Slide 27
Slide 27 text
EPN CEP: Scenario
An airport has a baggage routing, monitoring and control system.
When a bag is checked in (scanned) at the check-in desk and is not scanned at the load
staging area within 10 minutes, raise a warning for bag missing
Reasoning over absence of events
1 rule “Baggage lost”
2 when
3 $b1 : BagScanned( location == CHECK_IN )
4 not BagScanned(bagTag == $b1.bagTag,
5 location == STAGING,
6 this after[0s,10m] $b1 )
7 then
// Raise a event
8 end
1 {
2 "name": "LostBaggageCEPProcessor",
3 "sourceNodes" :["BagScanned"],
4 "predicate": {
5 "@class": "org.overlord.rtgov.ep.mvel.MVELPredicate",
6 "expression": "event instanceof
7 },
8 "eventProcessor": {
9 "@class": "org.overlord.rtgov.ep.drools.DroolsEventProcessor",
10 "ruleName": "lostBaggage"
11 },
12 "notifications": [
13 {
14 "type": "Results",
15 "subject": "LostBag"
16 }
17 ]
18 }