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2 December 2005 Bridging the Gap: Managing and Interacting with Information Across Media Boundaries Prof. Beat Signer Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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01001000100 0101001100010010100010010 0100100010010001000100001001000 100010001100001001000110010101010110 1100010010100010010010010100010101011001 101001100001100 101010100 0010100 100 110101010101 00100 01010101000 1001 1111111111 111 0000000010 0 11111111 0101001011 010101010 111010101 001010010110 Cross-Media Information Spaces

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Fragmentation of information across different applications, devices and digital & physical information environments

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Information Systems & Management Information Visualisation & Navigation Information Visualisation nd Navigation Human-Machine & Human-Information Interaction CISA RSL MindXpres OC2 associative file system data-driven storytelling XIMA cross-device interaction iServer/iPaper ViDaX data physicalisation OpenHPS non-linear storytelling PaperProof iGesture PaperSketch TangHo Context Modelling Toolkit Midas SpeeG2 PaperPoint Print-n-Link digital libraries Mudra mixed reality ArtVis open cross-media linking PimVis DocTr EdFest source code visualisation INFEX technology-enhanced learning Cross-Media Technologies WEB & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING

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Data-centric approach for cross-media information solutions based on a hypermedia metamodel

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Cross-Media Linking Flexible Document Representation Cross-Media User Interfaces

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RSL Hypermedia Metamodel & Link Server B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, As We May Link: A General Meta- model for Hypermedia Systems, Proceedings of ER 2007x

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RSL Hypermedia Metamodel B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, As We May Link: A General Meta- model for Hypermedia Systems, Proceedings of ER 2007x

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Interactive Paper (EdFest) B. Signer, M. Grossniklaus and M.C. Norrie, Interactive Paper as a Mobile Client for a Multi-Channel Web Information System WWWJ 10(4), 2007 x

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PimVis: Personal Information Management S. Trullemans, A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross-Media Information Spaces, Proceedings of AVI 2016

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PimVis Setup S. Trullemans, A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross-Media Information Spaces, Proceedings of AVI 2016

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PimVis Document View S. Trullemans, A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross-Media Information Spaces, Proceedings of AVI 2016

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PimVis Focus View S. Trullemans, A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross-Media Information Spaces, Proceedings of AVI 2016

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Cross-Media Linking Flexible Document Representation Cross-Media User Interfaces

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What is Wrong with Digital Documents? Most people don't understand the logic of the concept: "What You See Is What You Get" is based on printing the document out ("get" means "get WHEN YOU PRINT IT OUT"). And that means a metaphysical shift: a document can only consist of what can be printed! [...] No overlays [...] – PAPER UNDER GLASS. Ted Nelson, Geeks Bearing Gifts: How the Computer World Got This Way, Mindful Press 2009 Existing document formats often based on the simulation of paper affordances on desktop computers

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What is Wrong with Slideware? ▪ Simulation of physical slides ▪ limited space due to slide concept ▪ linear navigation ▪ monolithic documents ▪ difficult to reuse content and embed rich media types

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MindXpres Presentation Platform ▪ Flexible representation of presentations ▪ use of structural RSL links ▪ separation of content and structure ▪ Extensible platform ▪ content-based approach ▪ cross-media content reuse via transclusion ▪ non-linear navigation and zoomable user interface ▪ associative linking ▪ rich media types R. Roels and B. Signer, MindXpres: An Extensible Content-driven Cross-Media Presentation Platform, Proceedings of WISE 2014

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MindXpres Document Representation R. Roels and B. Signer, A Conceptual Framework and Content Model for Next Generation Presentation Solutions, PACMHCI 3(Issue EICS), 2019

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MindXpres (Video)

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Different context-dependent adaptive overlay structures on top of (parts of) content Clear separation between content and structure enables cross-media content reuse (transclusion)

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Cross-Media Linking Flexible Document Representation Cross-Media User Interfaces

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PimVis: Paper-Digital User Interface S. Trullemans, A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross-Media Information Spaces, Proceedings of AVI 2016

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ArtVis Tangible User Interface B. Dumas, B. Moerman, S. Trullemans and B. Signer, ArtVis: Combining Advanced Visualisation and Tangible Interaction for the Exploration, Analysis and Browsing of Digital Artwork Collections, Proceedings of AVI 2014

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Dynamic Data Physicalisation B. Signer, P. Ebrahimi, T.J. Curtin and A.K.A. Abdullah, Towards a Framework for Dynamic Data Physicalisation, International Workshop Toward a Design Language for Data Physicalization, 2018

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eSPACE Framework for Hybrid UIs A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, A Unifying Reference Framework and Model for Adaptive Distributed Hybrid User Interfaces, Proceedings of RCIS 2019 x

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Unified Cross-Media Information Spaces

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Common underlying representation of data, cross- media links and structures via RSL-based hypermedia engine supporting legacy applications

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RSL-based Hypermedia Engine RSL-based Hypermedia Engine Legacy Applications File System Driver Hypermedia-enabled Applications HT2021.docx HT2021.docx … B. Signer, R. Roels, R. van Barlingen and B. Willems, Back to the Future: Bringing Original Hyper- media and Cross-Media Concepts to Modern Desktop Environments, Proceedings of Hypertext 2021

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RSL-based Hypermedia Engine … signer My Pictures Vancouver ER 2010 Granville Island Vancouver Harbour Public Market Keynote J. Thorp Olga and Lamia Dinner ER 2010 multiple classification structural link navigational link My Videos Vancouver Aquarium ER 2010 Keynote cross-media association My Presentations ER 2010 WISE 2009 cross-media transclusion single slide transclusion (via OOXML RSL selector)

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Next Generation File Manager B. Signer, R. Roels, R. van Barlingen and B. Willems, Back to the Future: Bringing Original Hyper- media and Cross-Media Concepts to Modern Desktop Environments, Proceedings of Hypertext 2021

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System-wide hypermedia engine at operating system level, enabling cross-media information manage- ment across application boundaries

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References ▪ B. Signer, Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces, Second Edition, ISBN 978-3-8370-2713-6, August 2017 ▪ B. Signer and M.C. Norrie, As We May Link: A General Metamodel for Hypermedia Systems, Proceedings of ER 2007, 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2007 ▪

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References ... ▪ B. Signer, M. Grossniklaus and M.C. Norrie, Interactive Paper as a Mobile Client for a Multi-Channel Web Information System, World Wide Web Journal (WWW), Vol. 10, No. 4, Springer, December 2007 ▪ ▪ S. Trullemans, A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross- Media Information Spaces, Proceedings of AVI 2016, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Bari, Italy, June 2016 ▪

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References ... ▪ R. Roels and B. Signer, MindXpres: An Extensible Content-driven Cross-Media Presentation Platform, Proceedings of WISE 2014, 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2014 ▪ ▪ R. Roels and B. Signer, A Conceptual Framework and Content Model for Next Generation Presentation Solutions, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), 2019 ▪

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References ... ▪ B. Signer, What is Wrong with Digital Documents? A Conceptual Model for Structural Cross- Media Content Composition and Reuse, Proceedings of ER 2010, 29th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Vancouver, Canada, November 2010 ▪ ▪ B. Dumas, B. Moerman, S. Trullemans and B. Signer, ArtVis: Combining Advanced Visualisation and Tangible Interaction for the Exploration, Analysis and Browsing of Digital Artwork Collections, Proceedings of AVI 2014, Como, Italy, May 2014 ▪

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References ... ▪ B. Signer, P. Ebrahimi, T.J. Curtin and Ahmed K.A. Abdullah, Towards a Framework for Dynamic Data Physicalisation, International Workshop Toward a Design Language for Data Physicalisation, Berlin, Germany, October 2018 ▪ ▪ A. Sanctorum and B. Signer, A Unifying Reference Framework and Model for Adaptive Distributed Hybrid User Interfaces, Proceedings of RCIS 2019, 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Brussels, Belgium, May 2019 ▪

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References ... ▪ B. Signer, R. Roels, R. van Barlingen and B. Willems, Back to the Future: Bringing Original Hypermedia and Cross-Media Concepts to Modern Desktop Environments, Proceedings of Hypertext 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021 ▪

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Prof. Dr. Beat Signer Cross-MediaTechnology, Interac- tive Paper, Data Physicalisation Dr. Audrey Sanctorum User-defined XDI and IoT Inter- action, Human-AI Interaction CISA Human-Machine & Human-Information Interaction Information Systems & Management Information Visualisation & Navigation WEB & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING CROSS-MEDIA INFORMATION SPACES AND ARCHITECTURES (CISA) Maxim Van de Wynckel Hybrid Positioning, Implicit Human-Computer Interaction Yoshi Malaise Technology-enhanced Learning, Content-driven Presentations

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WEB & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING CISA Human-Machine & Human-Information Interaction Information Systems & Management Information Visualisation & Navigation CROSS-MEDIA INFORMATION SPACES AND ARCHITECTURES (CISA) Ekene Attoh IoT Middleware, Context-aware Computing, Implicit HCI Isaac Valadez Knowledge Physicalisation and Augmentation, Tangible UIs Xuyao Zhang Extensible Platform for Dynamic Data Physicalisation Ingela Rossing Dynamic Data Physicalisation Framework and Guidelines

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WEB & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING CISA Human-Machine & Human-Information Interaction Information Systems & Management Information Visualisation & Navigation CROSS-MEDIA INFORMATION SPACES AND ARCHITECTURES (CISA) Arun Sojan Physicalisation for Digital Twins Piet Van Der Paelt Julia-based Framework for Simulation and Optimisation Evan Cole Technology-enhanced Learning, Study Lenses Migdeily Cantera End-User Development, Mixed Reality IoT UIs, Intelligibility