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Steadily developing CakePHP 4.0 #phpstudy 第134回PHP勉強会@東京 Kazuki Higashiguchi (@hgsgtk) 1

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CakePHP user? Question 2

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CakePHP user? Question CakePHP 4.0 is developing steadily Learn PHP through CakePHP 4.0 3

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@hgsgtk Kazuki Higashiguchi job is … Software Engineer lang is ... PHP, Go ...etc belongs to ... BASE BANK株式会社 (BASE株式会社の100%子会社) at #phpstudy talked about … terraform / ECS / Unit Testing 4

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Relation between $me and CakePHP ● work with CakePHP2.x ○ 2014 CakePHP 2.3 ○ 2017~ CakePHP 2.3~2.10 @BASE ● private with CakePHP3.x ○ php sample code at talks ● a contributor to CakePHP ○ cakephp/cakephp 2.x ○ cakephp/docs 3.x ○ not a member 5

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= 6 sample code with CakePHP 3.7 hpkanhuarensuxian-tai-2019

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= 7 translation of cakephp3.7 migration guide -7-migration-guide.html#

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About CakePHP Web Application Framework follow MVC(MVC2) written in PHP 2005 first released major versions (1.x/2.x/3.x) 8

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CakePHP 4.0 9

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3.4 and Path to 4.0.0 talked by Mark Story at CakeFest 2017 10

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Announcing CakePHP 4 Strawberry 11

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Work on CakePHP 4 has started! 12

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= Outline CakePHP next major version 4.0 Roadmap ( Timeline 2017/6/11 “3.4 and path to 4.0” talked by Mark Story 2017/6/23 Announcing CakePHP 4 Strawberry l 2018/6/4 Work on CakePHP 4 started 13 CakePHP 4

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4.x 14

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Features The CakePHP4 features Easy upgrade Require PHP 7.1+ Stricter Typing API improvements Deprecation Cleanup 15

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Features The CakePHP4 features Easy upgrade Require PHP 7.1+ Stricter Typing API improvements Deprecation Cleanup 16

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= ● primarily be a clean-up release ● focus on removing all the deprecated features ● not add significant new features ● “CakePHP 3.6 を使用していれば簡単に移行できるようにする方針” 17 Easy upgrade

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Features The CakePHP4 features Easy upgrade Require PHP 7.1+ Stricter Typing API improvements Deprecation Cleanup 18

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= ● CakePHP 4.0 require PHP 7.1+ ● Issue#9956 4.x RFC - PHP7 only? ○ ● active support for 7.0 ends in late 2017 => 7.1 19 Require PHP7.1+

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= 20 Require PHP 7.1+ { "name": "cakephp/cakephp", (omit) "require": { "php": ">=7.1.0", (omit) }, } on#L31

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= ● Null coalesce operator (Null合体演算子) ● nullable types 21 Use new features of PHP7.1+

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= public static function getRequest(bool $current = false): ?ServerRequest { if ($current) { $request = end(static::$_requests); return $request ?: null; } return static::$_requests[0] ?? null; } 22 Null coalesce operator and nullable type ng/Router.php#L301

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Features The CakePHP4 features Easy upgrade Require PHP 7.1+ Stricter Typing API improvements Deprecation Cleanup 23

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= use scalar type hints, strict typing as much as possible The addition of type hints should not be added if they will cause significant backwards compatibility breaks. 24 Stricter Typing

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= 25 scalar type hinting and strict typing getSource(); } Association/HasMany.php#L98

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Features The CakePHP4 features Easy upgrade Require PHP 7.1+ Stricter Typing API improvements Deprecation Cleanup 26

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API Improvement Features Use null instead of false for `nullable` return Support for PSR 15 middleware Implement PSR 16 ...etc 27 Roadmap

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API Improvement Features Use null instead of false for `nullable` return Support for PSR 15 middleware Implement PSR 16 ...etc 28 Roadmap

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= (3.x) @return string|false => 4.x @return string|null 29 Use null instead of false for `nullable` return RM/BehaviorRegistry.php#L88 public static function className(string $class): ?string { $result = App::className($class, 'Model/Behavior', 'Behavior'); if (!$result) { $result = App::className($class, 'ORM/Behavior', 'Behavior'); } return $result; }

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API Improvement Features Use null instead of false for `nullable` return Support for PSR 15 middleware Implement PSR 16 ...etc 30 Roadmap

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= “ミドルウェアオブジェクトは、再利用可能で構成可能なリクエスト処理、あるいはレス ポンス構築処理の層でアプリケーションを「ラップ」する機能を提供します。” (「CakePHP3.7 books ミドルウェア」) 31 About middleware

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= ● BodyParserMiddleware ● CsrfProtectionMiddleware ● EncryptedCookieMiddleware ● SecurityHeadersMiddleware ● ErrorHandlerMiddleware ● AssetMiddleware ● RoutingMiddleware 32 CakePHP middlewares

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ぺちこん仙台2019の山岡さんの発表がとてもわかり易い 33

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= PHP Standards Recommendations コミュニティにて影響が大きい勧告 (決定的な「標準」というわけではない) 34 About PSR

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PSR-7とPSR-15 について山岡さん資料内のありがたい図 35

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= ● PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces ○ ○ ● CakePHP では 3.4 にて対応 Interfaces ● Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface ○ ● Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ○ 36 About PSR-7

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= ● PSR-15: HTTP Server Request Handlers ○ Interfaces ● Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface ● Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface 37 About PSR-15

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RequestHandlerInterface 38

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MiddlewareInterface 39

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= 42 Implementing PSR-15 { "name": "cakephp/cakephp", (omit) "require": { (omit) "psr/http-client": "^1.0", "psr/http-server-handler": "^1.0", "psr/http-server-middleware": "^1.0", (omit) }, } on#L31

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= PSR-15をサポートしたので、自前でmiddlewareを書く際の実装に変化 43 Changes For 一般PHPer

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= 44 Middleware before CakePHP4.x getCookie('landing_page')) { $expiry = new Time('+ 1 year'); $response = $response->withCookie('landing_page', [ 'value' => $request->here(), 'expire' => $expiry->format('U'), ]); } return $response; } }

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= 45 Middleware implemented PSR-15 handle($request); if (!$request->getCookie('landing_page')) { $expiry = new Time('+1 year'); $response = $response->withCookie('landing_page', [ 'value' => $request->here(), 'expire' => $expiry->format('U') ]); } return $response; } }

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API Improvement Features Use null instead of false for `nullable` return Support for PSR 15 middleware Implement PSR 16 ...etc 46 Roadmap

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= RFC - Implement PSR16 support in Cache “The PSR16 interfaces define a simpler Cache interface that would allow CakePHP to leverage solutions from outside of CakePHP in the longer term if we adopt the interfaces.” 47 Implement PSR-16

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Features The CakePHP4 features Easy upgrade Require PHP 7.1+ Stricter Typing API improvements Deprecation Cleanup 49

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= 4.0 以後にて非推奨メソッドを削除 CakePHP3.6まであげれたら非推奨箇所を書き換えて4.0へアップデート 3.6 にて非推奨になった機能郡 3.7 にて非推奨になった機能郡 50 Deprecation Creanup

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Other Core Plugin Updates and tooling DebugKit Bake Migrations Authentication Authorization ElasticSearch 51

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= 53 cakephp/bake folder structure 3.x 4.x

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Long term support for 3.x & 2.x CakePHP 3.x ● Bug fixes for 18 months after 4.0.0. ● Security fixes for 36 months after 4.0.0 is released. CakePHP 2.x ● Bug fixes for 12 months after the release of 4.0.0. ● Security fixes for 18 months after the release of 4.0.0. 55 -cakephp-roadmap.html

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CakeFest 56

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= ● 2008 Orlando, FL, USA ● 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina ● 2009 Berlin, Germany ● 2010 Chicago, IL, USA ● 2011 Manchester, UK ● 2012 Manchester, UK ● 2013 San Francisco, CA, USA ● 2014 Madrid, Spain ● 2015 New York, NY, USA ● 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands ● 2017 New York, NY, USA ● 2019 Tokyo, Japan 57 CakeFest’s venue

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スタンプラリー行脚の予定空けておきましょう 62

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= ● CakePHP 4.0 が開発進行中、随時実装完了している箇所もあり ● CakePHP 4.0 は、 PHP7.1以降の新機能を採用していい感じ ● メジャーバージョンアップのタイミングに、中でどういう実装をしているか見ると、 PHP自体の勉強になる ● CakeFest2019に参加しよう! 63 Summary