Clojure Haskell Safety,
 Rapid prototyping

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Clojure Haskell Safety,
 Rapid prototyping Total control,

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 Rapid prototyping Total control,
 Performance High-level abstractions

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 Rapid prototyping Total control,
 Performance High-level abstractions Rust

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Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP } Better Performance } Lower memory footprint } Concurrency without overhead } Type system } Easily embeddable into existing projects } Minimal runtime } No garbage-collector

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Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP } Better Performance } Lower memory footprint } Concurrency without overhead } Type system } Easily embeddable into existing projects } Minimal runtime } No garbage-collector

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Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Performance

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Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Type System def quicksort(values): if not values: return [] else: pivot = values[0] less = [x for x in values if x < pivot] more = [x for x in values[1:] if x >= pivot] return quicksort(less) + [pivot] + quicksort(more) print(quicksort([4, 2, 1, 5])) # [1, 2, 4, 5] print(quicksort("hello")) # ['e', 'h', 'l', 'l', 'o'] print(quicksort(-1)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 12, in print(quicksort(-1)) File "", line 5, in quicksort pivot = values[0] TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

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fn quicksort(values: Vec) -> Vec { let pivot = match values.get(0) { Some(v) => v, None => return vec![], }; let less = values.iter().filter(|&e| e < pivot).map(|&e| e).collect(); let more = values.iter().filter(|&e| e > pivot).map(|&e| e).collect(); [quicksort(less), vec![*pivot], quicksort(more)].concat() } Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Syntax def quicksort(values): if not values: return [] else: pivot = values[0] less = [x for x in values if x < pivot] more = [x for x in values[1:] if x >= pivot] return quicksort(less) + [pivot] + quicksort(more)

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Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Concurrency prime_map = {n: is_prime(n) for n in range(400_000)} Runtime:
 9min 35s def is_prime(n): if n < 2: return False for d in range(2,n): if n % d == 0: return False return True

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Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Concurrency Python Rust fn is_prime(n: u64) -> bool { match n { 0...1 => false, _ => { for d in 2..n { if n % d == 0 { return false; } } true } } } def is_prime(n): if n < 2: return False for d in range(2,n): if n % d == 0: return False return True

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Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Concurrency fn is_prime(n: u64) -> bool { match n { 0...1 => false, _ => !(2..n).any(|d| n % d == 0), } } def is_prime(n): if n < 2: return False for d in range(2,n): if n % d == 0: return False return True Python Rust

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fn is_prime(n: u64) -> bool { match n { 0...1 => false, _ => { for d in 2..n { if n % d == 0 { return false; } } true } } } Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Concurrency let prime_map: HashMap = (1..400_000) .map(|n| (n, is_prime(n))) .collect(); Runtime:
 54 seconds

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fn is_prime(n: u64) -> bool { match n { 0...1 => false, _ => { for d in 2..n { if n % d == 0 { return false; } } true } } } Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Concurrency (using rayon) let prime_map: HashMap = (1..400_000) .into_par_iter() .map(|n| (n, is_prime(n))) .collect(); Runtime:
 9.6 seconds

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Python Rust Rust parallel Runtime (seconds) Rust vs Python/Ruby/PHP - Concurrency

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} Memory safety } Package manager (cargo) } High-level language concepts } Easily embeddable into existing projects } Fearless concurrency } Strong compiler checks } No undefined behavior Rust vs C/C++

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#include int *get_num(void) { int num = 1234; return &num; } int main() { int* num = get_num(); printf("%d", *num); } fn get_num() -> &i64 { let num = 1234; return &num; } fn main() { let num = get_num(); println!("{}", *num); } C Rust warning, but will execute error, will not execute Rust vs C/C++ - Memory safety

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Rust error message: Ownership of your data must be clear at all times (No worries, the compiler will help you with that) Rust vs C/C++ - Memory safety

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Rust vs C/C++ - Memory safety

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Rust vs C/C++ - Memory safety

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Rust vs C/C++ - Memory safety

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} Zero-cost abstractions } No garbage-collector } No legacy Rust vs Haskell/Clojure/Kotlin…

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Rust vs Haskell/Clojure/Kotlin… - Zero cost abstractions fn print_hash(t: &T) { println!("The hash is {}", t.hash()) } print_hash(&true); // instantiates T = bool print_hash(&12_i64); // instantiates T = i64 // The compiled code: __print_hash_bool(&true); // invoke specialized bool version directly __print_hash_i64(&12_i64); // invoke specialized i64 version directly

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Rust vs Haskell/Clojure/Kotlin… - Laziness foldl (+) 0 [1..1000000::Integer] (1..1000000).sum() Haskell Rust

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 Rapid prototyping Total control,
 Performance High-level abstractions

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} Syntax (a bit) } Documentation/Books/Workshops } Missing tooling (IDEs, Debuggers,…) } Missing libs (help out!) } Many core libs are still < 1.0 } Steep learning curve (Fighting with the borrow checker) } SIMD support } … Rust improvement areas

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Rust improvement areas Understanding the borrow checker Difficulty Time

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Who’s using Rust anyway? Background image by Neil Howard ((

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} Firefox } Dropbox } Visual Studio Code } npm } Facebook (kind of) } Google (kind of) } Who’s using Rust anyway?

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Rust Community

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Swear words in Reddit comments per programming language Source:

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Most loved language according to Stack Overflow 2016 Rust Swift F# Scala Go Clojure React Haskell Python C# Node.js 62.5% 62.0% 59.6%

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Most loved language according to Stack Overflow 2017 Rust Smalltalk TypeScript Swift Go Python Elixir C# Scala Clojure JavaScript

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Rust is an incredible community of people who ❤ programming. They all just happen to use the same programming language.

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Matthias Endler
 trivago [email protected] Rate my talk please <3
 Thanks to Thomas Künneth for lending me the clicker!