About me:
likes types*
*same reasons why @propensive does in
his “Batshit crazy algebra with types” talk
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1. Records
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val book = ("author" ->> "Benjamin Pierce") ::
("title" ->> "TAPL") ::
("id" ->> 262162091) ::
("price" ->> 44.11) ::
scala> book("author") // Note the result type
res0: String = Benjamin Pierce
scala> book("id") // Note the result type
res1: Int = 262162091
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trait Assoc[K] { type V ; val v: V }
defined trait Assoc
def mkAssoc[K, V0](k: K,v0: V0):
Assoc[k.type] { type V = V0 } =
new Assoc[k.type] {type V = V0 ; val v = v0}
mkAssoc: [K, V0](k: K, v: V0)Assoc[k.type]{type V = V0}
def lookup[K](k: K)
(implicit a: Assoc[k.type]): a.V = a.v
lookup: [K](k: K)(implicit assoc: Assoc[k.type])assoc.V
class Ranged[From <: Int : SingleInhabitant,
To <: Int : SingleInhabitant] {
def sample = {
val rnd = new scala.util.Random
val from = inhabitant[From]
val to = inhabitant[To]
(from + rnd.nextInt(to - from + 1))
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scala> val range = new Ranged[10, 20]
range: Ranged[10.type,20.type] =
scala> range.sample
res0: Int = 13
scala> range.sample
res1: Int = 11
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Here’s what you
can do in Scala
scala> val x = "panda!"
x: String = panda!
scala> val t: x.type = x
t: x.type = panda!
scala> final val k = "panda!"
k: String("panda!") = panda!
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Here’s what you
scala> val t: "panda!".type = "panda!"
:1: error: identifier expected
but string literal found.
val t: "panda!".type = "panda!"
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scala> val t: "panda!".type = "panda!"
t: "panda!".type = panda!
With 42.type
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scala> val x = 42
x: Int = 42
scala> val t: x.type = 42
:8: error: type mismatch;
found : x.type (with underlying type Int)
required: AnyRef
val t: x.type = 42
scala> val workaround = Witness(42)
workaround: shapeless.Witness{type T = Int(42)} = fresh$macro$3$1@35b45d3f
scala> val t: workaround.T = 42
t: workaround.T = 42
Even more
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scala> val t: 42.type = 42
t: 42.type = 42
scala> val t: 42 = 42
t: 42.type = 42
Or even
Solution with 42.type
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Literal-based singleton types in Scala
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SimpleType ::= Path ‘.’ type
A singleton type is of the form p.type,
where p is a path pointing to a value
expected to conform to scala.AnyRef.
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| Literal [‘.’ type]
SimpleType ::= Path ‘.’ type
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State of deptypes Scala
“Scala vs Idris: Dependent
Types, Now and in the Future”*
*Edwin Brady & Miles Sabin, Strange Loop 2013
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How can we
make it better?
Well, we can try.
Scala + Z3
val magic: ((x: Int) => x > 23 && x < 42).type = 30
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val magic: ((x: Int) => x > 23 && x < 42).type = 30
val x: 42 = 42 val x: ((x: Int) => x == 42).type = 42
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val x: 42 = 42 val x: ((x: Int) => x == 42).type = 42
val x: Int = 42 val x: ((x: Int) => x).type = 42
val magic: ((x: Int) => x > 23 && x < 42).type = 30
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this thing would not be possible without:
@xeno_by, @retronym, @adriaanm,
and initial impl by @paulp
Scala Z3 bindings: LARA@EPFL
Z3: Microsoft research
slides, illustrations: @killnicole
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- Contributing to Scala compiler
- Type-level programming
- Working/hackertime at SoundCloud
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