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GIT İPUÇLARI G Ü N D E L İ K H A Y A T T A Uğur “vigo” Özyılmazel

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git help -a

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add add--interactive am annotate apply archive bisect bisect--helper blame branch bundle cat-file check-attr check-ignore check-mailmap check-ref-format checkout checkout-index cherry cherry-pick clean clone column commit commit-tree config count-objects credential credential-cache credential-cache--daemon credential-store daemon describe diff diff-files diff-index diff-tree difftool difftool--helper fast-export fast-import fetch fetch-pack filter-branch fmt-merge-msg for-each-ref format-patch fsck fsck-objects gc get-tar-commit-id grep hash-object help http-backend http-fetch http-push imap-send index-pack init init-db instaweb log ls-files ls-remote ls-tree mailinfo mailsplit merge merge-base merge-file merge-index merge-octopus merge-one-file merge-ours merge-recursive merge-resolve merge-subtree merge-tree mergetool mktag mktree mv name-rev notes pack-objects pack-redundant pack-refs patch-id prune prune-packed pull push quiltimport read-tree rebase receive-pack reflog relink remote remote-ext remote-fd remote-ftp remote-ftps remote-http remote-https remote-testsvn repack replace request-pull rerere reset rev-list rev-parse revert rm send-pack sh-i18n--envsubst shell shortlog show show-branch show-index show-ref stage stash status stripspace submodule subtree symbolic-ref tag unpack-file unpack-objects update-index update-ref update-server-info upload-archive upload-pack var verify-commit verify-pack verify-tag web--browse whatchanged write-tree 146+ KOMUT

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git help -g

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git help attributes everyday glossary ignore modules revisions tutorial workflows

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git tag v0.0.1

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git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "İlk versiyon"

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git tag

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git ls-remote --tags

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git describe

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git describe HEAD

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* 6006b9c (feature/1a) feature1a added * 26447ed (HEAD -> master) JSON service3 file added * 241004e JSON service2 file added * eafcd77 JSON service file added | * 3d118d6 (feature/1) feature1 added |/ * 023ee17 (tag: v0.0.2) "Hello World" string added to index.html * 45e83cb (tag: v0.0.1) Rakefile added for automated tasks * c5bb57d HTML index file added * 7b87937 JS index file added * 4cbb412 RUBY application file added * 1d034b5 PYTHON source file added * ef7d3f5 PHP index file added * fb52add Initial commit v0.0.2-3-g26447ed

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* 6006b9c (feature/1a) feature1a added * 26447ed (HEAD -> master) JSON service3 file added * 241004e (1) JSON service2 file added * eafcd77 (2) JSON service file added | * 3d118d6 (feature/1) feature1 added |/ * 023ee17 (3) (tag: v0.0.2) "Hello World" string added to index.html * 45e83cb (tag: v0.0.1) Rakefile added for automated tasks * c5bb57d HTML index file added * 7b87937 JS index file added * 4cbb412 RUBY application file added * 1d034b5 PYTHON source file added * ef7d3f5 PHP index file added v0.0.2-3-g26447ed

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git describe HEAD@{1.week.ago}

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git show

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git show HEAD

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git show 023ee17

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git show v2.1.5

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git show feature/1

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git show eafcd77^1

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git show eafcd77~2

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git show master@{yesterday}

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git show master@{1.minute.ago}

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git show :/kelime

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git checkout -

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git branch --merged

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git branch --no-merged

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git branch
 --contains :/kelime

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git bundle create ~/project.bundle master

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git ls-remote

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ae3cc4b38c2a3b737a87 3397c1c086b30bf9d1c5 refs/heads/master

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git clone ~/ project.bundle -b master friends-repo

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* 40f6f9b (HEAD -> master) friend added 2 files * ae3cc4b (origin/master) 2 files added * 465fea2 Initial commit

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git log --oneline master ^origin/master

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40f6f9b friend added 2 files

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git bundle create
 ~/friends.bundle master ^origin/master

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cd repo/ git bundle verify

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The bundle contains this ref: 40f6f9b757c0a21cc9496689a3db11382831f345 refs/heads/master The bundle requires this ref: ae3cc4b38c2a3b737a873397c1c086b30bf9d1c5 ~/friends.bundle is okay

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git fetch
 ~/friends.bundle master:friends-master

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git log --graph
 --decorate --oneline

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* 40f6f9b (friends-master) friend added 2 files * ae3cc4b (HEAD -> master) 2 files added * 465fea2 Initial commit

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git branch -av

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git remote update origin

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git remote update origin

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git checkout
 -b BRANCH origin/BRANCH

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git checkout
 -t origin/BRANCH

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git push -u REMOTE BRANCH

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git branch --set-upstream- to=REMOTE/BRANCH BRANCH

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git commit --allow- empty

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git commit --amend

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git commit --amend --no-edit

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* ca3fdfe (HEAD -> master) file6 added | * 6e5c748 (feature) file5 added | * 29a8cf0 file4 added |/ * fdadf1f file3 added * 941b2e4 file2 added * 089ee87 file1 added * 61bd5c1 Initial commit

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089ee87 941b2e4 fdadf1f ca3fdfe 29a8cf0 6e5c748 feature HEAD -> master

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941b2e4 089ee87 fdadf1f ca3fdfe HEAD -> master 29a8cf0 6e5c748 feature

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941b2e4 089ee87 fdadf1f ca3fdfe HEAD -> master 29a8cf0 6e5c748 feature

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* c035db3 (HEAD -> master) file6 added * 6e5c748 (feature) file5 added * 29a8cf0 file4 added * fdadf1f file3 added * 941b2e4 file2 added * 089ee87 file1 added * 61bd5c1 Initial commit

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git checkout master

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git rebase BRANCH

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git rebase -i @{u}

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git rebase -i

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* 7d0bc97 Added yet another missing text to README * 4ff7ba1 Added another missing text to README * 31f1560 Added missing text to README * dcb8071 JSON service3 file added - amend * bb2f23b JSON service2 file added * 2911c52 JSON service file added

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* 7d0bc97 Added yet another missing text to README * 4ff7ba1 Added another missing text to README * 31f1560 Added missing text to README * dcb8071 JSON service3 file added - amend * bb2f23b JSON service2 file added * 2911c52 JSON service file added

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git rebase -i dcb8071

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pick 31f1560 Added missing text to README pick 4ff7ba1 Added another missing text to README pick 7d0bc97 Added yet another missing text to README pick 31f1560 Added missing text to README squash 4ff7ba1 Added another missing text to README squash 7d0bc97 Added yet another missing text to README

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# This is a combination of 3 commits. # The first commit's message is: Added missing text to README # This is the 2nd commit message: Added another missing text to README # This is the 3rd commit message: Added yet another missing text to README # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. # # Date: Wed Jul 15 09:05:25 2015 +0300 # # rebase in progress; onto dcb8071 # You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch 'master' on 'dcb8071'. # # Changes to be committed: # modified: #

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917b8ea README file updated dcb8071 JSON service3 file added - amend bb2f23b JSON service2 file added 2911c52 JSON service file added

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git reset --soft HEAD~3

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* c2109ee (HEAD -> master) did many things * 3c7b147 file2 added * c502494 file1 added * 41b8cc1 init

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git rebase -i HEAD^

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pick c2109ee did many things

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edit c2109ee did many things

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git reset HEAD^

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rebase in progress; onto 3c7b147 You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch 'master' on '3c7b147'. (use "git commit --amend" to amend the current commit) (use "git rebase --continue" once you are satisfied with your changes) Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) test_file1 test_file2 test_file3 test_file4 nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

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git add test_file1 test_file2

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git commit -m "test_file1 and test_file2 added"

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git add test_file3 test_file4

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git commit -m "test_file3 and test_file4 added"

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git rebase --continue

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* 82d30b2 (HEAD -> master) test_file3 and test_file4 added * ed68764 test_file1 and test_file2 added * 3c7b147 file2 added * c502494 file1 added * 41b8cc1 init

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* c2109ee (HEAD -> master) did many things * 3c7b147 file2 added * c502494 file1 added * 41b8cc1 init

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git log --graph
 --decorate --oneline --all

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* 83d0d2d (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) added what_is_my_public_ip alias for showing public ip address * d485193 Docker IP support for PS1 * 4d9679d gentoo specific fixes * 9a4b867 Merge branch 'master' of |\ | * 09b9f6d mysql prompt fixed * | 13dbcc5 nano 2.4.2 support |/ * 91a3a86 virtualenv prompt fix: display django version info if django exists * cd1990b mysql.server status indicator for PS1 * f3f39fe Screen shot updated * 5af3b2f AirDrop / Ethernet hack added to osx tweaks * 60c916e Merge branch 'master' of |\ | * 60bedb1 nano version 2.4.1 for nanorc * | b84ba0b ctags files are ignored |/ * 2a434d6 virtualenv, python and django version info for prompt * ae39932 bash-completion for django: and

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git notes edit SHA

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git notes show SHA

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git notes show HEAD

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commit dcb807137280386cdc1d38e2327656d1c088124c Author: Uğur Özyılmazel Date: Tue Jul 14 13:41:39 2015 +0300 JSON service3 file added - amend Notes: Bu bir test notudur!

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8670327 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to feature2 8670327 HEAD@{1}: cherry-pick: file2-a added 3c7b147 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from feature to master af2a355 HEAD@{3}: commit: file2-a added 3c7b147 HEAD@{4}: checkout: moving from master to feature 3c7b147 HEAD@{5}: commit: file2 added c502494 HEAD@{6}: commit: file1 added 41b8cc1 HEAD@{7}: commit (initial): init

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8670327 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to feature2 8670327 HEAD@{1}: cherry-pick: file2-a added 3c7b147 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from feature to master af2a355 HEAD@{3}: commit: file2-a added 3c7b147 HEAD@{4}: checkout: moving from master to feature 3c7b147 HEAD@{5}: commit: file2 added c502494 HEAD@{6}: commit: file1 added 41b8cc1 HEAD@{7}: commit (initial): init

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git reset --hard 3c7b147

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git reset --hard HEAD@{7}

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3c7b147 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to 3c7b147 8670327 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from 3c7b14747431c36db72775d00db2e76e8775ba47 to master 3c7b147 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from feature2 to 3c7b147 8670327 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to feature2 8670327 HEAD@{4}: cherry-pick: file2-a added 3c7b147 HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from feature to master af2a355 HEAD@{6}: commit: file2-a added 3c7b147 HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from master to feature 3c7b147 HEAD@{8}: commit: file2 added c502494 HEAD@{9}: commit: file1 added 41b8cc1 HEAD@{10}: commit (initial): init

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Kısa açıklama maksimum 50 karakterden oluşmalı Daha detaylı açıklamalar paragraflar halinde uzun uzun yazılabilir ve 72 karakter boyunda satırlardan oluşması önerilmektedir. Örneğin GitHub, commit mesajının title'i yani başlığı olarak ilk satırı göstermektedir. Paragraflar arasında 1 satır boşluk bırakılması önerilir. - Bullet list ya da liste şekli - Yine birer satır aralık verilmesi önerilir. * Çizgi / Dash yerine yıldız da kullanılabilir

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git add -p

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$ git add -p diff --git a/file1 b/file1 index 70177a7..2d2e1d1 100644 --- a/file1 +++ b/file1 @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ Hello World Hello World as second line +Hello World as 3rd line +Hello World as 4th line Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]? ? y - stage this hunk n - do not stage this hunk q - quit; do not stage this hunk or any of the remaining ones a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file d - do not stage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file g - select a hunk to go to / - search for a hunk matching the given regex j - leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk J - leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk k - leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk K - leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk s - split the current hunk into smaller hunks e - manually edit the current hunk ? - print help @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ Hello World Hello World as second line +Hello World as 3rd line +Hello World as 4th line Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?

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git bisect start

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* 82d30b2 (HEAD -> master) test_file3 and test_file4 added * ed68764 test_file1 and test_file2 added * 3c7b147 file2 added * c502494 file1 added * 41b8cc1 init

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git bisect bad

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* 82d30b2 (HEAD -> master, refs/bisect/bad) test_file3 and test_file4 added * ed68764 test_file1 and test_file2 added * 3c7b147 file2 added * c502494 file1 added * 41b8cc1 init

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git checkout 3c7b147

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git bisect good

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Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 0 steps) [ed68764cd0098bf143248e8d293d6c1a0ac2d848] test_file1 and test_file2 added

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* 82d30b2 (master, refs/bisect/bad) test_file3 and test_file4 added * ed68764 (HEAD) test_file1 and test_file2 added * 3c7b147 (refs/bisect/good-3c7b14747431c36db72775d00db2e76e8775ba47) file2 added * c502494 file1 added * 41b8cc1 init

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git bisect reset

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git diff --word-diff

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diff --git a/file2 b/file2 index e69de29..3b18e51 100644 --- a/file2 +++ b/file2 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +hello world

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diff --git a/file2 b/file2 index e69de29..3b18e51 100644 --- a/file2 +++ b/file2 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ {+hello world+}

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git status -sb

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## master M file1 A file3 AM file4 ?? file5

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git config --global pull.rebase true

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git config --global push.default tracking

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git config --global rerere.enabled true

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git instaweb

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git instaweb start

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No content

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git instaweb stop

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 Sistem --system
 Kullanıcı --global
 $GIT_DIR/config Proje --local

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git config --global

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git config --system

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git config --local

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TEŞEKKÜRLER vigobronx vigo