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Symfony 7: A tribute to Attributes @nicolasgrekas

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👌 👍 Auto-discovery Auto-configuration Auto-wiring #[Attributes]

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Backward Compatibility Promise â€ĸ Upgrade every month for bug fixes â€ĸ Upgrade every 6 months for features @nicolasgrekas "extra": { "symfony": { "require": "6.4.*" } }

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Continuous Upgrade Path â€ĸ Fix deprecations every 6 months â€ĸ Upgrade every 2 years for new major @nicolasgrekas "require": { "php": ">=8.2" }

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🎉 Symfony 7 â€ĸ Remove deprecated code paths â€ĸ Add native return types â€ĸ Add native types to public|protectedproperties @nicolasgrekas

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RIP Doctrine Annotations ⚠ī¸ PHP 8 introduced attributes, which are a native replacement for annotations @nicolasgrekas

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RIP SensioFrameworkExtraBundle @Route @Entity @IsGranted @Security @ParamConverter @Cache @Template @nicolasgrekas

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😍 #[Attributes] @nicolasgrekas #[Route(path: '/', name: 'home')] // return list ReflectionMethod::getAttributes(); // return new Route(path: '/', name: 'home'); ReflectionAttribute::newInstance(); // return ['path' => '/', 'name' => 'home']; ReflectionAttribute::getArguments();

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Attributes are ignorable; they don't create coupling Attributes are useful hints telling how some code could be used @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas 422 Unprocessable Entity? class DiscountExpired extends DiscountException { // ... }

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@nicolasgrekas Decoupled! #[WithHttpStatus(422)] class DiscountExpired extends DiscountException { // ... }

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@nicolasgrekas services: _defaults: autowire: true # Look at parameter types to auto-inject deps autoconfigure: true # Look at parent types to auto-register classes # Load every class in a namespace/directory as a service App\: resource: '../src/' # Add more service definitions when explicit configuration is needed config/services.yaml

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@nicolasgrekas FrameworkBundle's FrameworkExtension $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(Command::class) $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(AbstractController::class) $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(FormTypeInterface::class) $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(EventSubscriberInterface::class) $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(ResetInterface::class) $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(MessageHandlerInterface::class) // ...

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@nicolasgrekas FrameworkBundle's FrameworkExtension $container->registerAttributeForAutoconfiguration(AsEventListener::class, ...) $container->registerAttributeForAutoconfiguration(AsController::class, ...) $container->registerAttributeForAutoconfiguration(AsRemoteEventConsumer::class, ...) $container->registerAttributeForAutoconfiguration(AsMessageHandler::class, ...) $container->registerAttributeForAutoconfiguration(AsSchedule::class, ...) // ...

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@nicolasgrekas Just Enjoy on your side #[AsEventListener] class MyRequestListener { public function __invoke(RequestEvent $event): void { // ... } }

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@nicolasgrekas #[AutoconfigureTag] interface ChannelInterface { } Define your rules

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@nicolasgrekas Enjoy your rules class ChannelBroadcaster { public function __construct( #[AutowireIterator(ChannelInterface::class)] iterable $channels ) { // ... }

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@nicolasgrekas #[AsAlias(ChannelInterface::class)] class DefaultChannel implements ChannelInterface {

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🧙‍♀ī¸ Dependency Injection #[AsDecorator] #[AsTaggedItem] #[AutowireCallable] #[AutowireDecorated] #[AutowireLocator] #[AutowireServiceClosure] #[Exclude] #[Required] #[SubscribedService] #[Target] #[When] @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas #[Autoconfigure(lazy: true)] class PlotFactory { public function __construct( #[Autowire(param: 'kernel.debug')] private bool $debug, private HeavyDependency $heavyDependency, ) { } }

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public function __construct( #[AutowireLocator([ 'router' => RouterInterface::class, 'slugger' => '?'.SluggerInterface::class, ])] ContainerInterface $container, )

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@nicolasgrekas public function __construct( #[AutowireCallable(UriTemplate::class, 'expand')] UriExpanderInterface $expander, ) new class($uriTemplate->expand(...)) implements UriExpanderInterface { public function __construct( private \Closure $closure, ) { } public function expand(string $url, array $vars): string { return $this->closure->__invoke($url, $vars); } } $uriTemplate->expand(...)

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🕹ī¸ Controllers #[CurrentUser] #[MapDateTime] #[MapEntity] #[MapQueryParameter] #[MapQueryString] #[MapRequestPayload] #[ValueResolver] @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas #[Route('/blog')] public function blog( #[MapQueryParameter] int $page = 1, )

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@nicolasgrekas #[Route('/product-review', methods: ['POST'])] public function post( #[MapRequestPayload] ProductReviewDto $productReview, )

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@nicolasgrekas class ProductReviewDto { public function __construct( #[Assert\NotBlank] #[Assert\Length(min: 10, max: 500)] public readonly string $comment, #[Assert\GreaterThanOrEqual(1)] #[Assert\LessThanOrEqual(5)] public readonly int $rating, ) { // ...

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🛡ī¸ Validation #[NoSuspiciousCharacters] #[NotCompromisedPassword] #[PasswordStrength] @nicolasgrekas

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What's next? 💡 @nicolasgrekas

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⛓ Contracts? #[Deprecated]? #[Internal]? #[Final]? @nicolasgrekas

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🔧 Config? #[AutowireHttpClient(base_uri: etc.)]? @nicolasgrekas

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Credits â™Ĩ @nicolasgrekas

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Hundreds of contributors @nicolasgrekas

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Backers for 6.3 @nicolasgrekas

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