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Runtime governance to achieve greater business visibility Kenneth Peeples, JBoss Technology Evangelist Ivan McKinley, Senior JBoss Consultant July 24, 2013

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RED HAT | Runtime governance to achieve greater business visibility 2 Abstract Breached SLAs, customers identifying your problems before you do, excessive problem identification time, and the time-consuming and costly task of combining data from various systems. Sound familiar? Runtime governance can help. Runtime governance consists of the collection, correlation, analysis, and presentation of realtime results based on activity events collected from heterogeneous distributed environments. It gives operations and business owners visibility into the health and behavior of a system to react to a combination of events from different systems. Join this webinar to learn how runtime governance provided by Red Hat® JBoss® Fuse Service Works can give you more visibility into your organization’s operations

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Fuse Service Works Overview Kenneth Peeples

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RED HAT | Runtime governance to achieve greater business visibility 4 JBoss Integration Product Line

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RED HAT | Runtime governance to achieve greater business visibility 5 Switchyard

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RED HAT | Runtime governance to achieve greater business visibility 6 JBoss Overlord – S-RAMP

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JBoss Overlord – Service Lifecycle Management Design-Time Governance addresses: • Policy management • Quality management • Lifecycle management The Design-Time Governance functionality is layered on top of an S-RAMP repository to provide the following capabilities: • Store and Govern artifacts • Custom Governance Workflows • Integrated Governance Human Task Management

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RED HAT | Runtime governance to achieve greater business visibility 8 JBoss Overlord – Business Transaction Monitoring

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RED HAT | Runtime governance to achieve greater business visibility 9 Top Down Fuse Service Works Use Case

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Run Time Governance Ivan McKinley

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Provisioning systems Purchasing department External Partner systems Nightly batches

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complexity of large system landscapes How many systems are affected to make a single business transaction happen • Shop System • CRM • Billing System • External Payment Providers • Order management or Provisioning Typcialy a business transaction spans multiple services and possibly IT systems

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Consider complexity of large system landscapes How to detect bottlenecks and latency in the business service? How to define and track measurable service level agreements? A business process typically spreads across multiple services

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Number provisioning systems Purchasing department External Partner systems Nightly batches

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Business Transaction creates Value broken Business Transaction ?

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Avoid To have unmonitored Business processes and transactions, that span multiple services and systems BECAUSE If Lines of Business inform you of a problem you are already in a defensive and reactive position If Feedback from Users is the First Point in Time you hear about an Issue - you already lost to much • Time • Reputation • Money

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RTGov Server Event pre-emptive action Informed decision Identify trends EPN Infinispan, DB, Elasticsearch Drools Fusion REST RTGov UI Lets try that again!

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RTGOV : • Part of overlord governance project • • Often referred to as Business activity monitoring or BAM • The monitoring of business processes across multiple systems • Determining the impact of events in the context of the business • Realtime analytics and reacting on these events

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Realtime event collection Two ways to report events Integrated Preprocessing Validation Business policy enforcement REST API Submission of events Querying events

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Integrated collector

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RTGov Server Event Perform pre-emptive action: Identify trends EPN Infinispan, DB, Elasticsearch Drools Fusion REST RTGov UI Lets try that again!

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EPN A network of nodes Event processors • Performs realtime analysis • Performs transformation Event distribution Notifications

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EPN: Processors • DroolsEventProcesor • MvelEventProcessor • KeyValueEventProcessor (Elasticsearch)

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EPN Event types

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RTGov Server Event Perform pre-emptive action: Identify trends EPN Infinispan, DB, Elasticsearch Drools Fusion REST RTGov UI Lets try that again!

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EPN CEP CEP. complex event processing • Detect, Correlate, React • Primarily an event processing concept Event is a • Significant • change of state • at a particular point in time Complex event • Abstraction, composition or aggregation of other events

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EPN CEP: Scenario An airport has a baggage routing, monitoring and control system. – When a bag is checked in (scanned) at the check-in desk and is not scanned at the load staging area within 10 minutes, raise a warning for bag missing Reasoning over absence of events 1 rule “Baggage lost” 2 when 3 $b1 : BagScanned( location == CHECK_IN ) 4 not BagScanned(bagTag == $b1.bagTag, 5 location == STAGING, 6 this after[0s,10m] $b1 ) 7 then // Raise a event 8 end 1 { 2 "name": "LostBaggageCEPProcessor", 3 "sourceNodes" :["BagScanned"], 4 "predicate": { 5 "@class": "org.overlord.rtgov.ep.mvel.MVELPredicate", 6 "expression": "event instanceof org.overlord.rtgov.example.BaggageEvent" 7 }, 8 "eventProcessor": { 9 "@class": "org.overlord.rtgov.ep.drools.DroolsEventProcessor", 10 "ruleName": "lostBaggage" 11 }, 12 "notifications": [ 13 { 14 "type": "Results", 15 "subject": "LostBag" 16 } 17 ] 18 }

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RTGov UI: Services • High level view of the services deployed • References and dependency data • Details service information

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RTGov UI:Situations • Outline situations detected by RTGov • Data drill down and call trace data. • Identification of issues • Ability to perform corrective action by replaying message

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RTGov UI: Analytics • Based on Kibana • Data drill down and deep drive analytics . • Data correlation • Extendable : Business specific data can added with little effort

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RTGov UI : Services Services View • High level view of the services deployed • References and dependency data • Details service information Situation View • Outline situations detected by RTGov • Data drill down and call trace data. • Identification of issues • Ability to perform corrective action by replaying message

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Demo : SLA • Identity and react on SLA breach

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Demo : SLA • INSERT SCREEN share here

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Demo : SLA • Apply runtime policy based on business data

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Demo : SLA • INSERT SCREEN share here

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Demo : SLA • Apply runtime policy based on business data

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Demo : SLA • INSERT SCREEN share here